The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Thunder roared - isolation is coming." (Grom progremel — zolyaciya idyot) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Thunder rumbled - lockdown's here

The governor's detectives send out telegrams

That all Odessa is overflowing with thieves

And that a critical moment has come

And the criminal element is getting out of hand

It's not the right game - the chiefs are sad

In all the dens they drink not wine, but poison

Everywhere in the city - murders and robberies

They give the order - go all in

And apply the backup plan!

Here comes a cop - going around the block

The governor's detectives send out telegrams

That all Odessa is overflowing with thieves

And that a critical moment has come

And the criminal element is getting out of hand

And they answer with this advice

Have a drop of respect for this drama

Four on the side - none of yours are in Odessa-mama!

Let the cop go, let him go around the block

The game is wrong - and the number won't work!

Гром прогремел - золяция идет

Губернский розыск рассылает телеграммы

Что вся Одесса переполнута с ворами

И что настал критический момент

И заедает темный элемент

Не тот расклад - начальники грустят

Во всех притонах пьют не вины, а отравы

Во всем у городе - убийства и облавы

Они приказ дают - идти ва-банк

И применить запасный вариант!

Вот мент идет - идет в обход

Губернский розыск рассылает телеграммы

Что вся Одесса переполнута с ворами

И что настал критический момент

И заедававает темный элемент

А им в ответ дают такой совет

Имейте каплю уваженья к этой драме

Четыре сбоку - ваших нет в Одессе-маме!

Пусть мент идет, идет себе в обход

Расклад не тот - и номер не пройдет!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Thunder Roared - Isolation is Coming" paints a satirical picture of the fight against crime in Odessa.

The main idea of the lyrics is to show the incompetence and hypocrisy of the authorities, who are fighting the symptoms, not the cause of the problem.

Vysotsky uses an ironic contrast between the loud statements of the authorities about the "critical moment" and the real state of affairs. Odessa is "overflowing with thieves", "in all the dens they drink poison", "murders and raids" - all this speaks of a deep crisis and decay of society.

The authorities, represented by the "bosses" and the "provincial investigation department", act routinely and ineffectively. Their "fallback" and order to "go all in" speaks of a lack of a real plan and understanding of the situation.

The criminal world is contrasted with this picture of the world, which, despite its illegal activities, is shown to be more organized and cohesive. The phrase "Four on the side - yours are not in Odessa-mama!" suggests that criminals have their own code of honor and their own rules, unlike the corrupt authorities.

In general, Vysotsky's song is a sharp satire on Soviet reality, where the fight against crime was more of a window dressing than a real desire to restore order.

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