The meaning of the lyrics of the song "On the Kolyma, where north and taiga surround..." (Na Kolyime, gde sever i tayga krugom...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

In Kolyma, where tundra and taiga surround,

Among the frozen fir trees and the bogs

I met you with your friend,

Sitting by the campfire, just you two.

Heavy snow was falling, landing on your lashes,

You were captivated by the northern lights.

I approached you and offered my hand,

You stirred and rose to your feet.

And I noticed the sparkle in your beautiful eyes,

And I offered my hand, proposed friendship.

You gave your word to be mine,

To keep your loyalty forever.

Time flew by in love and tenderness,

Spring arrived, and your term came to an end.

I saw you off at the pier then,

Your white kerchief flashed before my eyes.

With your departure, my illness began,

I couldn't sleep at night, I suffered so much.

I curse the day we parted,

When I stood on the pier.

Years passed, I tormented myself with longing.

I waited for our reunion, my love.

With an early release - a doctor's referral -

I am leaving the camps.

And so I am leaving this harsh land,

The train is speeding south,

And all the way I pray to God:

Come meet me, my love!

The lights of Rostov engulfed the train along the way,

The carriage slowly approached the platform.

You, my dear, all frail and gray,

Our son was leading you towards the train.

So, greetings, my love, touched by time!

Let the snow swirl and fall

On the banks of the Don, on the maple branch,

On your tear-stained kerchief...

На Колыме, где тундра и тайга кругом,

Среди замерзших елей и болот

Тебя я встретил с твоей подругою,

Сидевших у костра вдвоем.

Шел крупный снег и падал на ресницы вам,

Вы северным сияньем увлеклись.

Я подошел к вам и руку подал,

Вы встрепенулись, поднялись.

И я заметил блеск твоих прекрасных глаз,

И руку подал, предложил дружить.

Дала ты слово быть моею,

Навеки верность сохранить.

В любви и ласках время незаметно шло,

Пришла весна, и кончился твой срок.

Я провожал тебя тогда на пристань,

Мелькнул твой беленький платок.

С твоим отъездом началась болезнь моя,

Ночами я не спал, а все страдал.

Я проклинаю тот день разлуки,

Когда на пристани стоял.

А годы шли, тоской себя замучил я.

Я встречи ждал с тобой, любовь моя.

По актировке - врачей путевке -

Я покидаю лагеря.

И вот я покидаю свой суровый край,

А поезд все быстрее мчит на юг,

И всю дорогу молю я Бога:

Приди встречать меня, мой друг!

Огни Ростова поезд захватил в пути,

Вагон к перрону тихо подходил.

Тебя больную, совсем седую

Наш сын к вагону подводил.

Так, здравствуй, поседевшая любовь моя!

Пусть кружится и падает снежок

На берег Дона, на ветку клена,

На твой заплаканный платок...

The song "In Kolyma, where tundra and taiga surround…" by Vladimir Vysotsky tells a tragic story of love, separation, and a long-awaited reunion overshadowed by a bitter fate.

Setting: The song takes us to Kolyma, known for its harsh nature and history as a place of exile and labor camps. The very first lines create an atmosphere of cold, isolation, and longing: "In Kolyma, where tundra and taiga surround, Among the frozen fir trees and swamps…".

Encounter and love: In this bleak land, the lyrical hero meets a girl who becomes his beloved. Their love blossoms against the backdrop of the Northern Lights, a symbol of hope and beauty in this harsh world.

Separation and suffering: The idyll does not last long. Spring arrives, and the girl's prison term ends. The lyrical hero sees her off at the pier, and from that moment, his suffering begins. He is tormented by separation, longing, and curses the day they parted.

Long-awaited reunion and bitter truth: Years pass. The hero is released and travels south, dreaming of reuniting with his beloved. The meeting takes place, but instead of joy, it brings bitterness. Instead of a blooming young woman, the hero sees a sick, aged woman being led to the train by their son.

The finale: Despite the tragedy of the situation, tenderness and love are palpable in the final lines of the song. The hero accepts his fate and his love, however bitter it may be. The image of snow falling on the "tear-stained shawl" in the finale emphasizes the sadness and hopelessness.

Meaning: The song "In Kolyma…" is a story about how love can survive even in the most difficult circumstances, how hope helps us live, and how time and trials have no power over true feelings.

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