The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Lone sailor" (Moreplavatel-odinochka) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The Lord has blessed the parents with a son:

He ordered to transform the cradle into a boat, -

A lone sailor was born -

He rocked himself, he got sick all alone...

He matured not by year - by day,

And dared already from the cradle:

Was fit for sailing solo,

He cut sails out of swaddling clothes.

...Right on the bow - look! - either a barrel,

Or a yacht, or a raft, or - no:

A lone sailor, excuse me,

Sends you a tricky hello!

Oh, guys, this delay is bad news!

Spit three times, all of you on the ship:

A sailor alone at sea -

Like a black cat on land!

"Where are you from - answer us, period, -

You couldn't have fallen from the sky?!

We read that some loner

Disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle..."

"This is a lie, this is nonsense - every line! -

And excuse me, if I'm harsh and rude, -

I sailed there, excuse me, alone:

It's not a triangle at all, but a cube!

There were disasters - dishes to pieces!

Betsy hit - a hurricane - everything in a row, -

Sailors today are loners -

Eating from flying saucers!."

So he added some boiling water to the plankton...

Look how he operates: though small, he's daring!

Look - and eats delicacies alone, -

And none of us have eaten such.

And he told us that he drinks by the sip,

So that not a drop is lost in his beard, -

A lone sailor, excuse me,

Developed a philosophy on the water.

"Haven't you, my friend,

Built an artificial shell around yourself?

Did you choose loneliness in sailing,

Over our society?"

He replied: "You've hit the nail on the head!

It's a pity I can't shake your hand on land:

Sailing alone at sea for a long time,

I missed you, sailors!"

We hear something - immediately write it down,

We see something - straight into negativity!

We took the lone sailor,

Turning him into a photograph.

Ah, we could use a little more humor! -

We've become dull, having renounced the land, -

We entertained the lone sailor brother,

At least as best as we could!

So let them have fewer obstacles and delays,

And potholes on the way, and bumps!

It's a pity that you rarely meet them - loners, -

Glorious little ones and such miracles!

Вот послал господь родителям сыночка:

Люльку в лодку переделать велел, -

Мореплаватель родился одиночка -

Сам укачивал себя, сам болел...

Не по году он мужал - по денечку,

И уже из колыбели дерзал:

К мореплаванью годился в одиночку,

Из пеленок паруса вырезал.

...Прямо по носу - глядите!- то ли бочка,

То ли яхта, то ли плот, то ли - нет:

Мореплаватель, простите, одиночка

Посылает вам мудреный привет!

Ой, ребята, не к добру проволочка!

Сплюньте трижды все, кто на корабле:

Мореплаватель на море одиночка -

Вроде черного кота на земле!

"Вы откуда - отвечайте нам, и точка, -

Не могли же вы свалиться с небес?!

Мы читали, что какой-то одиночка

В треугольнике Бермудском исчез..."

"Это утка, это бред - все до строчки!-

И простите, если резок и груб, -

Я там плавал, извините, в одиночку:

Он совсем не треугольник, а - куб!

Были бедствия - посуда на кусочки!

Била Бетси - ураган - все подряд, -

Мореплаватели нынче - одиночки -

Из летающих тарелок едят!."

Вот добавил он в планктон кипяточку...

Как орудует: хоть мал, да удал!

Глядь - и ест деликатесы в одиночку, -

А из нас - таких никто не едал.

И поведал он, что пьет он по глоточку,

Чтоб ни капли не пропасть в бороде, -

Мореплаватель, простите, в одиночку

Философию развел на воде.

"Не искусственную ли оболочку

Вы вокруг себя, мой друг, возвели?

Мореплаванью, простите, в одиночку

Наше общество предпочли?"

Он ответил: "Вы попали прямо в точку!

Жаль, на суше не пожать вам руки:

В море плавая подолгу в одиночку,

Я по вас затосковал, моряки!"

Мы, услыша что-нибудь, сразу - в строчку,

Мы, завидя что-нибудь, - в негатив!

Мореплавателя сняли, одиночку,

В фотографию его превратив.

Ах, побольше б нам немного юморочку!-

Поскучнели, отрешась от земли, -

Мореплавателя - брата - одиночку

Мы хотя бы как смогли развлекли!

Так поменьше им преград и отсрочек,

И задорин на пути, и сучков!

Жаль, что редко их встретишь - одиночек, -

Славных малых и таких чудаков!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Lone Sailor" tells the story of a man who is not afraid to be different. From the very moment of his birth, he chooses his own path, full of difficulties and dangers, the path of a loner. The image of the sailor here is metaphorical – it is a symbol of a person who is not afraid to go against the tide, to struggle with difficulties and to remain true to his principles, even if others do not understand him.

The text is full of irony. The author makes fun of stereotypes associated with loners. The sailor talks about his fictional adventures in the Bermuda Triangle, about flying saucers, thus emphasizing how little people know about the world and how quickly they are ready to believe in fables.

The encounter with a real loner makes the lyrical hero think about his own life, whether he is too limited by the framework of society, whether he is afraid to go beyond the usual.

The ending of the song is imbued with sadness. Despite the fact that the sailor found a common language with the ship's crew, he still remains alone, and the sailors, inspired by the meeting, missed the opportunity to really get to know him, to help him, to support his desire for freedom. They only took his picture, turning a living person into a soulless image.

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