The meaning of the lyrics of the song "And the counter clicks." (A schyotchik schyolkaet) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

He kept telling us: "She's mine!"

"You're kidding, man, you're kidding!

Get lost, kid, you're way too drunk

Or you'll get it, man, you'll get it!"

And he shouted: "I don't care anymore!

Get in the taxi - let's go for a ride!

Let the meter tick, let it - it doesn't matter

At the end of the road, we'll have to pay up

Let the meter tick, let it - it doesn't matter

At the end of the road, we'll have to pay up"

I don't feel sorry for guys like that

"Stay out of trouble!" - I say again

And he - to me, and everything - about her

"Shut up, bastard, look, shut up!"

Blood with wine hit my temples

And, still smiling

I said to him quietly: "It doesn't matter

At the end of the road, you'll have to pay up!"

I said to him quietly: "It doesn't matter

At the end of the road, you'll have to pay up!"

I'm deaf to tears and deaf to pleas

I'm in the mood for a fight, oh, how I'm in the mood!

And whether you like it, friend, or not, friend

Pay the bill, friend, pay the bill!

And life flickers like a silent movie

I feel good, I want to laugh

And the meter - click and click - and it doesn't matter

At the end of the road, you'll have to pay up

And the meter - click and click - and it doesn't matter

At the end of the road, you'll have to pay up.

Твердил он нам: "Моя она!"

"Да ты смеёшься, друг, да ты смеёшься!

Уйди, пацан, - ты очень пьян

А то нарвёшься, друг, гляди, нарвёшься!"

А он кричал: "Теперь мне всё одно!

Садись в такси - поехали кататься!

Пусть счётчик щёлкает, пусть - всё равно

В конце пути придётся рассчитаться

Пусть счётчик щёлкает, пусть - всё равно

В конце пути придётся рассчитаться"

Не жалко мне таких парней

"Ты от греха уйди!" - твержу я снова

А он - ко мне, и всё - о ней

"А ну - ни слова, гад, гляди, ни слова!"

Ударила в виски мне кровь с вином

И, также продолжая улыбаться

Ему сказал я тихо: "Всё равно

В конце пути придётся рассчитаться!"

Ему сказал я тихо: "Всё равно

В конце пути придётся рассчитаться!"

К слезам я глух и к просьбам глух

В охоту драка мне, ох, как в охоту!

И хочешь, друг, не хочешь, друг

Плати по счёту, друг, плати по счёту!

А жизнь мелькает, как в немом кино

Мне хорошо, мне хочется смеяться

А счётчик - щёлк да щёлк, - да всё равно

В конце пути придётся рассчитаться

А счётчик - щёлк да щёлк, - да всё равно

В конце пути придётся рассчитаться

The song "And the Meter Clicks" by Vladimir Vysotsky tells a story of conflict, jealousy, and the inevitability of paying for one's actions.

The plot revolves around a love triangle. The lyrical hero confronts a rival who, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, openly declares his claim on a certain woman. The phrases "She's mine!" and "Get in the taxi - let's go for a ride!" demonstrate the rival's self-confidence and persistence, ignoring the hero's warnings.

The image of the clicking taxi meter takes on a symbolic meaning. It embodies the passage of time and the inevitability of retribution. The repeated phrase "At the end of the road, we'll have to settle up" sounds like an ominous premonition, a reminder that all actions, especially those committed in the heat of passion, will have consequences.

Tension gradually builds. "Blood and wine" rush to the hero's temples, symbolizing a mixture of anger and alcohol pushing him towards reckless actions. He accepts his rival's challenge, engaging in a fight.

The ending of the song remains open. It is unclear how the confrontation will end, who will "pay the bill." However, the final lines of the song, "And the meter clicks and clicks, it doesn't matter / At the end of the road, we'll have to settle up," leave a feeling of anxiety and the inevitability of retribution awaiting each participant in this drama.

Thus, the song "And the Meter Clicks" is not just a story of jealousy and a fight, but a philosophical reflection on the price of rash actions, on the transience of life ("And life flashes by like a silent movie"), and on the inevitability of reckoning that awaits everyone at the end of the road.

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