The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Samurai" (Samuray) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

She sang me songs about summer

Changed me, a melancholic soul

Was a comet's light for a pirate, flying into the distance

Forgotten by someone, they died

And the tremor of the wind enveloped my mind

And I, captivated by the wild puzzles of the ghetto

Chopped the wood myself, while the artist blindly paints the scenes

Wide strides, May, May, May

Let me gaze at you, I pray

Ignite my paradise, freeze time, ay-ay-ay

Sakura cried, samurai

Slaughtered the dogs, so their bark, bark, bark

Wouldn't disturb the sleep, wouldn't spoil the vibe

I cherish the peace, understand, May-May-May

I'm yours-s-s

I dreamt of you, madam, if only you could see

To reach the heavens with my hand, loved or hated me

I raved about you, madam, if only you believed

I'll reach the heavens with my hand, for you, I'm decreed

(I'm yours-s-s)

Strict and rude, silent

Queen dressed inappropriately

Feathers keep growing and growing

Posing killed in shit

Look around, man


Rumors and gossip

Bitches, sticky stuff, a hundred pounds there

He broke himself, half-dead

The guy got arrogant, disguised by kindness

Shot himself in the head, they say, but bounced back

He just got lucky, otherwise, not cool

You troll him, troll him

But he doesn't react to the bait

And is always ready to approach wisely

Just imagine, today he threw money around

He's this and that, he's rich and full

He didn't deserve it, it wasn't for love

Forgive me for all this

Darling, run

I dreamt of you, madam, if only you could see

To reach the heavens with my hand, loved or hated me

I raved about you, madam, if only you believed

I'll reach the heavens with my hand, for you, I'm decreed

I dreamt of you, madam, if only you could see

To reach the heavens with my hand, loved or hated me

I raved about you, madam, if only you believed

I'll reach the heavens with my hand, for you, I'm decreed

(I'm yours-s-s)

Она пела мне песни про лето

Меняла меня - меланхолика

Светом была для пирата комета, летящая вдаль

Умирали забытые кем-то

И трепетом ветра окутала разум

И я очарованный дикими пазлами гетто

Сам наломал тех дров, а художник слепо рисует сюжеты

Широко шагали ноги, май, май, май

На тебя налюбоваться дай

Зажигай мой рай, залипай-пай-пай

Сакура плакала, самурай

Зарубил собак, дабы лай, лай, лай

Не нарушил сон, не покоцал вайб

Берегу покой, понимай-май-май

Я твой-ой-ой-ой

Я грезил тобою, мадам, если бы только видела

До неба рукою подать, любила ли ненавидела

Я бредил тобою, мадам, если бы только верила

До неба рукою достану, ради тебя намеренно

(Я твой-ой-ой-ой)

Строг и груб, мол

Ферзь обут не по-доброму

Перья прут и прут

Понт убитый в кал

Оклемайся, ман


Филки да молва

Суки, липкий стаф, сто пудово там

Он разбил себя подубитый в хлам

Зазвездился малый, добром прикрыт

В голову стрелял, мол, но отскочил

Ему повезло лишь, а так не айс

Его тролишь, тролишь

Но на лай не лает

И готов всегда подходить с умом

Ты прикинь, сегодня сорил баблом

Он такой-сякой, он богат и сыт

Он не заслужил, там не по любви

Прости за все это

Родная, беги

Я грезил тобою, мадам, если бы только видела

До неба рукою подать, любила ли ненавидела

Я бредил тобою, мадам, если бы только верила

До неба рукою достану, ради тебя намеренно

Я грезил тобою, мадам, если бы только видела

До неба рукою подать, любила ли ненавидела

Я бредил тобою, мадам, если бы только верила

До неба рукою достану, ради тебя намеренно

(Я твой-ой-ой-ой)

Miyagi's song "Samurai" is a story about love, loss, and the inner demons of the lyrical hero. He sings about a girl who was his light, saving him from melancholy and giving him happiness. She was his "paradise", his "sakura". However, there is a tragic undertone in the text - "forgotten by someone were dying", "the sakura cried", "he chopped down the dogs so that their barking would not disturb his sleep". Perhaps this is a metaphor for the loss of a loved one or difficult times in the hero's life.

He asks not to disturb his peace, protects his inner world ("vibe"). At the same time, he is full of contradictions - "his legs were walking widely, May", "light up my paradise", but "strict and rude", "killed his show-off". He struggles with himself, with his inner demons, trying to maintain peace and protect his "paradise".

The second verse is an appeal to a certain "madam", perhaps the same girl from the first verse. The hero confesses that he dreamed of her, that he was ready for anything for her sake. But his words are filled with both pain and doubt - "whether she loved or hated", "if only she believed".

The third verse continues to reveal the hero's inner conflict. He describes himself as "beaten to a pulp", conceited, but hiding behind kindness. He acknowledges his mistakes, but does not renounce his essence. In the end, he turns to his "dear", begging her to run, perhaps to save her from himself and his problems.

The repeating refrain "I'm yours" emphasizes the hero's obsession, his willingness to belong to his beloved completely.

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