The meaning of the lyrics of the song "How everything, how it was." (Kak vsyo, kak eto byilo) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

As it all was, how it unfolded:

Both backstage and by the train station,

Like a bar of soap you eluded,

Slipped away, avoiding fixation.

Tangled are all of my musings,

And ensnared in a web they reside.

Like beggars I delve into purses,

Seeking routine, a pittance inside.

Oh, you thoughts, both big and small-minded,

Oh, you gossips, brides-to-be as well!

Even rumors failed to bind us,

Didn't believe it – you wicked spell!

Only willows, flax, bathhouse steam,

Only moonlit or bright, sunny days…

Tanya has her sanctuary, it seems,

So sing her praises, hallelujah raise.

Sing to her, you malicious tunes,

Resound for her, all cantatas grand!

Hymns of kindness, or maybe news,

Enter Tanya's mind, lend a hand.

Как всё, как это было:

И в кулисах, и у вокзала

Ты, как будто бы банное мыло,

Устранялась и ускользала.

Перепутаны все мои думы

И замотаны паутиной.

Лезу я, словно нищие в сумы,

За полтиной и за рутиной.

Ох вы, думушки, ох, мыслишки,

Ох вы, кумушки и невесты!

Не везло нам с тобой и в наслышках,

Не поверилось — экий бес ты!

Только вербы и льны, только бани,

Только светлые дни или луны…

Есть прибежище твоё, Таня,

Так пропойте ей аллилуйю.

Так пропойтесь ей, злые песни,

Отзвучите ей, все кантаты!

Гимны добрые или вести,

Чаще в голову лезьте для Таты.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "How It All Was," the lyrical hero experiences the pain of parting with his beloved, Tanya. He is in a state of confusion and emotional pain, trying to comprehend what has happened.

The image of "bath soap" used to describe Tanya conveys a sense of elusiveness and slipperiness. She slips away from him, leaving only a feeling of emptiness and disappointment. His thoughts are tangled and confused, like a web, he feels helpless and lost, like a beggar rummaging in a bag for small change.

The address to "little thoughts" and "gossips," "brides" emphasizes the irony and self-irony of the hero. He seems to be addressing his own illusions and hopes, acknowledging their futility. The phrase "We were not lucky with you even in rumors" hints that their relationship may not have been as ideal as it seemed at first glance.

In the last stanzas, a motif of hopelessness and resignation appears. The hero recognizes that Tanya has her own "refuge", her own life, in which there is no place for him. He calls on "evil songs" and "cantatas" to glorify her, thus emphasizing his own uselessness and doom.

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