The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The city drowned out the sound." (Gorod uschi zatknul) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The city plugged its ears and wanted to sleep,

And all the citizens hid in their burrows.

But I still have a thousand things to do at this hour -

Draw the curtains

and check the locks!

It's all in vain: a strong lock won't save you,

You won't sleep peacefully in your home -

And all because I went out for a heist tonight,

And Kolka Demin's

on lookout on the corner.

And even though the elevator man guards you at night,

And you didn't turn off the light out of habit -

I've already picked the lock a while ago,

Had a sip of water

and took the little things.

You saw, you heard - how the leaves were rustling,

Your skinny, weak powers,-

I've done my job - and immediately back,

And the things - to the mother-in-law

in Maryina Roshcha.

And then - until morning you can drink and walk,

Let the guitars ring and sing,

And sleep peacefully, so as not to see

Nightmares in your sleep,

cops and prison bars.

When the city fell asleep, when the city became quiet -

It's only the beginning of work for me...

Sleep, citizens, in your warm apartments -


until next Saturday!

Город уши заткнул и уснуть захотел,

И все граждане спрятались в норы.

А у меня в этот час еще тысяча дел,-

Задерни шторы

и проверь запоры!

Только зря: не спасет тебя крепкий замок,

Ты не уснешь спокойно в своем доме,-

А потому, что я вышел сегодня на скок,

А Колька Демин -

на углу на стреме.

И пускай сторожит тебя ночью лифтер,

И ты свет не гасил по привычке -

Я давно уже гвоздик к замочку притер,

Попил водички

и забрал вещички.

Ты увидел, услышал - как листья дрожат,

Твои тощие, хилые мощи,-

Дело сделал свое я - и тут же назад,

А вещи - теще

в Марьиной роще.

А потом - до утра можно пить и гулять,

Чтоб звенели и пели гитары,

И спокойно уснуть, чтобы не увидать

Во сне кошмары,

мусоров и нары.

Когда город уснул, когда город затих -

Для меня лишь начало работы...

Спите, граждане, в теплых квартирах своих -

Спокойной ночи,

до будущей субботы!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The City Plugged its Ears" carries a profound and multifaceted meaning, revealed through the prism of the lyrical hero - a thief.

Juxtaposition: From the first lines, the author contrasts the sleeping, indifferent city ("plugged its ears", "hid in their holes") with the active hero, full of determination ("a thousand things to do"). The city embodies routine, submission to monotony, while the hero defies conventions, choosing a nocturnal life full of risk and adrenaline.

Irony and sarcasm: Addressing "you", the lyrical hero ironically advises hiding, knowing it's futile. He mocks the citizens' illusory security ("strong lock", "janitor", "light"), emphasizing his audacity and ability to overcome any obstacle ("picked the lock with a nail").

Philosophical subtext: Despite the criminal plot, the song goes beyond the description of a simple theft. The hero, comparing himself to the inexorable force of nature ("leaves tremble"), challenges not only social norms but also time itself. Night for him is an opportunity to live by his own rules, to create his own reality, where there is no place for fear and routine.

Duality: The ending of the song leaves a bitter aftertaste. On the one hand, the hero enjoys freedom and impunity ("drink and wander", "guitars ringing"). On the other hand, "nightmares, cops, and prison bars" remind of the price of this freedom and the inevitability of retribution.

Image of the city: The city is not just a background, but an independent character, personifying a faceless mass, indifferent to the fate of an individual. "Good night" sounds like a mockery, emphasizing the chasm between the hero's world and the sleeping city.

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