The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Hopkinson's Lullaby" (Kolyibelnaya Hopkinsona) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Sleep, my child! My baby, bye!

Save up your strength, don't cry.

Do you want to sleep? - Have a rest,

Give a smile - and sleep your best!

Lullaby has hushed the sound,

All the outside noises drowned.

May you have a dream so bright,

That the whole world sleeps in the night.

World is down, and you above

Soar in your sweet dreaming love.

Here's Moscow, ancient Rome you see,

And the night-time scenery of Paris.

And in unison with you

Voices sing, it's true.

Though it's only a dream, it's clear

In a dream we all grow, my dear.

Everything is possible, you see:

Maybe someday you'll be free

To repeat this wondrous flight

In reality, in broad daylight.

You will fly above the ground,

Higher than the roofs and crowns around,

But for now you sleep so tight,

See your dream throughout the night!

Спи, дитя! Май беби, бай!

Много сил скопи.

Ду ю вонт ту слип? - Отдыхай,

Улыбнись - и спи!

Колыбельной заглушен

Посторонний гул.

Пусть тебе приснится сон,

Что весь мир уснул.

Мир внизу, а ты над ним

В сладком сне паришь.

Вот Москва, древний Рим

И ночной Париж.

И с тобою в унисон

Голоса поют.

Правда, это только сон,

А во сне - растут.

Может быть, все может быть:

Ты когда-нибудь

Наяву повторить

Сможешь этот путь.

Над землею полетишь

Выше крыш и крон,-

А пока ты крепко спишь -

Досмотри свой сон!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Hopkinson's Lullaby" hides a deep philosophical subtext under the guise of a gentle lullaby. The text is structured as an address to a child, but in reality, the author is speaking to an adult, perhaps even to himself.

"Sleep, my child!" Vysotsky urges, hinting that it is time to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle, put aside worries, and immerse oneself in a world of fantasies. "Do you want to sleep?" - this English phrase, woven into the Russian text, emphasizes the universality of a person's desire to escape from reality, to find refuge in the world of dreams.

Sleep in the song is not just rest, it is a special state in which the boundaries between the possible and the impossible are blurred. In a dream, the child "soars" above the world, sees distant cities: "Moscow, ancient Rome, and night Paris." At this moment, he seems to join eternity, history, and beauty.

It is important to note that sleep in the song is inextricably linked with creativity. "And voices sing in unison with you" - this line suggests that inspiration awakens in a dream, and new ideas are born. "True, it's only a dream, but in a dream, they grow" - here Vysotsky emphasizes that even the wildest dreams that originated in a dream can become a reality if a person is ready for creative growth.

The ending of the song is optimistic. The author seems to say: "You will fly above the roofs and crowns," hinting that a person is able to overcome any obstacles, the main thing is to keep a childlike belief in a dream in your soul.

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