The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Down the Mother Volga River" (Kak po Volge-matuschke) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

On Mother Volga, on the river that sustains us,

All the ships with goods, barges and boats sail by.

She hasn't faltered, hasn't grown weary,

The load is not too heavy, her own vessels,

Down the Volga I float, passing rapids,

And gaze at the gentle, sloping right bank.

There, reeds sway and bend, break across,

To the left, the bank stretches, to the right, it rises.

Volga has heard songs more powerful than "Dubinushka,"

Her waters tasted the sting of enemy bullets.

And our blood, our lifeblood, flowed through Mother,

Turning into brown foam near the shores.

For a long time, bitter tears streamed into the fresh waters,

Steep banks, gentle banks,

They wept, scarred by sharp horseshoes,

But now, the cruel wounds are washed by waves.

Something has changed in you, ancient banks,

Where ancient walls stand, kremlins on the hills.

As if awakened, epic heroes have risen,

And, countless in number, emerged from the earth.

With clawing paws, the ships strive,

Pulling barges from the Caspian, straining and groaning.

They pull without looking back, for many versts,

Steep banks followed by gentle slopes.

Как по Волге-Матушке, по реке-кормилице

Все суда с товарами, струги да ладьи

И не надорвалася, и не притомилася

Ноша не тяжелая, корабли свои

Вниз по Волге плавая, прохожу пороги я

И гляжу на правые берега пологие

Там камыш шевелится, поперек ломается

Слева берег стелется, справа - подымается

Волга песни слышала хлеще, чем "Дубинушка",

В ней вода исхлестана пулями врагов

И плыла по матушке наша кровь-кровинушка

Стыла бурой пеною возле берегов

Долго в воды пресные лились слезы строгие

Берега отвесные, берега пологие

Плакали, измызганы острыми подковами

Но теперь зализаны злые раны волнами

Что-то с вами сделалось, berega старинные

Там, где стены древние, на холмах кремли

Словно пробудилися молодцы былинные

И, числом несметные, встали из земли

Лапами грабастая, корабли стараются

Тянут баржи с Каспия, тянут-надрываются

Тянут, не оглянутся, и на версты многие

За крутыми тянутся берега пологие

The meaning of Vladimir Vysotsky's text "As along Mother Volga" lies in the metaphorical depiction of Russia's historical journey, its trials, and its rebirth.

The image of the Volga River is central and multifaceted. On the one hand, the Volga is a symbol of the Motherland, its grandeur, strength, and inexhaustibility. The "breadwinner river," carrying "ships with goods," embodies the richness and generosity of the Russian land.

On the other hand, the Volga is a witness to the tragic events of Russian history. "Water lashed by the bullets of enemies," "our blood, little drop of blood, flowed along mother" – these lines are reminders of the wars and bloodshed that the country has endured.

The banks of the Volga, sometimes sloping, sometimes steep, symbolize different stages of the historical path. The gentle banks represent periods of peace and prosperity, while the steep banks represent times of trial and struggle.

The images of the "epic heroes" rising "from the earth" and the "strong paws" pulling "barges from the Caspian Sea" speak of the inexhaustible strength of the Russian people, their ability to overcome any difficulties, and to be reborn after the most severe losses.

The text is imbued with love for the Motherland, pride in its past, and faith in its future. Despite all the trials, Russia, like the Volga, continues its course, striving forward to new achievements.

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