The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Mountain Lyric" (Gornaya liricheskaya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The tremor in my hands is gone,

Now - upward!

The fear has plunged into the abyss -

Forever, forevermore.

No reason to stop now,

I go, gliding on.

And in the world, there are no peaks

That can't be taken.

Among the untrodden paths,

One - let it be mine.

Among the unconquered frontiers,

One - shall be mine.

And the names of those who fell here,

The snows conceal.

Among the untraveled roads,

One - is mine.

Here, with the blue glow of ice,

The whole slope is bathed,

And the secret of someone's tracks,

The granite holds.

And I look into my dream -

Above the heads of all,

And I sacredly believe in the purity

Of snows and words.

And even though much time will pass -

I will not forget,

That here, my doubts I was able

To kill within myself.

That day the water whispered to me:

"Good luck - always!.."

And what day, what day was it then?

Ah, yes - Wednesday.

Ну вот, исчезла дрожь в руках,

Теперь - наверх!

Ну вот, сорвался в пропасть страх -

Навек, навек.

Для остановки нет причин,

Иду, скользя.

И в мире нет таких вершин,

Что взять нельзя.

Среди нехоженых путей.

Один - пусть мой.

Среди невзятых рубежей

Один - за мной.

А имена тех, кто здесь лег,

Снега таят.

Среди непройденных дорог

Одна - моя.

Здесь голубым сияньем льдов

Весь склон облит,

И тайну чьих-нибудь следов

Гранит хранит.

А я гляжу в свою мечту -

Поверх голов,

И свято верю в чистоту

Снегов и слов.

И пусть пройдет немалый срок -

Мне не забыть,

Что здесь сомнения я смог

В себе убить.

В тот день шептала мне вода:

"Удач - всегда!.."

А день, какой был день тогда?

Ах, да - среда.

In the poem "Mountain Lyric", Vladimir Vysotsky uses the image of conquering a mountain peak as a metaphor for self-overcoming and achieving goals. The lyrical hero, overcoming fear and doubt, ascends to the top, symbolically conquering not only the mountain, but also himself.

The first lines convey a sense of euphoria and determination: the trembling in the hands caused by fear disappears, giving way to confidence. The hero "falls into the abyss of fear" - he leaves behind all doubts and insecurities. This metaphor emphasizes the irreversibility of his decision to move forward towards his goal.

Further, the motive of upward movement is intensified: the hero walks "among untrodden paths", paving his own way. He strives for the unknown, for "unconquered frontiers", emphasizing his individuality and thirst for discovery. The memory of those who died on this path does not stop the hero, but on the contrary, inspires him to reach his peak.

The image of the "blue glow of the ice" creates an atmosphere of purity and grandeur, and the "secret of someone's tracks", kept by granite, hints at the eternity and immutability of nature, to which the lyrical hero bows. He believes in the "purity of snow and words", which can be interpreted as a striving for honesty, sincerity, and nobility of thoughts and actions.

The final lines, seemingly simple at first glance, take on a deep meaning. The hero remembers the day when he was able to "kill doubts in himself", and the water whispered to him: "Good luck - always!". This seemingly insignificant fact – the day of the week – becomes the starting point of a new life, a life without fear and doubt.

Thus, the poem "Mountain Lyric" is a hymn to courage, purposefulness and self-belief, a call for constant self-improvement and moving forward, despite any obstacles.

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