The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The guns have long fallen silent." (Davno smolkli zalpyi orudiy) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The cannons have long fallen silent,

Above us, only sunlight streams.-

By what are people now tested,

If war is no longer seen?

We still often hear the question,

Now, just like back then:

"Would you go with him on a mission?

No, or yes again?"

Armor-piercing shells won't explode,

No funeral notices at the door,

And it seems - everything's so peaceful,

No place for bravery anymore...

But we still often hear the question,

Now, just like back then:

"Would you go with him on a mission?

No, or yes again?"

Peace is only a dream, I know,

Be ready, hold on, and strive!

There's a peaceful front line, you see -

Trouble, danger, and risk alive.

Therefore, we often hear the question,

Now, just like back then:

"Would you go with him on a mission?

No, or yes again?"

Mines are cleared in the fields, it's true,

But we're not in a field of flowers,-

The search, the stars, the depths you pursue,

Don't dismiss them in peaceful hours.

Therefore, we often hear the question,

Now, just like back then:

"Would you go with him on a mission?

No, or yes again?"

Давно смолкли залпы орудий,

Над нами лишь солнечный свет,-

На чем проверяются люди,

Если войны уже нет?

Приходится слышать нередко

Сейчас, как тогда:

"Ты бы пошел с ним в разведку?

Нет или да?"

Не ухнет уже бронебойный,

Не быть похоронной под дверь,

И кажется - все так спокойно,

Негде раскрыться теперь...

Но все-таки слышим нередко

Сейчас, как тогда:

"Ты бы пошел с ним в разведку?

Нет или да?"

Покой только снится, я знаю,-

Готовься, держись и дерись! -

Есть мирная передовая -

Беда, и опасность, и риск.

Поэтому слышим нередко

Сейчас, как тогда:

"Ты бы пошел с ним в разведку?

Нет или да?"

В полях обезврежены мины,

Но мы не на поле цветов,-

Вы поиски, звезды, глубины

Не сбрасывайте со счетов.

Поэтому слышим нередко

Сейчас, как тогда:

"Ты бы пошел с ним в разведку?

Нет или да?"

In his song "The Guns Have Long Fallen Silent," Vladimir Vysotsky raises the important theme of testing a person's mettle in peacetime. Although the war is over and the guns have fallen silent, life throws up its own challenges, requiring courage, loyalty, and a willingness to come to the aid of others.

The question "Would you go on reconnaissance with him?" becomes a metaphor, a symbol of testing friendship, loyalty, and the ability to sacrifice oneself for another. It is no longer a question of willingness to go into battle in the literal sense, but of a person's capacity for an act that requires courage and self-sacrifice in everyday life.

Vysotsky argues that the "peaceful frontline" is no less dangerous than a battlefield. It is fraught with many challenges: "trouble, and danger, and risk." The hero of the song realizes that peace is only temporary, and one must be ready for trials ("get ready, hold on, and fight").

The author emphasizes that heroism is not limited to military action. "Searches, stars, depths" are metaphors for aspirations, dreams, and the pursuit of new knowledge, which require no less courage and determination than in war.

The recurring refrain "Would you go on reconnaissance with him?" becomes a kind of moral compass, a call for constant inner mobilization, a willingness to be accountable for one's actions and to take responsibility for one's choices.

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