The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Moscow – Odessa" (Moskva – Odessa) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I'm flying Moscow-Odessa again - and again the plane is delayed.

A stewardess, all in blue, just walked by, like a princess, reliable as the entire civil fleet.

Above Murmansk - not a cloud in the sky, you could fly to Ashgabat right now.

Kiev, Kharkiv, Chisinau are open, Lviv is open too, but I don't need to go there.

They told me: - Don't get your hopes up today, don't rely on the heavens.

And again, they announce a flight delay to Odessa - now the runway is iced over.

And in Leningrad, the snow melted from the roofs, why can't I fly to Leningrad?

In Tbilisi - it's clear and warm there, tea grows there, but I don't need to go there.

I hear - the Rostov flight is taking off! And I desperately need to go to Odessa,

But I need to go where they haven't been accepting flights for three days now, and that's why they're delaying it.

I need to go where the snowdrifts are piled high, where they're expecting snowfall tomorrow.

Somewhere else it's clear and bright, it's nice there, but I don't need to go there!

They won't let us out of here, and they won't accept us there, it's unfair, sad, but then -

The stewardess, reliable as the entire civil fleet, dully invites us to board.

They opened the farthest corner, where no reward would lure me.

The closed port of Vladivostok is open, Paris is open, but I don't need to go there.

We'll take off - the weather will clear up. They'll lift the restrictions. The liner strained, the turbines roared.

I'm on pins and needles, what if they don't accept us again, what if they find a million reasons again.

I need to go where there are blizzards and fog, where they're expecting snowfall tomorrow.

London, Delhi, Magadan are open, everything is open, but I don't need to go there!

I was right - cry or laugh, the flight is delayed again, and we're back to square one

The stewardess, as sleek as a Tupolev, Miss Odessa, resembling the entire civil fleet.

They announce another delay until eight, and the citizens obediently fall asleep.

I'm tired of this, damn it, and I'm flying to where they're accepting flights!

I'm tired of this, damn it, and I'm flying to where they're accepting flights!

В который раз лечу Москва-Одесса - опять не выпускают самолет.

А вот прошла вся в синем стюардесса, как принцесса, надежная, как весь гражданский флот.

Над Мурманском - ни туч, ни облаков, и хоть сейчас лети до Ашхабада.

Открыты Киев, Харьков, Кишинев, и Львов открыт, но мне туда не надо.

Сказали мне: - Сегодня не надейся, не стоит уповать на небеса.

И вот опять дают задержку рейса на Одессу - теперь обледенела полоса.

А в Ленинграде с крыши потекло, и что мне не лететь до Ленинграда?

В Тбилиси - там все ясно и тепло, там чай растет, но мне туда не надо.

Я слышу - ростовчане вылетают! а мне в Одессу надо позарез,

Но надо мне туда, куда три дня не принимают и потому откладывают рейс.

Мне надо, где сугробы намело, где завтра ожидают снегопада.

А где-нибудь все ясно и светло, там хорошо, но мне туда не надо!

Отсюда не пускают, а туда не принимают, несправедливо, грустно, но вот -

Нас на посадку скучно стюардесса приглашает, надежная как весь гражданский флот.

Открыли самый дальний уголок, в который не заманят и награды.

Открыт закрытый порт Владивосток, Париж открыт, но мне туда не надо.

Взлетим мы - распогодится. Теперь запреты снимут. Напрягся лайнер, слышен визг турбин.

Сижу как на иголках, ну а вдруг опять не примут, опять найдется множество причин.

Мне надо, где метели и туман, где завтра ожидают снегопада.

Открыты Лондон, Дели, Магадан, открыли все, но мне туда не надо!

Я прав - хоть плачь, хоть смейся, но опять задержка рейса, и нас обратно к прошлому ведет

Вся стройная, как ТУ, та стюардесса - мисс Одесса, похожая на весь гражданский флот.

Опять дают задержку до восьми, и граждане покорно засыпают.

Мне это надоело, черт возьми, и я лечу туда, где принимают!

Мне это надоело, черт возьми, и я лечу туда, где принимают!

Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "Moscow – Odessa" is an allegory about the lack of freedom of choice and the longing for the unattainable. The lyrical hero is stuck at the airport, waiting for his flight to Odessa. The flight is constantly delayed, offering other destinations instead – sunny Tbilisi, exotic Ashgabat, European capitals.

However, the hero is not tempted by open borders or enticing prospects. He strives to go where "snowdrifts are piled up," where he is expected, despite the bad weather and difficulties. The image of Odessa becomes a symbol of a desired but unattainable goal.

The text intertwines motifs of longing, uncertainty, and irony. The hero sometimes resigns himself ("citizens obediently fall asleep"), then rebels again ("I'm tired of this, damn it!"). The image of the stewardess, "reliable as the entire civilian fleet," emphasizes the routine and hopelessness of the situation.

The ending of the poem remains open. Tired of the meaningless wait, the hero decides to fly "to where they accept." It remains unclear whether he will reach his Odessa or find himself again at the mercy of circumstances. What matters is that he makes his choice, albeit not the most obvious one.

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