The meaning of the lyrics of the song "We are waiting for you." (Myi vas jdyom) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

It happened so - the men went away,

Abandoned the crops before their time.

Now they are no longer visible from the windows -

Dissolved in the road dust.

Grains are flowing out of the ears -

These are the tears of unharvested fields.

And cold winds swiftly

Began to flow from the cracks.

We are waiting for you - hurry your horses!

Godspeed, godspeed, godspeed!

Let the tailwinds caress, not beat, your backs.

And then come back soon!

The willows are weeping for you,

And without your smiles, the mountain ash trees fade and wither.

We live in high towers,

There is no entrance for anyone to these buildings -

Loneliness and expectation

Have settled in the houses instead of you.

The whiteness of unworn shirts

Has lost its freshness and charm,

Even old songs have become boring

And stuck in our teeth.

We are waiting for you - hurry your horses!

Godspeed, godspeed, godspeed!

Let the tailwinds caress, not beat, your backs.

And then come back soon!

The willows are weeping for you,

And without your smiles, the mountain ash trees fade and wither.

Everything aches with a single pain,

And the age-old anguish of lamentations sounds more insistent with each passing day,

An echo of ancient prayers.

We will welcome you on foot and on horseback,

Tired, wounded - any way you are.

If only not the emptiness of funerals

And their premonition.

We are waiting for you - hurry your horses!

Godspeed, godspeed, godspeed!

Let the tailwinds caress, not beat, your backs.

And then come back soon!

The willows are weeping for you,

And without your smiles, the mountain ash trees fade and wither.

Так случилось - мужчины ушли,

Побросали посевы до срока.

Вот их больше не видно из окон -

Растворились в дорожной пыли.

Вытекают из колоса зерна -

Эти слезы несжатых полей.

И холодные ветры проворно

Потекли из щелей.

Мы вас ждем - торопите коней!

В добрый час, в добрый час, в добрый час!

Пусть попутные ветры не бьют, а ласкают вам спины.

А потом возвращайтесь скорей!

Ивы плачут по вас,

И без ваших улыбок бледнеют и сохнут рябины.

Мы в высоких живем теремах,

Входа нет никому в эти зданья -

Одиночество и ожиданье

Вместо вас поселилось в домах.

Потеряла и свежесть и прелесть

Белизна неодетых рубах,

Даже старые песни приелись

И навязли в зубах.

Мы вас ждем - торопите коней!

В добрый час, в добрый час, в добрый час!

Пусть попутные ветры не бьют, а ласкают вам спины.

А потом возвращайтесь скорей!

Ивы плачут по вас,

И без ваших улыбок бледнеют и сохнут рябины.

Все единою болью болит,

И звучит с каждым днем непрестанней

Вековечный надрыв причитаний

Отголоском старинных молитв.

Мы вас встретим и пеших, и конных,

Утомленных, нецелых, - любых.

Только б не пустота похоронных

И предчувствие их.

Мы вас ждем - торопите коней!

В добрый час, в добрый час, в добрый час!

Пусть попутные ветры не бьют, а ласкают вам спины.

А потом возвращайтесь скорей!

Ивы плачут по вас,

И без ваших улыбок бледнеют и сохнут рябины.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "We Await You," profound longing and anxious anticipation of women whose men have gone to war are conveyed through simple and figurative lyrics.

From the very first lines, an atmosphere of emptiness and uncertainty is created: "It happened - the men have gone, // Abandoned the crops before their time." The image of abandoned crops symbolizes not only interrupted work but also a disrupted life cycle, unfulfilled hopes for the future. Nature echoes the mood of the heroines: weeping willows, drying rowan trees, cold winds – everything is saturated with longing and anxiety.

Vysotsky uses metaphors and personifications to convey the depth of the experience: "Grains flow from the ear - // These are the tears of unharvested fields." Grains that have become tears are an unharvested crop, a symbol of lost lives and unborn children. Loneliness and expectation become almost tangible: "Loneliness and expectation // Have settled in the houses instead of you."

The repeating refrain "We await you - hurry your horses!" is not just a call for a speedy return. It conveys desperation, a plea, an attempt to somehow bring the moment of the meeting closer. The wish "for the tailwinds not to beat but to caress" expresses boundless tenderness and care, a desire to protect from harm.

In the last verses, the personal grief is joined by the universal pain of war: "Everything aches with a single pain." The final lines are filled with tragedy: women are ready to accept their men "weary, incomplete - any kind," if only not to face emptiness and "the premonition of funerals."

Thus, the song "We Await You" is a piercing cry of a woman's soul, languishing in anticipation and fear. It is a hymn to love and fidelity, a protest against the war that destroys lives and cripples souls.

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