The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Son" (Syin) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

What will I tell you?

Chop it up in five, son; don't waste time, son;

Your pops won't let you give up, son!

Am I fit to be a boss - let's see what the stars say.

Yeah, I'm kidding... What stars? This is serious!

What to teach a child if you don't really know yourself -

Found yourself or again in the struggles, races;

In the ringing banquets, where bitches are tempted by torment,

On the dirt of complicity - I wash my hands.

Rumors fly around like flies, and spin the fly;

Tell me here - for overload and for a meager life.

Come on, get a grip, let's grab a name, like by the notes;

Hear that? Something's squeaking... Need to change the pads.

Fight fire with fire, the view from the windows

The shaking will stop, throw out the computer, even though I'm the same.

Love life, give stimulus, breathe the world -

We live once, we should remember it!

Chorus [x2]:

Hood on my head, it's not May outside!

I walk widely through the enchanted district.

On the line with loved ones, don't forget your own -

I live, I create, I laugh, I dream!

We are gone, the corridors are asleep, smoke is all over the place -

In a dream I saw this world, cried and success burned;

This is a phenomenon, a wave of grief, even take it away -

In the dirty streets, take it!

Cops-cops-cops behind, we're going far!

Roots have changed, changing February again.

Years fly by, taking away smooth skin -

Fight for the prize, bring it out on the strong-willed!

Here's a pond of healthy lifestyle, with waves of hands and feet;

Unshaven faces, swinging under black people.

What do we say to our mothers? Mom, I'm sorry, I've lost my conscience -

Either I've become completely grown-up, or...

Shivers down my spine from what I've experienced, we are not alike

Don't generalize my city, my hero - we put it down!

We put down the fool, on the rules of an arrogant tone.

While the districts sleep, I operate with the word.

Chorus [x2]:

Hood on my head, it's not May outside!

I walk widely through the enchanted district.

On the line with loved ones, don't forget your own -

I live, I create, I laugh, I dream!


Sunshine, sunrise -

Get into this essence and fly!

But nothing shines on us,

And what will we tell the children?

Что же я расскажу?

Нарубай на пять, сын; время не трать, сын;

Не позволит тебе батя руки опускать, сын!

Гожусь ли в паханы - поглядим, что скажут звезды.

Да ладно, я шучу... Какие звезды? Все серьёзно!

Чему учить ребенка, если сам незнаешь толком -

Нашел себя или же снова в перетягах, гонках;

В фуршетах звонких, где суки ведутся на муки,

На грязи поруки - я умываю руки.

Слухи как мухи летают вокруг, и крутят муху;

Поговори мне тут - за перегруз и за житуху.

Давай, приди в себя, награбим имя, как по нотам;

Слышишь? Скрипит че то... Надо поменять колодки.

Клин-клином давись, видом из окон

Задрот стынет, комп выкинь, хотя я сам такой же.

Люби жизнь, дари стимул, дыши миром -

Живем один раз, надо бы его запомнить!

Припев [x2]:

Капюшон на голову, ведь на дворе не май!

По району заколдованному широко шагаю.

С близкими на проводе, своих не забывай -

Я живу, я творю, я смеюсь, я мечтаю!

Нас нет, коридоры спят, дыма навалом -

Во сне видел этот мир, плакал и пылал успех;

Это феномен, горева бухла, хоть отбавляй -

На улицах грязных принимай!

Мили-мили-мили за спиною, мы в даль!

Корни меняли меняя снова февраль.

Годы улетают, забирая гладкую кожу -

Руби за приз, вывези на волевых!

Тут пруд пруди ЗОЖа, махами рук и ножек;

Не бритые рожи, качали под чернокожих.

Что скажем матерям? Мама прости, я потерял совесть -

То ли совсем взрослый стал, все же...

от пережитого дрожь по коже, мы не похожи

Не обобщай мой город, мой герой - ложим!

Кладем балбес, на правила наглого тона.

Пока спят районы, оперирую словом.

Припев [x2]:

Капюшон на голову, ведь на дворе не май!

По району заколдованному широко шагаю.

С близкими на проводе, своих не забывай -

Я живу, я творю, я смеюсь, я мечтаю!


Sunshine, sunrise -

Вникай в эту суть и летай!

Но нам ничего не светит,

И что же мы расскажем детям?

In the text "What am I going to tell?" Miyagi's son reflects on his life, his search for his place in the world, his doubts and aspirations. The lyrical hero is at a crossroads, he is not sure of the correctness of his path, but he is determined to find his way to success.

He reflects on what to teach his children if he himself has not yet found solid ground under his feet ("What to teach a child, if you don't really know - Found yourself or again in drags, races"). The hero recognizes his mistakes and vices ("In ringing buffets, where bitches are led to torment, On the dirt of hands - I wash my hands"), but strives for the best, for self-improvement ("A wedge is knocked out with a wedge, from the windows a nerd freezes, throw out the computer, although I myself am the same. Love life, give an incentive, breathe the world - We live once, we should remember it!").

He is inspired by the example of his father, who always supported him ("Your father will not let you give up, son!"), and believes in himself ("Come on, pull yourself together, we'll grab a name, like on notes; Hear? Something's creaking... We need to change the deck").

The text contains notes of nostalgia for the past ("In a dream I saw this world, cried and burned with success"), but the hero looks to the future with hope ("Sunshine, sunrise - Delve into this essence and fly!"). He is aware of his responsibility to future generations ("And what will we tell our children?"), which speaks of his maturity and desire to leave his mark on the world.

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