The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Cassandra" (Kosandra (Kosandra)) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

My wild Cassandra, playful padra

Overshadowed the mind, killed the musician

Nevertheless, I was there and believed

These pirates will be eaten by allegories

My wild Cassandra, playful padra

Overshadowed the mind, killed the musician

Nevertheless, I was there and believed

These pirates will be eaten by allegories

They called you names, those fed with bread, ay-ya-yay

And you are loved by the poor before sleep, you know

And so tolerant, born, kept in reserve

And by oppressed hearts, beat and bass were sung

And time, with taboos of horse power, was breaking to die

And the tribe was not surprised

And asked just to trust

Under this heap of negativity

Those who will not see the light

And so gently, beautifully twisted the plot

We deliberately acted like children, we're having fun

We took what we wanted, took what we wanted, yeah

And rather, I couldn't be alone in this world

Raga bless us, let's make some noise today

If someone is afraid of the pain that life brings to you

He greets you and tells you nice to meet you

And if someone is afraid of the pain that life brings to you

He greets you and tells you nice to meet you

My wild (wild), wild (wild)

Wild (I am Cassandra's prisoner)

My wild (wild), wild (wild)

Wild (I am Cassandra's prisoner)

Lion screams, smokes at night

Destroying, we are building bridges again

Who if not you? Who will save me?

The smoke is flying away, she knows her stuff

Let me dissolve in your arms

You are closer now, do you hear?

You penetrate the consciousness

This is a message from above

Everyone has gone, the fires are not burning

Imagine yourself as a playful padra

I'll spend the night with you, I'm Cassandra's prisoner

If someone is afraid of the pain that life brings to you

He greets you and tells you nice to meet you

And if someone is afraid of the pain that life brings to you

He greets you and tells you nice to meet you

My wild Cassandra, playful padra

Overshadowed the mind, killed the musician

Nevertheless, I was there and believed

These pirates will be eaten by allegories

My wild Cassandra, playful padra

Overshadowed the mind, killed the musician

Nevertheless, I was there and believed

These pirates will be eaten by allegories

Моя дикая Косандра

Моя дикая Косандра, игривая падра

Затмевала разум, убивала музыканта

Тем не менее я рядом был и верил

Аллегориями съедены будут эти пираты

Моя дикая Косандра, игривая падра

Затмевала разум, убивала музыканта

Тем не менее я рядом был и верил

Аллегориями съедены будут эти пираты

Нарекали тебя накормленные бредом, ай-я-яй

А ты на сон грядущий бедолами любима так и знай

И так толерантными родимыми хранима про запас

И угнетенными сердцами воспевалась бит и бас

А время табунами лошадиных сил ломилось умирать

И племя диву не давалось

А просило просто доверять

Под этим гнетом негатива

Тем, кто не увидит свет

И больно ласково, красиво закручивало сюжет

Мы намеренно вели себя, как дети, кутим

Брали, что хотим, брали, что хотим, еа

И скорее, я не смог бы в этом мире один

Рага нас благослови сегодня загудим

If someone is afraid of the pain that life brings to you

He greets you and tells you nice to meet you

And if someone is afraid of the pain that life brings to you

He greets you and tells you nice to meet you

Моя дикая (дикая), дикая (дикая)

Дикая (я пленник Косандры)

Моя дикая (дикая), дикая (дикая)

Дикая (я пленник Косандры)

Lion кричит, ночами коптит

Разрушив, опять строим мосты

Кто если не ты? Кто меня спасет?

Улетает дым, она знает толк

Позволь раствориться в объятиях

Ты теперь ближе, слышишь?

Проникаешь в сознание

Это послание свыше

Все разъехались прочь, не горят огни

Предстань в роли игривой падры

Проведу с тобой ночь, я пленник Косандры

If someone is afraid of the pain that life brings to you

He greets you and tells you nice to meet you

And if someone is afraid of the pain that life brings to you

He greets you and tells you nice to meet you

Моя дикая Косандра, игривая падра

Затмевала разум, убивала музыканта

Тем не менее я рядом был и верил

Аллегориями съедены будут эти пираты

Моя дикая Косандра, игривая падра

Затмевала разум, убивала музыканта

Тем не менее я рядом был и верил

Аллегориями съедены будут эти пираты

In the song "Kosandra", Miyagi uses the image of a wild, playful and dangerous muse - Kosandra - as a metaphor for passion, creativity and a life path full of temptations and dangers.

The lyrical hero is torn between the desire to surrender to this passion ("Clouded my mind, killed the musician") and the understanding of its destructive power. He believes in his muse, despite the fact that those around him ("fed with nonsense") do not understand and condemn her. "Pirates" here can be both those who are trying to cash in on someone else's talent, and internal demons that interfere with creativity.

Miyagi creates an image of a society bound by fear, ready to condemn everything new and unusual ("And time with herds of horsepower rushed to die"). Against this background, the thirst for freedom and self-expression inherent in the hero and his muse stands out especially brightly.

The song expresses the idea that true life is not about following the rules, but about having the courage to be yourself, despite the pain and difficulties ("We deliberately behaved like children, having fun"). The appeal to "Raga" - the deity of music and passion - emphasizes the sacred nature of creativity, its divine nature.

The second part of the song is a dialogue with Kosandra, accepting her dark, frightening side ("Lion screams, smokes at night"). The hero is ready to dissolve in his passion, even if it leads to destruction ("Destroying, we build bridges again"). The final lines are a declaration of love and devotion to one's muse, even if it leads to his death ("I am a prisoner of Kosandra").

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