The meaning of the lyrics of the song "My Gypsy girl" (Moya cyiganskaya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

In a dream, yellow lights shine for me,

And I wheeze in my sleep:

"Wait, oh wait,"

"The morning is wiser!"

But even in the morning, nothing is right,

There's none of that joy:

Either you smoke on an empty stomach,

Or you drink with a hangover.

Oh, one more time, and again,

And many, many, many more times,

One more time, many, many more times.

In taverns - green velvet,

White napkins.

Paradise for beggars and fools,

But for me - like a bird in a cage!

In the church, there's stench and twilight,

Deacons smoke incense.

No! And in the church, everything is wrong,

Nothing is as it should be.

Oh, one more time, and again,

And many, many, many more times,

One more time - nothing is as it should be.

I rush to the mountain,

So that nothing happens.

And on the mountain stands an alder tree,

And under the mountain, a cherry tree.

If only the slope were covered with ivy,

That would be some comfort to me,

At least something else...

Nothing is as it should be!

Oh, one more time (what can you do), and again (what can you do),

And many, many, many more times,

One more time - nothing is as it should be.

Then I walk through the field, along the river.

There's darkness instead of light, there's no God!

And in the open field - cornflowers,

And a road stretching far away.

Along the road - a dense forest

With Baba Yagas,

And at the end of that road -

A block with axes.

Somewhere horses dance in rhythm,

Reluctantly and smoothly.

Along the road, everything is wrong,

And at the end - it has long been so.

And neither the church nor the tavern -

Nothing is sacred!

No, guys, nothing is right,

Nothing is right, guys!

Oh, one more time, and again,

And many, many, many more times,

One more time - nothing is as it should be.

В сон мне - желтые огни,

И хриплю во сне я:

- Повремени, повремени, -

Утро мудренее!

Но и утром всё не так,

Нет того веселья:

Или куришь натощак,

Или пьешь с похмелья.

Да эээх, раз, да еще раз

Да еще много много много, много раз

Да еще раз, еще много много раз

В кабаках - зеленый штоф,

Белые салфетки.

Рай для нищих и шутов,

Мне ж - как птице в клетке!

В церкви смрад и полумрак,

Дьяки курят ладан.

Нет! И в церкви все не так,

Все не так, как надо.

Да эээх, раз, да еще раз

Да еще много много много, много раз

Да еще раз, - все не так как надо

Я - на гору впопыхах,

Чтоб чего не вышло.

А на горе стоит ольха,

А под горою вишня.

Хоть бы склон увить плющом,

Мне б и то отрада,

Хоть бы что-нибудь еще...

Все не так, как надо!

Эх, раз (да что ты), да еще раз (да что ты)

Да еще много много много, много много раз

Да еще раз, - все не так как надо

Я тогда по полю, вдоль реки.

Света - тьма, нет бога!

А в чистом поле васильки,

И дальняя дорога.

Вдоль дороги - лес густой

С Бабами-Ягами,

А в конце дороги той -

Плаха с топорами.

Где-то кони пляшут в такт,

Нехотя и плавно.

Вдоль дороги все не так,

А в конце - подавно.

И ни церковь, ни кабак -

Ничего не свято!

Нет, ребята, все не так,

Все не так, ребята!

Эх, раз, да еще раз

Да еще много много много, много много раз

Да еще раз, - все не так как надо.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "My Gypsy Song," the protagonist grapples with profound dissatisfaction and an existential crisis. He finds himself restless, moving between different states and places, but finding solace nowhere.

The "yellow lights" and wheezing in his sleep symbolize anxiety and unease, which he tries to dismiss, clinging to the hope of a "wiser" morning. However, morning brings no relief. He's trapped in a vicious cycle of "smoking on an empty stomach" or "drinking with a hangover," desperately seeking to numb his inner pain.

Taverns, depicted through "green carafes" and "white napkins," might seem like "paradise for beggars and fools," but for the protagonist, this "freedom" feels like a cage. The church, with its "stench" and incense-smoking deacons, offers no solace either. Everywhere he looks, he sees falsehood and a mismatch with his expectations: "Everything's not right, not as it should be."

The attempt to find harmony in nature leads to further disappointment. The mountain with its alder and cherry trees, the field with cornflowers and a long road, the forest with Baba Yagas - all these images, typically associated with beauty and freedom, are tinged with anxiety and despair in the protagonist's perception. The "scaffold with axes" at the end of the road symbolizes the inevitability of death, which he sees as the only way out.

The song culminates in the protagonist's complete denial: "neither church nor tavern – nothing is sacred." His despair reaches its peak: "No, guys, everything is wrong, everything is wrong, guys!". The repeated phrase "many, many more times" emphasizes the hopelessness of his situation and the futility of his search for meaning in a world that feels alien and hostile.

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