The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Vera" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

It's been a long time since I've seen proper sleep, bro

Here, by right, rewind the uninteresting movie

I'm ready to howl like a wolf so that young bucks don't get into trouble

Foolish women, yeah, fuck, over the bumps

We sparkled without love, knowingly draining somewhere

In cesspools and gateways of unnecessary children

You are devoted to delusion, your creed is your grandfather, take my advice

I've dined on poisonous ivy, I would have dined on you, fuck

This is a stigma on the conscience of the people

On your whores, you can smell and touch everything

I believe in God, I believe in Bob, in general, faith is a bomb

I believe our life is no worse than the afterlife

I've seen creatures that were thrown away for pennies

I've seen monkey-drunks сливаться

I've seen places where there is no soul, but in them the soul seethes

I've seen people above the peaks, I've seen below the grass

I've seen Paris and I've seen the most killer mess

Line: you either fly or you better not at all

I'm glad for my brother, I'm a brother to my brother, something like that

MiyaGi, Andy, Rem Digga – with love

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I lit you up in blocks, at the gray origins

Watched for a long time, mastered the verse loudly

Hysteria from the windows, jerks with whiskey and coke

It all went sideways, close ones are with God

I'll put on the tracks of the brand "Nike", sweatshirt

You'll hear it if you listen, bunny

It's not a big loss, you know, a trifle, I believe

When the lying ones in the moment are shocked by me

I'll put the power of kindness on airplane mode

I'll get a raid on the morons on the frontal

At the district on the level, I'm looking for parts in the water

Stop it, pirate, don't say it out loud

Under this palm tree is my brother, I see his sunshine

Grow up great, son, make it a punchline

It won't be a secret, we can do it all ourselves

Ro.eM.Di, salaam, brother, look how we're rolling

On the table is blue, booth, melting plastic mass

What the fuck am I doing here? My head is barely cooking

Panel hut, room, fairy burning nearby

Give me five seconds, I'm busy, I need to create

The taste of dead bodies, where the laughter of the wrong daughters

In the binge, two nights steaming brains, because they want clatch

In the hall, the frustrated center fucks what's left, and pee until old age

However, for a very long time, you indulge more. Come on!

Don't bother me, honey, just don't bother me, honey

I'm quietly doing something that will fill prime time

From disgusting places sharply up, it's like hell and paradise

Not children's rap, don't climb, don't blame, it's my life!

Years burn like gasoline, don't fool yourself, you know everything yourself

There was darkness of weekends, now I don't expect such a brother

Next to me are boys, today a couple, tomorrow a clan

Digga Crocodile, Andy Panda, MiyaGi. Bullet!

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give faith, faith, faith, faith

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

I won't give offense, I won't give offense

Сна не видно здравого уже давно, бро

Тут по праву перематывай неинтересное кино

Я готов волком выть, дабы не встревали в траблы

Молодые пацы, дуры-бабы, да, бля, по ухабам

Мы сверкали без любви, заведомо сливая где-то

В отстойниках и подворотнях ненужных деток

Ты бреду преданный, кредо – деду, лови совет

Обедал ядовитый плющ, я бы тобой, бля, пообедал

Это клеймо на совести народа

На ваших тусах можно все понюхать и потрогать

Я верю в Бога, верю Бобу, в общем, вера – бомба

Верю, наша житуха ничем не хуже загробной

Я видел тварей, что кидали на гроши

Я видел, как сливались обезьяны-алкаши

Видел места, где ни души, но в них душа кишит

Видел людей выше вершин, видел ниже травы

Видел Париж и видел самый убойный бардак

Реплика: ты либо долетишь, либо лучше никак

Я брату рад, я брат брату, как-то так

MiyaGi, Энди, Рем Дигга – with love

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Я запаливал вас в блоках, у седых истоков

Приглядывался долго, мастерил куплет громко

Истерика из окон, дрочат с виски и коком

Обошло все боком, рядом близкие с Богом

Я накину следы бренда "Найка", фуфайка

Ты услышишь, если прислушаешься, зайка

Не велика потеря, знаешь, пустяк, верю

Когда пиздлявые в моменте с меня охуеют

Скину силу доброты на режим полета

Намучу налет на долбоебов на лобном

У района на ровном, ищу части в водном

Прекрати, пират, не говори об этом громко

Под этой пальмой брат мой, я вижу его sunshine

Подрасти великим, сын, делай панчлайном

Это не будет тайной, мы все сумеем сами

Ро.эМ.Ди, саламчик, брат, смотри, как мы валим

На столе синева, балаган, плавит пласт масса

Какого хуя тут я забыл? Голова варит едва

Панельная халупа, комната, фея рядом горит

Ты пять сек дай мне, я занят, мне нужно творить

Вкуса мертвых тел, где смех неправильных дочек

В угаре две ночи парит мозги, ведь клац они хочат

В зале задроченный центр ебет, что осталось, а мочи до старости

Впрочем, очень долго, ты балуйся больше. Давай!

Не мешай, зай, просто не мешай, зай

Я мучу по-тихой то, что заполонит прайм-тайм

С мерзких мест резко вверх, это как ад и рай

Не детский рэп, не лезь, не блей, it's my life!

Годы горят, как бенз, не обманывай ся, все знаешь сам

Уик-эндов была тьма, теперя такого, братан, не жду я

Рядом со мной пацаны, сегодня пара, завтра клан

Дигга Крокодил, Энди Панда, MiyaGi. Пуля!

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

Веру, веру, веру, веру не дам

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

В обиду не дам, в обиду не дам я

The song "Vera" by Miyagi talks about his life's journey, what he has seen and learned. The lyrics are filled with metaphors and images that reflect the harsh realities the artist has faced.

Miyagi says that he hasn't slept well for a long time, perhaps due to a restless lifestyle or disturbing thoughts. He compares his life to a film, where uninteresting moments need to be fast-forwarded. Miyagi is ready to fight for himself and his loved ones ("howl like a wolf") to avoid trouble.

The text criticizes society ("a stigma on the conscience of the people"), where debauchery reigns ("at your parties you can sniff and touch everything") and people forget about true values. Miyagi has seen a lot of pain and injustice, but has kept his faith in God and himself. He believes that his life, however difficult it may be, is no worse than death ("our life is no worse than the grave").

Miyagi has seen different types of people: hypocrites ("who threw money away"), weak ("monkeys-drunkards merged"), but also strong and inspiring ("people taller than the peaks"). He has been to different places, seen both luxury ("Paris") and poverty ("the most brutal mess").

The chorus "Faith, faith, faith, I won't let go of faith / I won't let anyone offend it, I won't" emphasizes that faith is what helps Miyagi move forward, no matter what. He will not let anyone take his faith away from him or offend what is dear to him.

The text includes references to fellow musicians (Rem Digga, Andy Panda), which speaks to the importance of brotherhood and support in the music world. Miyagi is confident in his abilities, he "ignited" the audience from the very beginning of his career and continues to do so, despite the difficulties ("hysteria from the windows, they jerk off with whiskey and coke").

Miyagi is not afraid to talk about what is going on in his soul, he shares his thoughts and experiences ("blue on the table, a mess, melting plastic mass / What the fuck am I doing here? My head is barely cooking"). Music for him is a way of self-expression and escape from reality ("I need to create", "I quietly do what will fill prime time").

Overall, the song "Vera" is an honest and sincere story about a life full of trials, joys and faith in the best. Miyagi is not afraid to show his weaknesses and strengths, which makes his music relatable and understandable to listeners.

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