The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Lukomorye is no more." (Lukomorya bolsche net) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Lukomorye no longer exists,

No trace is left of the oaks, -

Oak is good for parquet -

But there is none:

Hulking bumpkins

Came out of their huts -

They chopped down all the oaks

For coffins.

Calm down, calm down, my sorrow

In my chest!

This is just a saying,

The tale is ahead.

It's wonderful to live in houses

Standing on chicken legs,

But to everyone's fear appeared

A helicopter, -

He was a brave young man -

He got Baba Yaga drunk,

Performed a feat of arms,

Burned the house down.

Thirty-three bogatyrs

Decided that in vain

They guarded the Tsar

And the seas, -

Each took for himself a plot -

Started breeding chickens - and sat in it,

Guarding his share

From no one.

Having stripped the green oak,

Their uncle made a bathhouse out of it,

Became deaf and dumb

With the surrounding noise, -

And swore day in and day out,

Their former naval uncle,

Although he had his own plot

Near Moscow.

Here, indeed, walks a Cat, -

To the right - he sings,

To the left - he tells

A joke, -

But, the learned son of a gun,

He pawned the golden chain,

And spent the proceeds - all alone -

In the shop.

Once, by God's grace,

He received a fee, -

The stench of alcohol in Lukomorye -

Per hectare!

But a blow struck him, -

To avoid trouble,

The Cat is dictating

A memoir about the Tatars.

And the Mermaid - what's this! -

Didn't keep her honor for long -

And one day, as best she could,

She gave birth, -

But the thirty-three men

Don't want to know the son, -

Let him be considered for now -

A son of the regiment.

One day, a certain Wizard -

A liar, a chatterbox, and a laugher -

Offered her, as a connoisseur

Of women's hearts:

"Mermaid, I understand everything

And I will take you with the child," -

And she went to him

As if to prison.

Bearded Chernomor -

Lukomorye's first thief -

He stole Lyudmila long ago, -

Oh, he's cunning!

He cleverly takes advantage, the thief,

Of the fact that he can fly:

You blink - he grabs her! -

And he's gone!

And the magic carpet

Was handed over to the museum last year -

The curious people

Keep coming!

Without fear, the old devil

Steals women, cry or don't cry, -

Oh, may paralysis strike him soon!

There's no strength, no energy, -

The Goblin somehow didn't get drunk -

He beat his Leshy wife

And yelled:

"Give me a ruble, or else I'll nail you, -

Am I a provider or what?!

If you don't give it - then I'll drink away

The ax!"

"Didn't I bring berries?! -

The Goblin cried again. -

And how many pounds of bark

I brought!

I was breaking my back - from afar,

All for your amusement, -

And you grudge me a ruble -

Oh, you louse!"

And unseen beasts,

All kinds of game - there are none:

Hunters came for her...

In short, it's no secret:

Lukomorye is no more, -

Everything the poet wrote about,

Is nonsense.

Calm down, calm down, my sorrow, -

Don't torment my soul!

Since this is just a saying -

It means the tale is rubbish.

Лукоморья больше нет,

От дубов простыл и след, -

Дуб годится на паркет -

так ведь нет:

Выходили из избы

Здоровенные жлобы -

Порубили все дубы

на гробы.

Ты уймись, уймись, тоска

У меня в груди!

Это - только присказка,

Сказка - впереди.

Распрекрасно жить в домах

На куриных на ногах,

Но явился всем на страх

вертопрах, -

Добрый молодец он был -

Бабку Ведьму подпоил,

Ратный подвиг совершил,

дом спалил.

Тридцать три богатыря

Порешили, что зазря

Берегли они царя

и моря, -

Каждый взял себе надел -

Кур завел - и в ем сидел,

Охраняя свой удел

не у дел.

Ободрав зеленый дуб,

Дядька ихний сделал сруб,

С окружающими туп

стал и груб, -

И ругался день деньской

Бывший дядька их морской,

Хоть имел участок свой

под Москвой.

Здесь и вправду ходит Кот, -

Как направо - так поет,

Как налево - так загнет

анекдот, -

Но, ученый сукин сын,

Цепь златую снес в торгсин,

И на выручку - один -

в магазин.

Как-то раз за божий дар

Получил он гонорар, -

В Лукоморье перегар -

на гектар!

Но хватил его удар, -

Чтоб избегнуть больших кар,

Кот диктует про татар


И Русалка - вот дела! -

Честь недолго берегла -

И однажды, как могла,

родила, -

Тридцать три же мужука

Не желают знать сынка, -

Пусть считается пока -

сын полка.

Как-то раз один Колдун -

Врун, болтун и хохотун -

Предложил ей как знаток

дамских струн:

Мол, Русалка, все пойму

И с дитем тебя возьму, -

И пошла она к ему

как в тюрьму.

Бородатый Черномор -

Лукоморский первый вор -

Он давно Людмилу спер, -

ох хитер!

Ловко пользуется, тать,

Тем, что может он летать:

Зазеваешься - он хвать! -

и тикать.

А коверный самолет

Сдан в музей в запрошлый год -

Любознательный народ

так и прет!

Без опаски старый хрыч

Баб ворует, хнычь не хнычь, -

Ох, скорей ему накличь


Нету мочи, нету сил, -

Леший как-то недопил -

Лешачиху свою бил

и вопил:

"Дай рубля, прибью а то, -

Я добытчик али кто?!

А не дашь - тады пропью


"Я ли ягод не носил?! -

Снова Леший голосил. -

А коры по сколько кил


Надрывался - издаля,

Все твоей забавы для, -

Ты ж жалеешь мне рубля -

ах ты тля!"

И невиданных зверей,

Дичи всякой - нету ей:

Понаехало за ей


В общем, значит, не секрет:

Лукоморья больше нет, -

Все, про что писал поэт,

это - бред.

Ты уймись, уймись, тоска, -

Душу мне не рань!

Раз уж это присказка -

Значит, сказка - дрянь.

In his song "Lukomorye No More," Vladimir Vysotsky doesn't simply retell the familiar images of Pushkin's poem. Instead, he creates a satirical parody of Soviet reality. Through the guise of fairytale characters, he exposes societal vices: greed, indifference, bureaucracy, alcoholism, and domestic violence.

Degradation and Destruction: "Oaks for coffins," "a helicopter burned the hut," "a green oak for a log cabin" – these images symbolize the destruction of nature and traditions for immediate gain.

Social Injustice: The bogatyrs transformed into passive chicken-watchers, the thief Chernomor exploiting his gift, the Cat-huckster who traded his talent for material wealth – all of them represent the vices of the Soviet system, where injustice reigns, and honest and hardworking characters suffer.

Destruction of Family Values: The story of the Mermaid abandoned with her child and the Leshy who drinks and beats his wife is a bitter sarcasm on family life in social disadvantage.

Literary Device: The final conclusion "Lukomorye is no more... Everything the poet wrote about is nonsense" sounds sharp and categorical. Vysotsky uses the device of estrangement: by depriving the fairy-tale world of its usual romantic halo, he makes the audience see the bitter truth of life.

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