The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sphere of Fire" (Schar iz Ognya) the performer of the song "Miyagi"


MiyaGi! Andy!

Please, don’t chat ma, humanity!

…, fatality!

No, please, I got ma community!

Please, don’t chat ma, humanity!

…, fatality!

No, please, I got ma community!

I say hip, you say hop (Hip-Hop!)

Cops are on our tail

Panda writes on the drums

Hands in the air, my people

People pretending to be [theahl]

Punks, scoundrels, boys, girls

Angry cop touch to my rhythm

We don't bank on this on the street

Sounds to catch

People here to make noise

…, to make slim

We squeeze, we squeeze marches, huts

We pound, we pound the detonator

We rule, we rule this ball

Nothing more needed!

The fool was in a hurry to rule the verses

Fools were in a hurry to give advice

They say, "sneakers are kampai from the underworld

And you'll burn out, your song is sung"

I'll give you advice with protests

Sound Everest or worthless humbug

Decide for yourselves, you old dogs

I'm the head, like I'm gonna give you punches!

Take off, fast like a bullet

I’m on fire, light a match on the fumes

Very strong, I know how to do it

Ooh, I dare you to dare me

I’m raising hell again, surrounding you and I in flames

Watch while I work my body, baby

Please, don’t chat ma, humanity!

…, fatality!

No, please, I got ma community!

Please, don’t chat ma, humanity!

…, fatality!

No, please, I got ma community!

Here for peace, you had no simple things, we cherished "bam babam baba bam"

Charge yourself with pure thoughts, burn "bam babam baba bam"

Here for peace, you had no simple things, we cherished "bam babam baba bam"

Charge yourself with pure thoughts, burn "bam babam baba bam"

Your soul is hardly worth wasting on that nonsense

The one they push into the crowd, extinguished in slowmo

Art, I'm like high, fuck it

Easy rap, he's easily cunning

Rap - so, and I'm pounding with a word

YaMi is here, and I'm back again

I read my solo in the bite

Panda circles the stops!

I'm just like that, I

I've blurred your eyes with slag and a hat

Drown the shit in battles, tobacco and juice, leaky harp and cheap naman

… tired of scratching, … in these heads and

I didn't give a damn about the ratings, you're freaks to each other, tired of fighting

The fool was in a hurry to rule the verses

Fools were in a hurry to give advice

They say, "sneakers are kampai from the underworld

And you'll burn out, your song is sung"

I'll give you advice with protests

Sound Everest or worthless humbug

Decide for yourselves, you old dogs

I'm the head, like I'm gonna give you punches!

Take off, fast like a bullet

I’m on fire, light a match on the fumes

Very strong, I know how to do it

Ooh, I dare you to dare me

I’m raising hell again, surrounding you and I in flames

Watch while I work my body, baby

Please, don’t chat ma, humanity!

…, fatality!

No, please, I got ma community!

I say hip, you say hop...

I don’t speak Russian, but I can if you like!

(Hip-Hop! Hip-Hop!)

Moscow! New York! Vladikavkaz!




MiyaGi! Andy!

Please, don’t chat ma, humanity!

…, fatality!

No, please, I got ma community!

Please, don’t chat ma, humanity!

…, fatality!

No, please, I got ma community!

Я говорю hip, вы говорите hop (Hip-Hop!)

Копы прут по пяткам

Панда пишет на drum

Руки в воздух, my people

Люди косят под [theahl]

Панки, падлы, парни, бабы

Злой мент touch to my rhythm

Не банчим этим на street

Звуки, чтобы ловить

Люди тут, чтобы сделать шум

…, чтобы сделать слим

Давим, давим марши, хаты

Долбим, долбим детонатор

Правим, правим этим балом

Больше ничего не надо!

Торопила дура королить куплеты

Торопили дураки давать советы

Мол, «тапки — это kampai из недр

И ты перегоришь, твоя песня спета»

Я протестами дам совет вам

Sound Эверест или беспонт сам-сам

Определись дедами, да сам-псам

Я голова, будто панчами вам дам!

Take off, fast like a bullet

I’m on fire, light a match on the fumes

Very strong, I know how to do it

Ooh, I dare you to dare me

I’m raising hell again, surrounding you and I in flames

Watch while I work my body, baby

Please, don’t chat ma, humanity!

…, fatality!

No, please, I got ma community!

Please, don’t chat ma, humanity!

…, fatality!

No, please, I got ma community!

Тут за мир, в тебе не было простих, лели мы «бам бабам баба бам»

Чистыми помыслами заряди себя, гори «бам бабам баба бам»

Тут за мир, в тебе не было простих, лели мы «бам бабам баба бам»

Чистыми помыслами заряди себя, гори «бам бабам баба бам»

Твою душу навряд ли пустять на тусу

Ту, что прут в толпу, тушат на slowmo

Искусство, я как накурил, хй с ним

Изи рэп, его изи ушлый

Рэп — так, и я хярю словом

YaMi тут, и я снова

В bite читаю свое соло

Панда кружит остановок!

Я просто так, я

Замылила вам глаза шлак и шляпа

Топи ты кал вон на батлы, табак и баваж, дырявый харп и дешевый наман

… харе царапаться, … в этих головах и

Плевал на рейтинги, вы на лица друг другу фрики, харе бодаться

Торопила дура королить куплеты

Торопили дураки давать советы

Мол, «тапки — это kampai из недр

И ты перегоришь, твоя песня спета»

Я протестами дам совет вам

Sound Эверест или беспонт сам-сам

Определись дедами, да сам-псам

Я голова, будто панчами вам дам!

Take off, fast like a bullet

I’m on fire, light a match on the fumes

Very strong, I know how to do it

Ooh, I dare you to dare me

I’m raising hell again, surrounding you and I in flames

Watch while I work my body, baby

Please, don’t chat ma, humanity!

…, fatality!

No, please, I got ma community!

Я говорю hip, вы говорите hop…

I don’t speak russian, but I can if you like!

(Hip-Hop! Hip-Hop!)

Moskva! New York! Vladikavkaz!



In the song "Ball of Fire", Miyagi talks about his passion for music, his resilience to criticism, and the strength of his community.

"HAJIME!" is a Japanese word meaning "beginning". With this, Miyagi announces the beginning of something new and powerful, perhaps a new stage in his career or the track itself as a powerful statement.

He ignores those who try to stop him or lead him astray ("Please, don't chat ma, humanity!"), emphasizing that he has his own strong team ("I got ma community!") that supports him.

Miyagi uses fire imagery ("Ball of Fire", "I'm on fire") to convey his energy, passion, and unquenchable spirit. He compares his music to a fire that burns brightly and attracts attention.

He is confident in himself and his abilities ("Take off, fast like a bullet", "Very strong, I know how to do it"), challenging those who doubt him ("I dare you to dare me").

The text contains the opposition of "we" and "they". "We" are Miyagi, Andy Panda and their team, united by a love of hip-hop. "They" are critics, envious people, those who do not understand their music and try to interfere.

Miyagi criticizes the superficiality and falsehood in the world of music ("They've blurred your eyes with junk and hats"), contrasting this with his sincerity and genuine emotions ("Charge yourself with pure thoughts, burn").

Overall, "Ball of Fire" is a hymn to the strength of the spirit, dedication to one's work, and belief in oneself, no matter what.

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