The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Katerina, Katya, Katerina" the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Katerina, Katya, Katerina!

Everything about you, oh, everything about you is for me!

You're like a Christmas tree: you cost a ruble and a half,

Dress you up - your price will skyrocket.

I'll dress you in velvet and fur,

In luxury and riches galore, you see, -

You'll be no worse than Tamara,

Whom I took the life of last year.

Don't be afraid, Katya, Katerina, -

Our life will flow like a river!

What is life! Our life is a raspberry patch!

It's not like I slaughter women every year.

Katerina, enough with the doubts, -

I'll rip my shirt open on my chest!

To hell with them all! Let's go for a ride!

The funeral will be later...

Катерина, Катя, Катерина!

Все в тебе, ну все в тебе по мне!

Ты как елка: стоишь рупь с полтиной,

Нарядить - поднимешься в цене.

Я тебя одену в пан и бархат,

В пух и прах и в бога душу, вот, -

Будешь ты не хуже, чем Тамарка,

Что лишил я жизни в прошлый год.

Ты не бойся, Катя, Катерина, -

Наша жизнь как речка потечет!

Что там жизнь! Не жизнь наша - малина!

Я ведь режу баб не каждый год.

Катерина, хватит сомневаться, -

Разорву рубаху на груди!

Вот им всем! Поехали кататься!

Панихида будет впереди...

The meaning of Vladimir Vysotsky's text "Katerina, Katya, Katerina!" lies in depicting a cruel, criminal reality where the value of human life is minimized, and possessiveness and a thirst for thrills replace love and respect.

The lyrical hero, addressing Katerina, does not hide his ruthlessness and cynicism. He compares the girl to a Christmas tree that can be "dressed up" – that is, in his opinion, her appearance and social status can be improved with expensive things. The phrase "Everything about you, absolutely everything about you is to my liking!" does not sound like a declaration of love, but rather as a statement of the fact that Katerina fits his perverted ideas of beauty and submissiveness.

The ease with which the hero speaks of murder ("That I deprived of life last year") is terrifying, as is his indifference to the fate of Katerina herself ("Don't be afraid, Katya, Katerina, - Our life will flow like a river!"). He makes no secret of the fact that he sees her only as an object to satisfy his desires and a tool for self-affirmation.

The image of a fast ride ("Here's to them all! Let's go for a ride!") symbolizes the dangerous, insane lifestyle that the hero leads, and the "funeral ahead" hints at its inevitable tragic ending.

Vysotsky's text is not a love song, but rather a social grotesque, denouncing the cruelty, lack of spirituality, and permissiveness that reign in certain segments of society.

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