The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Dialogue by the TV" (Dialog u televizora) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

— Oh, Vanya, look, what clowns.

I'd sew their mouths shut with a string…

Oh, Vanya, they're so heavily made up,

And their voices are like drunkards'

And that one looks like — no, really, Vanya, —

Like my brother-in-law — the same drunkard.

No, look, no-no, look, —

I mean it, Vanya.

— Listen, Zina, leave my brother-in-law alone:

Whatever he is, he's family, —

You're all dolled up yourself, smelling of smoke —

Just you wait, you'll get it from me.

Instead of gossiping — why don't you, Zina,

Run to the shop during the intermission…

What, you won't go? Fine, I'll go — alone, —

Move over, Zina.

— Oh, Vanya, look, what dwarfs.

Dressed in jerseys, not suits, —

At our Fifth Sewing Factory

Hardly anyone would sew something like that.

And you, honestly, Vanya,

All your friends are such riffraff

And they always drink such muck

So early in the morning.

— My friends — although they're not dressed in Bologna,

At least they don't steal from their families, —

And they drink muck — to save money:

At least they drink their own in the morning.

And you yourself, Zina,

Had a boyfriend from the tire factory,

And he — drank gasoline, —

Remember, Zina?

— Oh, Vanya, look — parrots

No, I swear, I'll scream.

And who is that in the short T-shirt?

I want one just like it, Vanya.

At the end of the quarter — really, Vanya, —

Make me one just like it…

Why "leave me alone", always "leave me alone".

It's hurtful, Vanya.

— You, Zina, should have kept quiet —

My bonus for the quarter is gone.

Who wrote complaints about me to my work?

Wasn't it you? I read them myself.

Besides, this T-shirt, Zina,

You put it on — it's a disgrace.

You need yards of fabric for your size —

Where's the money, Zina?

— Oh, Vanya, these acrobats will be the death of me.

Look how he's spinning, the scoundrel.

Our workshop foreman — comrade Satikov —

Was jumping around like that at the club recently.

And you come home, Ivan,

Eat and straight onto the sofa,

Or, you shout when you're sober.

What's wrong with you, Ivan?

— You, Zina, are looking for trouble,

Always trying to offend everyone, Zina.

You're so worked up here…

You'll come home — and there you'll sit.

Well, and me, of course, Zina,

You always drag me to the shops, —

And there — my friends… Because I, Zina,

Don't drink alone.

— Oh, my, but look at that gymnast.

Oh, what she's doing, despite her age.

At our dairy cafe "The Swallow"

The waitress can do that too.

And your friends, Zina,

All they do is knit hats for winter.

Their boring ways

Drive you crazy, Zina.

— What, Vanya? And what about Lilka Fedoseyeva,

The cashier from Gorky Park.

You were all over her at the housewarming party...

She's quite something.

And instead of arguing, Vanya,

Let's go on holiday to Yerevan.

Why "Leave me alone"? Always "Leave me alone".

It's hurtful, Vanya!

— Ой, Вань, гляди, какие клоуны.

Рот — хоть завязочки пришей…

Ой, до чего, Вань, размалеваны,

И голос — как у алкашей

А тот похож — нет, правда, Вань, —

На шурина — такая ж пьянь.

Ну нет, ты глянь, нет-нет, ты глянь, —

Я — вправду, Вань.

— Послушай, Зин, не трогай шурина:

Какой ни есть, а он — родня, —

Сама намазана, прокурена —

Гляди, дождешься у меня.

А чем болтать — взяла бы, Зин,

В антракт сгоняла в магазин…

Что, не пойдешь? Ну, я — один, —

Подвинься, Зин.

— Ой, Вань, гляди, какие карлики.

В джерси одеты, не в шевьет, —

На нашей пятой швейной фабрике

Такое вряд ли кто пошьет.

А у тебя, ей-богу, Вань,

Ну все друзья — такая рвань

И пьют всегда в такую рань

Такую дрянь.

— Мои друзья — хоть не в Болонии,

Зато не тащат из семьи, —

А гадость пьют — из экономии:

Хоть поутру — да на свои.

А у тебя самой-то, Зин,

Приятель был с завода шин,

Так тот — вообще хлебал бензин, —

Ты вспомни, Зин.

— Ой, Вань, гляди-кось — попугайчики

Нет, я, ей-богу, закричу.

А это кто в короткой маечке?

Я, Вань, такую же хочу.

В конце квартала — правда, Вань, —

Ты мне такую же сваргань…

Ну что «отстань», всегда «отстань».

Обидно, Вань.

— Уж ты б, Зин, лучше помолчала бы —

Накрылась премия в квартал.

Кто мне писал на службу жалобы?

Не ты? Да я же их читал.

К тому же эту майку, Зин,

Тебе напяль — позор один.

Тебе шитья пойдет аршин —

Где деньги, Зин?

— Ой, Вань, умру от акробатиков.

Гляди, как вертится, нахал.

Завцеха наш — товарищ Сатиков —

Недавно в клубе так скакал.

А ты придешь домой, Иван,

Поешь и сразу — на диван,

Иль, вон, кричишь, когда не пьян.

Ты что, Иван?

— Ты, Зин, на грубость нарываешься,

Все, Зин, обидеть норовишь.

Тут за день так накувыркаешься…

Придешь домой — там ты сидишь.

Ну, и меня, конечно, Зин,

Все время тянет в магазин, —

А там — друзья… Ведь я же, Зин,

Не пью один.

— Ого, однако же, гимнасточка.

Ой, что творит, хотя в летах.

У нас в кафе молочном "Ласточка"

Официантка может так.

А у тебя подруги, Зин,

Все вяжут шапочки для зим.

От ихних скучных образин

Дуреешь, Зин.

— Как, Вань? А Лилька Федосеева,

Кассирша из ЦПКО.

Ты к ней все лез на новоселье...

Она так очень ничего.

А чем ругаться, лучше, Вань,

Поедем в отпуск в Еревань.

Ну, что "Отстань"? Всегда "Отстань".

Обидно, Вань!

This satirical dialogue by Vladimir Vysotsky, "Dialogue by the TV," depicts a quarrel between a married couple, Zina and Vanya, against the backdrop of television programs. The author uses the technique of "alibi in plain sight" to expose the hypocrisy and pettiness of the characters.

Zina, clinging to every frame, criticizes the artists, comparing them to Vanya's relatives and acquaintances, hinting at his low social status and addiction to alcohol. Her remarks are full of sarcasm and humiliation: "their mouths need to be sewn shut," "voices like drunkards," "no one in our fifth sewing factory would sew anything like that."

Vanya, trying to defend himself, snaps back with the same insults, accusing Zina of hypocrisy, deceit, and envy: "you're all dolled up and smoked out yourself," "they drink cheap stuff to save money," "who wrote complaints about me to my work?" He points out her past relationships and unflattering behavior to silence her.

The dialogue is built on contrast. Zina, while admiring the artists, actually expresses contempt for Vanya and his circle. Vanya, defending himself, only aggravates the situation by showing his rudeness and indifference to his wife.

Vysotsky masterfully conveys the atmosphere of a domestic quarrel, using simple, colloquial expressions, repetitions, and rhymes. The dialogue is full of humor, but behind it lies a sad truth about mutual misunderstanding, accusations, and a lack of love in the relationship.

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