The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Listen to Your Heart" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

[Verse 1: MiyaGi]

Save my home, full of worries, don't be mad

We've been through a lot, what should I call you, my baby fate?

I had high hopes, we'll rush through the clouds on a ferry

I'm going where I haven't been, my will is simple

I can't see you, I've flipped through the days

May after avalanches, take it to heart

Let the fire not be the same, but still the memory sunshine

We burned bridges, not knowing it ourselves

We were chasing horror, too much bullshit is unbelievable

The sky is like a huge sheet of paper

On which badman scrawled with blots of clouds

The city is empty, fly away

That sadness that again weighs down the vanity

Not yourself, take it

All this worthless peace, my head is spinning

[Chorus: MiyaGi]

Listen to your heart

Enemies, enemies everywhere enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, everywhere fucking enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, enemies everywhere enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, everywhere fucking enemies

[Verse 2: Endgame]

Light up, old man, tell me what to do

I want to bring good, but rain falls from the sky

Don't go crazy, just don't go crazy

My arrival is she, after booze and shit

Light up, old man, tell me how to live

I bring only good, I urge you to create

A creak and you're at the door, an exit into darkness

I go to you with a desire to fill the void

Light up, old man, tell me again how to live

Should we walk along unknown paths?

Is it worth blaming someone, is it worth delving into?

My thoughts are horses, and I am ready to let them go

All day, all night

All day, all night

All day, all night

All day, all night

[Chorus: MiyaGi]

Listen to your heart

Enemies, enemies everywhere enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, everywhere fucking enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, enemies everywhere enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, everywhere fucking enemies

[Куплет 1: MiyaGi]

Сохрани мой дом, полно забот, не серчай

Отгребали мы по полной, как же тебя величать, моя бэйба судьба?

Надежды возлагал, на пароме мы помчимся с тобой по облакам

Я пру туда, где не бывал, моя воля проста

Не способен я видеть тебя, дни перелистал

За лавинами май, близко к сердцу принимай

Пусть огонь уже не тот, но всё же память sunshine

Мы сжигали мосты, сами того не ведая

Мы нагоняли жути, бреда лишнего невероятно

Небо будто бы огромный ватман

На котором кляксами калякал тучи badman

Город пуст, улетай

Та печаль, что снова нагнетает грусть суета

Сам не свой, забери давай

Весь этот никчемный покой, кругом голова

[Припев: MiyaGi]

Listen to your heart

Enemies, enemies everywhere enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, everywhere fucking enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, enemies everywhere enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, everywhere fucking enemies

[Куплет 2: Эндшпиль]

Прикури старик, расскажи как быть

Я хочу нести добро, но с неба падают дожди

Не сходи с ума, просто не сходи с ума

Мой приход - это она, после пойла и дерьма

Прикури старик, расскажи, как жить

Я несу только добро, призываю вас творить

Скрип и ты в двери, выход в темноту

Я иду к тебе с желанием заполнить пустоту

Прикури старик, снова расскажи, как жить

По неведомым тропам нам стоит ли ходить

Стоит ли винить кого, а стоит ли вникать?

Мои мысли - скакуны, и я готов их отпускать

All day, all night

All day, all night

All day, all night

All day, all night

[Припев: MiyaGi]

Listen to your heart

Enemies, enemies everywhere enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, everywhere fucking enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, enemies everywhere enemies

Listen to your heart

Enemies, everywhere fucking enemies

In the song "Listen to Your Heart", Miyagi reflects on the complexities of life, the struggle with external and internal demons. The lyrical hero experiences confusion, facing betrayal ("enemies everywhere"), disappointment ("I had hopes, we would rush through the clouds on a ferry, I'm going where I haven't been, my will is simple, I can't see you, I flipped through the days"). He is tired of the vanity and lies of the surrounding world ("the city is empty, fly away, that sadness that again instills sadness vanity, not your own, take it away, all this worthless peace, head spinning").

In search of answers and a path to himself, the hero turns to the image of a wise old man ("light up, old man, tell me what to do"), expressing a desire to bring good, despite life's adversities ("I want to bring good, but rain falls from the sky"). The motive of confronting the darkness also sounds in the words "my arrival is she, after booze and shit", where "she" symbolizes the bright side of life, opposed to vices.

The chorus "Listen to your heart" is a call to the listener not to go astray, to trust their intuition and not to succumb to external pressure. It also repeats the image of enemies, emphasizing the feeling of hostility of the surrounding world. In general, "Listen to Your Heart" is a song about finding yourself, your place in the world, about the struggle for inner light and harmony, despite all the difficulties.

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