The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Scapegoat" (Kozyol otpuscheniya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

In a preserve (don't recall which one)

There once lived a Goat - with horns so long -

Though he lived with wolves, he wouldn't howl like one -

He just bleated his goat songs all day long.

He'd nibble on grass, and plump up his sides,

Never a harsh word from his lips would fly -

Though the use of him was like milk from goat hides,

But harm, it is true, he did to none, not a lie.

He lived in the pasture, by the lake's gleam,

Never intruding on anyone's ground -

But they noticed the modest Goat, it would seem,

And chose him as Scapegoat, to be pushed around.

For example, the Bear - a scoundrel and cheat -

Would insult someone, in his bearish way -

They'd quickly find Goat, drag him in for a beat:

By his horns and between them, they'd have their say...

He never resisted, the grey one, the violence and spite,

But endured the beatings with joy and with pride.

The Bear himself declared, "Guys, I'm proud of this sight -

A heroic soul, this goat, though his brains are fried!"

They treasured the Goat, as an heir to a throne,

A decree in the forest, they then did impart,

From the preserve's grounds, it was strictly unknown,

To ever let go of their precious Scapegoat.

The Goat, he still pranced, as goats tend to do,

But mischief he started, on the quiet, you see:

He tied his beard in a knot, just for a view,

And from the bushes, called the Wolf "bastard," so free.

And when the next round of scapegoating came,

Blamed for wolves overeating, as was often the way -

He growled, like a bear, as if caught in a game -

But no one paid heed to his act on that day.

While predators bickered, amongst their own kind,

In the preserve, an opinion took hold,

That more precious than bears or foxes, you'd find -

Was their dear Scapegoat, worth more than gold.

The Goat overheard, and his tune, it did change:

"Hey, you brown ones," he cried, "Hey, you spotted and pied!

I'll take away your wolf rations, rearrange,

And your bear privileges, cast them aside!

I'll show you a 'goat face' the forest won't forget,

Stencil it everywhere, high and low you'll see -

I'll string you all up on my horns, bet you on that!

And make you infamous, across the land, so free!"

Not a single one of you will graze on this earth,

You'll all croak without mercy, I swear it's the end -

Whose sins to forgive, it's my say, from my birth:

For I am the Scapegoat, on whom you depend!"

...In a preserve (don't recall which one, it's true)

The Goat now holds sway, in a way most unfair:

He lived with the wolves - and howled like them too -

And now he roars fiercely, with a bearish air.

В заповеднике (вот в каком забыл)

Жил да был Козел - роги длинные, -

Хоть с волками жил - не по-волчьи выл -

Блеял песенки всё козлиные.

И пощипывал он травку, и нагуливал бока,

Не услышишь от него худого слова, -

Толку было с него, правда, как с козла молока,

Но вреда, однако, тоже - никакого.

Жил на выпасе, возле озерка,

Не вторгаясь в чужие владения, -

Но заметили скромного Козлика

И избрали в козлы отпущения!

Например, Медведь - баламут и плут -

Обхамит кого-нибудь по-медвежьему, -

Враз Козла найдут, приведут и бьют :

По рогам ему и промеж ему...

Не противился он, серенький, насилию со злом,

А сносил побои весело и гордо.

Сам Медведь сказал :"Робяты, я горжусь Козлом -

Героическая личность, козья морда!"

Берегли Козла, как наследника, -

Вышло даже в лесу запрещение

С территории заповедника

Отпускать Козла отпущения.

А Козел себе все скакал козлом,

Но пошаливать он стал втихимолочку :

Как-то бороду завязал узлом -

Из кустов назвал Волка сволочью.

А когда очередное отпущенье получал -

Всё за то, что волки лишку откусили, -

Он, как будто бы случайно, по-медвежьи зарычал, -

Но внимания тогда не обратили.

Пока хищники меж собой дрались,

В заповеднике крепло мнение,

Что дороже всех медведей и лис -

Дорогой Козел отпущения!

Услыхал Козел - да и стал таков :

"Эй, вы, бурые, - кричит, - эй, вы, пегие!

Отниму у вас рацион волков

И медвежие привилегии!

Покажу вам "козью морду" настоящую в лесу,

Распишу туда-сюда по трафарету, -

Всех на роги намотаю и по кочкам разнесу,

И ославлю по всему по белу свету "

Не один из вас будет землю жрать,

Все подохнете без прощения, -

Отпускать грехи кому - уж это мне решать :

Это я - Козел отпущения!"

...В заповеднике (вот в каком забыл)

Правит бал Козел не по-прежнему :

Он с волками жил - и по-волчьи взвыл, -

И рычит теперь по-медвежьему.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Scapegoat" is an allegory about conformism, opportunism, and the sudden transformation of a personality faced with power.

At the beginning of the song, we see a quiet, harmless Goat who is the perfect "scapegoat" for the strong animals - the Bear and the Wolves. He accepts beatings and insults meekly, even with a certain pride, because it makes him a "hero" in the eyes of the tyrant Bear.

However, gradually the Goat begins to understand his power. He sees that his "role" provides him with security and even privileges. This realization leads to a gradual transformation of his personality. First, he allows himself small pranks, and then, seeing impunity, he decides on an open rebellion.

By the end of the song, the Goat is no longer the timid outcast. He has learned the habits of his tormentors and has become a tyrant himself, threatening everyone around him with reprisal.

Thus, the song "Scapegoat" is not just a story about animals in a nature reserve. It is a metaphor for human society, where the weak often become victims of the strong, and those who endure humiliation for a long time can eventually turn into the same tyrants.

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