The meaning of the lyrics of the song "My cycling coach, Galey, and I..." (Myi s masterom po velosportu Galeyu...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Me and Galya, a cycling master,

Have been inseparable since eighth grade.

A country the size of Portugal

Is nothing for Galya and her bike.

She's also my wife, by the way,

But she gives me the finger: take that!

"You guard the apartment," she says,

"While I'm spoiled and pampered

By cycling the world."

So, tomorrow - Paris, you say...

And for how long? Ah, for ten days!

Lucky them: Paris for Galya,

And Sydney for her sister Nadya.

Praise for the artist's performance already in the foyer.

Ah, better sooner than later.

Galya went for medals,

And Nadya was whisked away to Sydney.

If only Nadya weren't her sister -

Then I wouldn't have to get up in the morning:

I would have indulged in raspberries

In Galya's absence,

I would have drunk cognac like soda.

I myself am engaged in car rallies,

I drive an IZH - white, gray, and beige.

And sometimes Australia beckoned me,

But families don't travel abroad.

So have a blast for the both of us, Galya!

To hell with them all - liars and cheats!

Pedal hard, Galya,

Don't miss Pigalle -

Tell me later what it's like there!

So what's it like, Paris, you say?

You haven't seen it? Ten whole days!

But you'll be setting records there -

Look around more greedily!

Мы с мастером по велоспорту Галею

С восьмого класса — не разлей вода.

Страна величиною с Португалию

Велосипеду с Галей — ерунда.Она к тому же всё же — мне жена,

Но кукиш тычет в рожу мне же: на!

Мол, ты блюди квартиру,

Мол, я ездой по миру

Избалована и изнежена.Значит, завтра — в Париж,


А на сколько? А, на десять дней!

Вот везухи: Галине — Париж,

А сестре её Наде — Сидней.Артисту за игру уже в фойе — хвала.

Ах, лучше раньше, нежели поздней.

Вот Галя за медалями поехала,

А Надю проманежили в Сидней.Кабы была бы Надя не сестра —

Тогда б вставать не надо мне с утра:

Я б разлюлил малины

В отсутствие Галины,

Коньяк бы пил на уровне ситра.Сам, впрочем, занимаюсь авторалли я,

Гоняю «ИЖ» — и бел, и сер, и беж.

И мне порой маячила Австралия,

Но семьями не ездят за рубеж.Так отгуляй же, Галя, за двоих!

Ну их совсем — врунов или лгуних!

Вовсю педаля, Галя,

Не прозевай Пигаля —

Потом расскажешь, как там что у них!Так какой он, Париж, говоришь?

Как не видела? Десять же дней!

Да рекорды ты там покоришь —

Ты вокруг погляди пожадней!

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "My Wife Galya, the Cycling Champ..." we encounter an ironic story told by the lyrical hero about his wife, a sportswoman so passionate about cycling that all family responsibilities fall on the husband's shoulders.

From the very first lines, we see a contrast between the "home-bound" hero and his wife, conquering vast distances on her bicycle: "A country the size of Portugal / Is nothing to Galya on her bike." Despite being married ("She is, after all, my wife"), Galya is not going to give up her passion and defiantly declares to her husband: "You just watch the apartment, / While I ride around the world / Spoiled and pampered as I am."

And it gets even more interesting. Galya sets off to conquer Paris, and her sister Nadya goes to Sydney. The hero, with obvious envy, lists these cities, dreaming of being in the wife's sister's place ("If only Nadya wasn't her sister / Then I wouldn't have to get up early"). He paints a picture of a carefree life in his wife's absence, filled with "sweet raspberries" and "cognac."

However, despite the irony and jokes, deep down, the hero is proud of his Galya. He himself is no stranger to sports ("I myself am involved in rally racing"), but family ties do not allow him to go to distant Australia. In the end, he lets his wife "have fun for the both of us," humorously instructing her: "Pedal hard, Galya, / Don't miss Pigalle - / Then you'll tell me all about it!"

The final lines of the song sound with a touch of disappointment. The hero, left to manage the household, sadly realizes that Galya, carried away by her athletic achievements, did not have time to truly see Paris: "So what's Paris like, you say? / How haven't you seen it? Ten whole days!"

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