The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Red, green" (Krasnoe, zelyonoe) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Red, green, yellow, violet,

The most beautiful ones — on your hips.

And if something's cheap — it's new and lucky,

And you, just give me vodka, and, rarely, cognac.

You insatiable hag, shameless bitch,

How many times did I ask, "Is it enough, my dear?"

And you, always drunk, healthy, unbroken,

Gave me vodka and shouted, "Not yet!"

On you, poison, money rained from the sky —

In large bills, a golden loan,

But one day it poured in, and no matter how hard we searched,

Everything vanished, disappeared, like white smoke from apple trees.

Well, God be with you, cursed one, with your faithful vow

That you'll wait for me for many years.

To hell with you, you tramp, you and your mother too!

Live as you please — I'm gone forever!

Красное, зеленое, желтое, лиловое,

Самое красивое — на твои бока,

А если что дешевое — то новое, фартовое, —

А ты мне только водку, ну и реже — коньяка.

Бабу ненасытную, стерву неприкрытую

Сколько раз я спрашивал: «Хватит ли, мой свет?»

А ты всегда испитая, здоровая, небитая —

Давала мене водку и кричала: «Еще нет».

На тебя, отраву, деньги словно с неба сыпались —

Крупными купюрами, займом золотым, —

Но однажды всыпались, и сколько мы не рыпались, —

Все прошло, исчезло, словно с яблонь белый дым.

А бог с тобой, с проклятою, с твоею верной клятвою

О том, что будешь ждать меня ты долгие года, —

А ну тебя, патлатую, тебя саму и мать твою!

Живи себе, как хочешь — я уехал навсегда!

This text is a song by Vladimir Vysotsky, filled with bitter irony and sarcasm. The lyrical hero addresses his destructive passion, possibly alcohol or gambling, which he personifies as a woman.

At the beginning of the song, the hero seems to be enchanted by his "beloved": he is ready to give her all the best ("red, green, yellow, purple"), contenting himself with little ("vodka, and less often - cognac"). The image of "cheap, lucky" hints that the hero is looking for an easy way out, quick pleasures, without thinking about the consequences.

The second verse reveals the true nature of the "beloved." She is insatiable ("insatiable woman"), deceitful ("undisguised стерва" - a very strong negative word in Russian, close to "bitch"), and constantly demands new victims ("She gave me vodka and shouted: "More!"). The hero realizes her pernicious influence but cannot resist.

In the third verse, luck turns away from the hero. "Money fell from the sky," but disappeared just as quickly. The image of "white smoke from apple trees" emphasizes the ephemerality and illusory nature of wealth and success obtained dishonestly.

The finale of the song is imbued with pain and disappointment. The hero curses his "beloved," freeing himself from addiction. He leaves, leaving the past behind, but it is unclear whether he will be able to start a new life, getting rid of his destructive passion.

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