The meaning of the lyrics of the song "- Kuzma! Andrei!.." (- Kuzma! Andrey!..) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

- Well, Kuzma?

- What, Maxim?

- Why are we standing here

Staring blankly?

- Yeah, we're staring,

Trying to figure out

What all the shouting's about,

What they're singing.

Everywhere you look -

Poverty and strife,

Every hut's full

Of miserable life.

And the tavern's packed

With drunken fools -

Like a pack of dogs

Left uncut and cruel.

The angry ones are silent,

The kind ones sing.

Rumor has it,

Peter the Great is king!

- Oh, they'll lose their heads

With all this fuss!

Let's go ask around,

Maybe get us a bottle of booze?


- Kuzma! Andrei!

- What's up, Maxim?

- Let's hurry up

And figure out a plan!

Y-yes -

For the three of us!

- To hell with them -

For the three of us!

- For the three of us,

Yes, for the three of us!


- Well, Kuzma?

- What, Maxim?

- Why are we standing here

Again, just staring?

- Now it's even more


They're hanging there -

And they're hanging here!

All they want to do

Is fight and brawl!

And there's a leader -

They call him Yemelyan, that's all!

- But wasn't it Peter?

- He was there at first.

- No, this won't do

While we're sober and cursed!

- Kuzma!

- Ready!

- Bring us that bottle!

- Y-yes -

For the three of us!..

- Wait a minute!

- That won't do!

Three won't cut it!

- So what are we waiting for -

Let's do it just us two!

And you, Kuzma,

Take a sober look -

And who knows,

Maybe you'll partake.


- Kuzma, Kuzma!

What are you doing there?

You'll die staring!

Come join us here!

- But what are they doing -

Dying like flies,

Beating each other up,

Maiming, torturing, my eyes!

It's beyond comprehension!

Andrei, Maxim!

For one -

Let's have a drink, let's begin!

Such discord

Is brewing among them,

That it wouldn't even be enough

For two of them!

- Pugach! Long live!

Go on! Crush them!

- To hell with it! -

For one!


- Hey, Kuzma!

- Hey, Maxim!

Oh my, oh my!

- What's wrong, Kuzma?

- Damn them all,

Every last one, I say!

The third bottle down -

And still nothing, no way!

I've drunk myself

To the very end -

But they're all soberer

Than a dead man!

I'm already feeling low -

Such a strange effect:

One look at them -

And I'm sober again!

- We're the same way -

Don't cry, Kuzma -

It's chaos and confusion

All around, you see!

We'll end up hanging

If this keeps up -

We've already spent everything

At the tavern, every last cup!

But the worst part -

We can't forget!

And we can never

Get drunk, not a bit!

Is this life,

Our earthly paradise?!

No, we might as well lie down

And die, that's my advice!

- Ну что, Кузьма?

- А что, Максим?

- Чего стоймя

Стоим глядим?

- Да вот глядим,

Чего орут, -

Понять хотим,

Про что поют.

Куда ни глянь -

Все голытьба,

Куда ни плюнь -

Полна изба.

И полн кабак

Нетрезвыми -

Их как собак


Кто зол - молчит,

Кто добр - поет.

И слух идет,

Что жив царь Петр!

- Ох не сносить

Им всем голов!

Пойти спросить

Побольше штоф?!


- Кузьма! Андрей!

- Чего, Максим?

- Давай скорей


И-и-их -

На троих!

- А ну их -

На троих!

- На троих,

Так на троих!


- Ну что, Кузьма?

- А что, Максим?

- Чего стоймя

Опять стоим?

- Теперь уж вовсе

Не понять:

И там висять -

И тут висять!

Им только б здесь


И главный есть -

Емелькой звать!

- Так был же Петр!

- Тот был сперва.

- Нет, не пойдет

У нас стрезва!

- Кузьма!

- Готов!

- Неси-ка штоф!

- И-и-их -

На троих!..

- Подвох!

- Не пойдет!

На трех - не возьмет!

- Чего же ждем -

Давай вдвоем!

А ты, Кузьма,

Стрезва взглянешь -

И, может статься,

Сам возьмешь.


- Кузьма, Кузьма!

Чего ты там?

Помрешь глядеть!

Ходи-ка к нам!

- Да что ж они -

Как мухи мрут,

Друг дружку бьют,

Калечат, жгут!

Не понять ничего!

Андрей, Максим!

На одного -


Такой идет

Раздор у них,

Что не возьмет

И на двоих!

- Пугач! Живи!

Давай! Дави!

- А ну его! -

На одного!


- Э-эй, Кузьма!

- Э-эй, Максим!

Эх-ма, эх-ма!

- Что так, Кузьма?

- Да всех их черт

Побрал бы, что ль!

Уж третий штоф -

И хоть бы что!

Пропился весь я

До конца -

А все трезвее


Уже поник -

Такой нарез:

Взгляну на них -

И снова трезв!

- Мы тоже так -

Не плачь, Кузьма, -

Кругом - бардак

И кутерьма!

Ведь до петли

Дойдем мы так -

Уж все снесли

Давно в кабак!

Но не забыться -

Вот беда!

И не напиться


И это - жисть,

Земной наш рай?!

Нет, хоть ложись

И помирай!

The song "Kuzma! Andrei!.." by Vladimir Vysotsky is an allegory for Russian reality, most likely during the Soviet era. Three characters - Kuzma, Andrei, and Maxim - observe the chaos around them and try to find solace in alcohol.

Images and Symbols:

Kuzma, Andrei, Maxim: ordinary Russian men representing the common people.

"Poverty", "crowded hut", "crowded tavern": a picture of poverty, hopelessness, and attempts to escape through drunkenness.

"Tsar Peter is alive!", "His name is Emelya!": the people's struggle between the past (the illusory hope for a strong tsar) and the present (the incomprehensible and frightening figure of Emelya).

"Hanging," "beating," "maiming": violence, repression, suppression of dissent.

"Bottle," "for three," "never get drunk": alcohol as a symbol of escape from reality, which, however, does not bring relief.

"Owl! Live! Go ahead! Crush them!": possibly an image of the ruling power suppressing any resistance.

Main Idea:

The song conveys a sense of hopelessness and the meaninglessness of what is happening. The people, symbolized by the characters, do not understand what is going on, see no way out of the situation, and try to find oblivion in alcohol. However, drunkenness does not bring relief but only aggravates the feeling of hopelessness.

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