The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sanavabich" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

[Verse 1: MiyaGi]

My brain is stuck in color, I'd whip their backs with rods

Piece of cake, if the yard's pissed on, ruins all around

But, until you corner me, hide your teeth

The doctor yelled through the loudspeaker: "Your executioner was close, bitch!"

My feet were followed by old evil spirits

But my message was suddenly heard as rude

I'm in a rabbit hole, damn it, there's always the squeak of beds here

Someone's dead, the rest are on a bender

Mmm... But we all believe in miracles

My will – I would create them myself and give them away for free

No, what are you talking about, there's weight on the scales, pressure on the scales

You should understand yourself

Shame and disgrace, noise and clamor, Tommy Gun, hooligan

Sebastian quietly took out the brotherhood

From the city... You better not give a reason

Broken psyche, not a word in the city, fuck...

[Chorus: MiyaGi]

Sanava-sanava beach, teach me to live again

Sanava-sanava beach, teach me to live again

Sanava-sanava beach, teach me to live again

Sanava-sanava beach, teach me to live again

[Verse 2: Endspiel]

The rain started – it's late

Gray puddles. Thoughts. Basement

The block is cordoned off, it's a circus here

I'm telling you, you know what I'm talking about

Heard? Malevich's square –

It's bullshit: they'll kill you for a coin on Shmulevich

Herich's flow, swords scratching the challenge

My girlfriend loves beats and puts her thoughts in the style of Jah

Home is my workshop, a haven for people who roam the neighborhoods

There's a dream, like in Kasta's song, to get fucked for a joint

I'm not tempted like a bitch by gold, I don't have much luck

Give me a guarantor – Santa's gift

An ideological bastard, yeah, smoke without excitement

I'm on my knuckles, like a captain, damn

This is my gang. You'd be glad

Hooked? Okay... Wait for me, manna

Today is not tomorrow

I'm not the same and that's not a small thing

Shame, and it's a shame on the streets

I will believe in every day, like a mother believes in her son

Will the Lord protect me or will the Angel leave?

Even the rain won't put out my burning torch

[Chorus: MiyaGi]

Sanava-sanava beach, teach me to live again

Sanava-sanava beach, teach me to live again

Sanava-sanava beach, teach me to live again

Sanava-sanava beach, teach me to live again


Sanava-sanava beach, teach me to live again

[Куплет 1: MiyaGi]

В цвет залипает мозг, я розгами бы коцал спины

Фуфло вопрос, если обоссан двор, кругом рванина

Но, покуда меня не загнать в угол, спрячь зубы

Врач в рупор кричал: «Твой близко был палач, сука!»

Ноги водили меня по пятам старых злых духов

Но мой посыл в ухо вдруг прослыл грубым

Я в кроличьей норе, мать его, тут вечно скрип коек

Убит кое-кто, остальные в запое

М-м-м... Но все мы верим в чудеса

Моя воля – я бы сам их творил и раздавал бесплатно

Не, ты чё, тут вес на весах, пресс на весах

Должен понимать и сам

Стыд и срам, шум и гам, Tommy Gun, хулиган

Братоту покосил незаметно Себастьян

Из города... Лучше бы вы не давали повода

Психика поломана, в городе ни слова, на...

[Припев: MiyaGi]

Санава-санава бич, заново-заново жить научи

Санава-санава бич, заново-заново жить научи

Санава-санава бич, заново-заново жить научи

Санава-санава бич, заново-заново жить научи

[Куплет 2: Эндшпиль]

Закапал дождь – запоздал

Серые лужи. Мысли. Подвал

Квартал окутан, тут балаган

Базарю, ты знаешь о чем говорю

Слышал? Квадрат Малевича –

Это херня: такими банчат за монету на Шмулевича

Подача герыча, мечами скретч челленджа

Моя подруга любит бит и кладет мысли в стиле Джа

Дом — мой цех, обитель людей, что кружат по районам

Есть мечта, как в песне Касты, съебаться за кордон

Я не ведусь, как сука на злато, мне мало фарта

Дай мне гаранта – подарок Санта

Идейный гад, да дым без азарта

Я на фалангах, как капитан, бля

Это моя банда. Ты бы была рада

Запала? Ладно... Жди меня, манна

Сегодня не завтра

Я уже не тот и это не мало

Срам, а на улицах стыдно

Я буду верить в каждый день, как мама верит в сына

Убережет Господь или покинет Ангел?

Мне даже дождь хуй потушит мой горящий факел

[Припев: MiyaGi]

Санава-санава бич, заново-заново жить научи

Санава-санава бич, заново-заново жить научи

Санава-санава бич, заново-заново жить научи

Санава-санава бич, заново-заново жить научи


Санава-санава бич, заново-заново жить научи

The song "Sanavabich" by Miyagi and Endspiel is a deep dive into a harsh reality where the characters struggle with inner demons and try to find meaning in the chaos of the world around them.

Miyagi's verse is dominated by the image of a dark and dangerous city, where violence and hopelessness reign. The lyrical hero is on the edge, haunted by the past and dark forces ("the doctor shouted into the loudspeaker: 'Your executioner was close, bitch!', "legs led me along the heels of old evil spirits"). He feels cornered ("as long as I'm not backed into a corner, hide your teeth").

Despite this, a glimmer of hope flickers in the hero, a hope for the possibility of changing his life and starting everything "over and over again." He believes in willpower and dreams of a world where miracles are available to everyone ("my will - I would create them myself and distribute them for free"). However, reality is cruel: "weight on the scales, press on the scales" - the hero has to face responsibility for his actions and the consequences of his choices.

Endspiel continues the theme of hopelessness and the search for meaning in the gray everyday life. His verse is saturated with an atmosphere of despair and apathy ("gray puddles. Thoughts. Basement", "the quarter is shrouded, it's a booth"). The hero is disappointed in the world around him, where injustice and profit reign ("Malevich's square is bullshit: they sell such people for a coin on Shmulevich").

However, despite the pessimistic mood, Endspiel's verse also shows hope for a better future. The hero dreams of breaking out of the vicious circle ("there is a dream, like in the song of Kasta, to get out abroad"), seeks support from loved ones ("home is my workshop, the abode of people who circle around the districts") and believes in his own strength ("I'm on the phalanges, like a captain, fuck. This is my gang").

The chorus "Sanava-sanava beach, teach me to live again and again" is a kind of mantra, an appeal to an unknown force with a prayer for help and guidance. The heroes of the song are looking for a way to escape the captivity of the past, overcome difficulties and start a new life full of meaning and hope.

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