The meaning of the lyrics of the song "God Bless" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

Polaroids protect my poor eyes

I went out for a walk, nearby a car slammed on the brakes

It's not my fault, the sun melted the asphalt

I'm not crazy – it would be nice to remember, to tell

But I'm on a boat, on the sea, even if in my thoughts, I'm sailing

The speakers dictated "badaboom" to me with beats

Andy is on the line, behind us are the words that are drawn

They will poison their heads, they are chained by thoughts - they love money

We don't chop for feelings, girls are not doormats

We studied the paths of the fork in style

Good, good, just take it like that

Just take it like that

Peace and warmth to every home, don't forget

And they divorced here for shit, don't be offended

There has always been a lot of evil, but we are not like that

Everyone around is on pins and needles, all angry

Peace and warmth to every home, don't forget

And they divorced here for shit, don't be offended

There has always been a lot of evil, but we are not like that

Everyone around is on pins and needles, all angry

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

Let's all reach for the heavens with our hands to this sound

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

Let's all reach for the heavens with our hands to this sound

But man, your look, hands to the sky are firing, sleeves are trumpeting

Cannabis is growing, troublemakers are cooking, Batmans are walking

What could be cooler than life - everyone here knows

The volumes




Полароиды защищают мои бедные глаза

Я выкатил погулять, рядом авто по тормозам

Не виноват я, солнце расплавило асфальт

Я не в умате — было бы че вспомнить, рассказать

Но я на катере, по морю хоть и в мыслях, но плыву

Динамики диктовали мне битами бадабум

Andy на проводе, за нами слова те, что нарисованы

Отравят головы, мыслями скованы — любят бабло

Рубим не за филки, подруги не подстилки

Тропами развилки изучали на стиле

Добро, добро, да просто так ты забирай

Просто так ты забирай

Мира да тепла во все дома не забывай

И ради дерьма тут развели, ты не серчай

Зла было всегда навалом, но мы не такие

Все вокруг на клинах, на изогах, все злые

Мира да тепла во все дома не забывай

И ради дерьма тут развели, ты не серчай

Зла было всегда навалом, но мы не такие

Все вокруг на клинах, на изогах, все злые

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

Давайте все под этот звук дотянемся руками до небес

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

Давайте все под этот звук дотянемся руками до небес

Но парень, взгляд твой, руки к небу палят, ручи козыряют

Расты канапляют, баламуты варят, батманы гуляют

Что может быть круче лайфа — тут все знают

По головам кубатуры малы балаболы бы былью они

А не тяните куды, рагамафин коты, мы не немы

Благо пики языки эти злые пацаны

God bless, music My nigga, I’m a soldier weed

Ванда не мало, ванда на нала, One love подвалам

Под бит и жалом, бороад пала, да небо плана была бы манна

Тут каждый второй по-своему крут

В совокупности мы делаем наисвежайший звук

Ligalize it! Ligalize it

Кричали растаманы, флаги цвета Ямайки

Ligalize it! Ligalize it

Кричали растаманы, флаги цвета Ямайки

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

Давайте все под этот звук дотянемся руками до небес

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

Давайте все под этот звук дотянемся руками до небес

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

God bless my music, God bless

In the song "God Bless", Miyagi reflects on his life, music, and the world around him. He describes his reality: car rides, creating music to Andy's beats, the problems people face ("love money", "we hustle not for the feels").

Miyagi calls for peace and kindness ("Don't forget peace and warmth in every home"), noting that despite the anger and problems ("There has always been plenty of evil"), it's important to stay true to yourself ("but we are not like that").

The recurring phrase "God bless my music" is not only a request for blessing for his work, but also an expression of faith in the power of music, which can unite people ("Let's all reach for the heavens with our hands to this sound").

Miyagi describes different types of people: those who strive for higher things ("hands reaching for the sky"), rebels ("smoking weed"), those looking for easy ways out ("chatterboxes"). He emphasizes his individuality and independence ("we are not mute"), belief in his own strength ("Fortunately, our tongues are sharp, these angry boys").

Miyagi touches upon the topic of marijuana legalization ("Legalize it!"), often associated with Rastafarianism and ideas of peace and freedom.

Overall, the song conveys Miyagi's thoughts and feelings, his desire for goodness and peace, belief in music and his own truth.

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