The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Umshakalaka" (Umschakalaka) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

## Verse 1, Amigo

Monkeys in suits stick their tongues in the stores, I smell intrigue

Don't be afraid of a hoe, be afraid of luxury, chic. They hide figs

We are cool cars. Roots crawl to the bombs of the long B.I.G.

Time is filki, bro, check out my awesome glare alone

Someone's Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (oh)

Jumping between the beats (oh)

Snakes underfoot, smoke. Evil in the tank

Cops busting a bust

Everyone wants to be a rich richi

Good luck, kindness, etc., etc. features

But the world is prickly, full of vipers

The plot is twisted like in a leper into blots

Bingo, I found ways out of limbo

King Kong Style

Aka Ching Chong

Yo, what

Fuck you bitches and predatory lionesses follow on their heels

Somewhere near a hot tango

A mango floats in a martini glass

I'm a budget Vanga

And I'm sick of your gloss and polish

I'm a real motherfucker

My hip is a crazy pro

He makes umshalaq

## Hook, Amigo



My hip is a crazy pro

He makes umshalaq



My hip is a crazy pro

He makes umshalaq

## Verse 2, Endspiel

Your respect is green Shrek

We drank and smoked, drank and smoked rap

I'm a proud brand, you're an obvious cap

We drank and smoked, drank and smoked rap

Bro fast you, the show last

And my aka, flow God bless

Here's my pose, mic and lodge

Hands crawl under the skin after the party

The spirit calms down, master of nuclear bass

You became a vegetarian, eat our meat

Bro sees, I could do a lot here

For smoke I could, for year after year

Tell me about the laws of this street

I saw from the inside how evil is tempered

This respect aka umshalaq

Rap mommy attack takes away at once

Tidbit, try to eat it

I'll cover it with a mat! Lava will cover

If only there was food and a woman, I'm going to Bumblebee

If only there was food and a woman, I'm going to Bumblebee

## Hook, MiyaGi

This album phenomenal

Thank you for respect

Very good & very well

Fucking problems go to hell

This album phenomenal

Thank you for respect

Very good & very well

Fucking problems go to hell

## Verse 3, MiyaGi

I have a dream to catch the appetite. Time to catch positive

They fell in the bar. Music cannot be replaced, not taking away the soul

I write lines, my aura is a bomb. The city was shrouded in fog, I know, ma

The longest fishing. I'm a cook and I'm cooking meat again

Sounds of the fluorainbow do not take out of your ears. No engine hum

Follow in the footsteps to the top

Do not rewind life, savoring every detail, seconds, minutes, hours

This is umshalaq, son, it's time to change the view

Head - trouble again sold out

Hip hop soldier yeah grab

In bursts into the crowds, a dense pressure

Bombs subtly pressed on the brain

## Hook, Miyagi

This album phenomenal!


Thank you for respect!


Very good, very well


Fucking problems go to hell!


This album phenomenal!


Thank you for respect!


Very good, very well


Fucking problems go to hell!


[Verse 1, Amigo]

Обезьяны в костюмах суют в магазины свои языки, чую привкус интриги

Не бойся мотыги, бойся роскоши, шика. Они прячут фиги

Мы крутые болиды. Корни ползут к бомбам длинного B.I.G.'и

Время - филки, бро, зацени в одного мои отпадные блики

Кто-то Рикки-Тикки-Тави (о)

Прыгаю между битами (о)

Под ногами наги дым. Злой в баке

Копы вырубают палево

Каждый хочет быть богатым richi

Фарту, добра, и т.д и т.п. фичи

Но мир колючий, полно зыбучих

Сюжет как в лепре в бланты скручен

Бинго, я надыбал выходы из лимбо

Стиль Кинг-Конг

Aka Ching Chong

Слышь, че

Fuck you bitches и хищные львицы прут по пятам

Где-то около жаркое танго

В бокале с мартини плавает манго

Я бюджетная Ванга

И мне тошно от вашего лоска и лака

I'm a real motherfucker

Мой хип - это чокнутый профи

Он делает умшакалака

[Hook, Amigo]



Мой хип, - это чокнутый профи

Он делает умшакалака



Мой хип - это чокнутый профи

Он делает умшакалака

[Verse 2, Эндшпиль]

Твой респект зеленый Шрек

Мы пили и курили, пили и курили рэп

Я гордый бренд, ты чевидный кеп

Мы пили и курили, пили и курили рэп

Bro fast you, the show last

А мою икей, флоу God bless

Вот моя поза, микро и ложа

Руки лезут после тусы под кожу

Затихает дух, мастер ядерного басса

Ты стал вегетарианцем, хавай наше мясо

Видит бро, я тут много смог

За смоком смог, за годом год

Ты расскажи мне о законах этой улицы

Я видел изнутри, как закаляют зло

Этот респект aka умшакалака

Разом уносит рэп мамки атака

Лакомый кусок, попробуй схавай

Покрою матом! Накроет лавой

Еды бы да бабу бы, еду я на Бамблби

Еды бы да бабу бы, еду я на Бамблби

[Hook, MiyaGi]

This album phenomenal

Thank you for respect

Very good & very well

Fucking problems go to hell

This album phenomenal

Thank you for respect

Very good & very well

Fucking problems go to hell

[Verse 3, MiyaGi]

I have a dream, дабы ловить аппетит. Время ловить позитив

В баре пали. Музыку не заменить, не вынимая души

Строки пишу, моя аура бомба. Окутал город туман, я ведом, ма

Самая долгая лова. Я повар и снова готовлю мясного

Звуки флюсорадуги не вынимай из ушей. Не слышно гула машин

По стопам до вершин поспеши

Жизнь не перематывай, вкушая до мелочей, секунды, минуты, часы

Это умшакалака, сын, пора сменить вид

Голова - беда снова sold out

Солдат хипа да хапа

Залпами в толпы, напора плотного

Бомбы тонко давили на мозги

[Hook, Miyagi]

This album phenomenal!


Thank you for respect!


Very good, very well


Fucking problems go to hell!


This album phenomenal!


Thank you for respect!


Very good, very well


Fucking problems go to hell!


In their song "Umshakalaka", Miyagi, along with Amigo and Endshpil, paint a picture of a world saturated with hypocrisy, greed, and falsehood.

Amigo kicks off with the imagery of "monkeys in suits" – a symbol of people pretending to be something they're not for profit. He contrasts them with himself and his crew, referring to them as "cool cars" with deep roots, hinting at the origins of hip-hop. Amigo criticizes the pursuit of luxury, seeing it as a deceptive lure. He positions himself as a perceptive observer ("budget Vanga"), who is disgusted by ostentatious gloss. His "Umshakalaka" is a protest against falsehood, a challenge to consumer society.

Endshpil continues to develop the theme, comparing their music to "green Shrek" – something unconventional, outside the box. He emphasizes their uniqueness ("proud brand"), contrasting himself with "caps" – those who follow trends. Endshpil speaks of inner strength ("master of nuclear bass"), the ability to resist temptations and stay true to yourself. He urges the listener to reflect on the laws of the street, on how character is tempered in harsh realities.

Miyagi concludes by talking about his dream – to "catch positive" in a world full of negativity. He emphasizes the importance of creativity, which helps to abstract from problems ("music cannot be replaced"). Miyagi calls himself a "chef" and his music – a "meat dish", offering the listener to enjoy the quality sound. He encourages to appreciate every moment of life, "not rewinding" it, and accept all its manifestations, because this is "umshakalaka."

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