The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sadness hangs on me like a stone." (Kamnem grust visit na mne) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Talk to me, my seven-stringed guitar,

My soul is filled with you, and the night is so moonlit.

Eh, once, and again, and many, many, many more times,

And again, and many, many more times.

On the mountain stands an alhagi, and under the mountain a cherry tree,

I fell in love with a gypsy girl, she got married.

Eh, once, and again, and many, many, many more times,

And again, and many, many more times.

We'll sit in the open field, a long road ahead,

My heart aches with longing, and there's anxiety in my eyes.

Eh, once, and again, and many, many, many more times,

And again, and many, many more times.

I had a wife, she loved me,

She cheated only once, and then she decided...

Поговори хоть ты со мной, гитара семиструнная,

Вся душа полна тобой, а ночь такая лунная.

Эх, раз, да еще раз, да еще много, много, много, много раз,

да еще раз, да еще много, много раз.

На горе стоит альха, а под горою вишня,

Полюбил цыганку я, она замуж вышла.

Эх, раз, да еще раз, да еще много, много, много, много раз,

да еще раз, да еще много, много раз.

В чистом поле посидим, дальняя дорога,

Сердце стонит от тоски, а в глазах тревога.

Эх, раз, да еще раз, да еще много, много, много, много раз,

да еще раз, да еще много, много раз.

У меня жена была, она меня любила,

Изменила только раз, а потом решила

The song "A Stone of Sadness Hangs on Me" by Vladimir Vysotsky expresses the deep sorrow and melancholy of the lyrical hero.

The title itself sets the tone for the whole work – the feeling of sadness is not just present, it weighs on the hero like a heavy stone. The appeal to the guitar is a traditional motif in Russian poetry, symbolizing the search for consolation and an outlet for emotions. The hero seeks support from the musical instrument, trying to pour out his pain.

The contrast between the beauty of the moonlit night and the hero's state of mind intensifies the feeling of loneliness and longing. The repeated "once again" in the chorus emphasizes the depth of the hero's emotions, their cyclical nature, and his inability to get rid of the burden of the past.

The second verse reveals the cause of the longing – unrequited love. The images of the alhagi and cherry, symbolizing different cultures, hint that the gypsy woman is a woman of a different faith or way of life, inaccessible to the hero.

The third verse continues the theme of road and travel, characteristic of Vysotsky's work. The long road is a metaphor for the journey of life, full of trials. The hero's heart groans with longing for lost love and uncertainty about the future.

The abrupt ending on a cliffhanger in the last verse intensifies the drama of the situation. The listener is left alone with an understatement that leaves an oppressive impression. It is unclear how the hero's story ended, but it is clear that he is deeply suffering from betrayal and loss.

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