The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Give Me Love" the performer of the song "Miyagi"


They tried to knit me out of scraps

MiyaGi mixed up the astral planes

Peaked caps guarding order

Shoulder straps, suspenders, wasted to rags

I wish these laws, these orders wouldn't touch me

I can't understand them, they can't catch me

Seems like the leaders of this world need a vacation, friend

Passing it around, changing their leisure

Police are gathered - a deadly act!

They could at least drink, but we were pounding right at the station, my friend

The plasma of the voice more than once partied at sunset, hook up with girls!

Marley, thank you for the freedom in the notes!

Mother nature can never be outdone

Come on, open up to me again. Love intoxicates everyone!

I love you! Look, today you are the reason! Look, today you are the reason!

Look, today you arrrrrrre... Look, today you are the reason!

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love Give Me Love, baby!

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love…

Raga over heads, adding jazz

Changing everything around, everyone around me

Never never stop me, I go to desire

Rastafaray - swaddle me with phrases

A broken beat in the kopat and it carries me somewhere, sparkling

Forget it, forget it, tipulid, feeding on fruits

We fly away with you into the distance...

Jamaican, heal me, there was no reason to cry

Healer-doctors - there's nothing to heal, how come?

We're not messing around, hey, no borscht on the floor!

The party was a success, the high guy cried

Marley, thank you for the freedom in the notes!

Mother nature can never be outdone

Come on, open up to me again. Love intoxicates everyone!

I love you! Look, today you are the reason! Look, today you are the reason!

Look, today you arrrrrrre... Look, today you are the reason!

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love Give Me Love, baby!

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love…

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love Give Me Love, baby!

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love…

Please, don't worry for the rest of your days

It's our problem - free philosophy

Please, don't worry for the rest of your days

It's our problem - free philosophy


Лоскутами хотели было вязать меня

MiyaGi перепутал астралы

На страже порядка фуражки

Погоны, подтяжки, убитые в тряпку

Не трогали бы меня эти законы, порядки

Мне не понять их, им не догнать меня

Видимо лидерам этого мира нужен отпуск, друг

Передавая по кругу меняя свой досуг

Полиция в сборе - смертельный номер!

Пили бы ладно, но долбили прямо на посту мы, друг

Плазма голосу не раз так пати на закате, цепляй подруг!

Марли, спасибо за свободу на нотах!

Не перепеть вам никогда матушку природу

Ну же, откройся мне снова. Любовь дурманит любого!

Я люблю тебя! Чур, сегодня ты - повод! Чур, сегодня ты - повод!

Чур, сегодня ты по-по-по-по-по… Чур, сегодня ты - повод!

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love Give Me Love, baby!

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love…

Рага по головам, джазу добавляя

Меняя все вокруг, всех вокруг меня

Never never stop me, I go to desire

Растафарай - фразами запеленай

В копати ломаный бит и куда-то несет меня, сверкая

Забей, забудь, типуля, плодами питаясь

Мы улетаем с тобою в даль…

Джама, залечи, не было причин плакать

Лекари-врачи - нечего лечить, как так?

Мы не бордачим, ну-ка, не борщи на пол!

Пати удалась, паря заплакал

Марли, спасибо за свободу на нотах!

Не перепеть вам никогда матушку природу

Ну же, откройся мне снова. Любовь дурманит любого!

Я люблю тебя! Чур, сегодня ты - повод! Чур, сегодня ты - повод!

Чур, сегодня ты по-по-по-по-по… Чур, сегодня ты - повод!

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love Give Me Love, baby!

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love…

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love Give Me Love, baby!

Give Me Love, Give Me Love, Give Me Love, baby

Give Me Give Me Love…

Please, don't worry for the rest of your days

It's our problem - free philosophy

Please, don't worry for the rest of your days

It's our problem - free philosophy

In the song "Give Me Love", Miyagi talks about freedom, love, and unwillingness to live by the established rules. The lyrical hero contrasts himself with the system ("They wanted to knit me with rags", "These laws and orders wouldn't touch me"), seeks refuge in music ("Marley, thanks for the freedom on the notes!") and love ("Come on, open up to me again. Love intoxicates everyone!").

He describes a party full of fun and euphoria ("Plasma of the voice more than once a party at sunset, hook up your girlfriends!", "The party was a success, the guy cried"), where he can forget himself and be himself. Miyagi uses imagery associated with Rastafarianism ("Rastafaray - swaddle me with phrases") to emphasize the desire for freedom and unity with nature.

The text contains the motif of escaping from reality ("We are flying away with you into the distance..."), searching for one's own path ("Never never stop me, I go to desire"). The repeated phrase "Give Me Love" is not only a plea for love, but also a thirst for life, new sensations, a desire for happiness.

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