The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Horizon" (Gorizont) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

So there are no traces - everything is swept clean.

Scold me, shame me, spread the news!

My finish line is the horizon, the ribbon - the edge of the earth,

I must be the first on the horizon.

Not everyone approved the terms of the bet,

And hands were shaken reluctantly.

The condition is this - to ride on the highway,

And only on the highway, irrevocably.

I wind miles on the driveshaft

And drive parallel to the wires,

But every now and then a shadow in front of the engine -

Either a black cat or someone in something black.

I know they will put a spoke in my wheels more than once.

I guess how and in what way they will deceive me.

I know where they will cut off my run with a grin

And where a rope is stretched across the road.

But I'm pushing the limits. At these speeds

A grain of sand acquires the power of a bullet.

And I squeeze the steering wheel until my hands cramp -

To make it in time, before the bolts are tightened!

I wind miles on the driveshaft

And drive vertically to the wires.

They are tightening the nuts. Faster!

Otherwise, they will raise the rope just where my neck is.

And the asphalt melts, the tires boil.

My heart sinks from the proximity of the denouement.

With my bare chest, I tear the stretched rope.

I'm alive! Take off the black blindfolds!

Those who forced me into this tough bet -

Are dishonest in their arguments and calculations.

Excitement intoxicates me, but whatever one may say,

I brake on slippery bends!

I wind miles on the driveshaft -

In defiance of ropes, cables, and wires.

Just calm down the losers

When I appear on the horizon!

My finish line is the horizon - still far away.

I didn't break the ribbon, but I'm done with the rope.

The cable didn't cross my cervical vertebra,

But from the bushes they shoot at the wheels.

It wasn't rubles that drove me to this race,

I was asked: - Don't miss a moment!

Find out, is there a limit there, at the edge of the Earth?

And is it possible to push the horizons?

I wind miles on the driveshaft.

And I won't let them put a bullet in my tire.

But the brakes are failing. The code!

I'm missing the horizon at full speed!

Чтоб не было следов - повсюду подмели.

Ругайте же меня, позорьте и трезвоньте!

Мой финиш - горизонт, а лента - край земли,

Я должен первым быть на горизонте.

Условия пари одобрили не все,

И руки разбивали неохотно.

Условье таково, - чтоб ехать по шоссе,

И только по шоссе, бесповоротно.

Наматываю мили на кардан

И еду параллельно проводам,

Но то и дело тень перед мотором -

То чёрный кот, то кто-то в чём-то чёрном.

Я знаю, мне не раз в колеса палки ткнут.

Догадываюсь, в чём и как меня обманут.

Я знаю, где мой бег с ухмылкой пресекут

И где через дорогу трос натянут.

Но стрелки я топлю. На этих скоростях

Песчинка обретает силу пули.

И я сжимаю руль до судорог в кистях -

Успеть, пока болты не затянули!

Наматываю мили на кардан

И еду вертикально к проводам.

Завинчивают гайки. Побыстрее!

Не то поднимут трос, как раз где шея.

И плавится асфальт, протекторы кипят.

Под ложечкой сосёт от близости развязки.

Я голой грудью рву натянутый канат.

Я жив! Снимите черные повязки!

Кто вынудил меня на жёсткое пари -

Нечистоплотны в споре и расчетах.

Азарт меня пьянит, но, как ни говори,

Я торможу на скользких поворотах!

Наматываю мили на кардан -

Назло канатам, тросам, проводам.

Вы только проигравших урезоньте,

Когда я появлюсь на горизонте!

Мой финиш - горизонт - по-прежнему далёк.

Я ленту не порвал, но я покончил с тросом.

Канат не пересёк мой шейный позвонок,

Но из кустов стреляют по колёсам.

Меня ведь не рубли на гонку завели,

Меня просили: - Миг не проворонь ты!

Узнай, а есть предел там, на краю Земли?

И можно ли раздвинуть горизонты?

Наматываю мили на кардан.

И пулю в скат влепить себе не дам.

Но тормоза отказывают. Кода!

Я горизонт промахиваю с хода!

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Horizon," we witness a metaphor for life's journey, filled with dangers and obstacles. The lyrical hero participates in a race where his life is at stake. The horizon in this context symbolizes not only the finish line but also the ultimate dream, the goal the hero strives for.

The image of "winding miles onto the drive shaft" conveys the relentless movement of time and the hero's pursuit of his goal. He drives "parallel to the wires," which can be interpreted as following established rules, but he is pursued by ominous premonitions ("shadow before the motor," "black cat").

The hero is aware of the danger of his situation; he knows that people are trying to deceive and frame him ("stick spokes in the wheels," "rope stretched across the road"). However, he does not give up, "pushes the pedal to the metal," and fights for his life, comparing grains of sand at high speed to deadly bullets.

The image of the "tightened rope" symbolizes the danger threatening the hero, the noose that he miraculously avoids. The asphalt melts, the "tires boil" – everything points to the extreme tension and heat of the struggle.

Despite the risk and fear, the hero does not regret his choice. He is not racing for money ("it wasn't rubles that got me into this race"), but for a higher purpose – to know the limits of the possible, to expand horizons.

The ending of the song remains open. The hero overcomes obstacles, but the finish line – the horizon – is still far away. He is determined to win, but the final outcome remains unknown.

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