The meaning of the lyrics of the song "We spin the Earth." (Myi vraschaem Zemlyu) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

From the border we spun the Earth back -

It happened at first, that's true.

But our commander spun it back around,

Pushing off from the Urals with his foot.

Finally, we were given the order to advance,

To reclaim our inches and crumbs,

But we remember how the sun went into reverse

And nearly set in the East.

We don't measure the Earth with our steps,

Trampling the flowers in vain,

We push it with our boots -

Away from us, away from us.

And from the wind from the East the haystacks bowed low,

The flock huddles against the rocks.

We moved the Earth's axis without a lever,

Changing the direction of the blow.

Don't be afraid when the sunset's out of place.

Judgment Day is a fairy tale for the old.

They just spin the Earth however they want,

Our rotating companies on the march.

We crawl, hugging the hillocks,

Pressing down on the bumps with spite,

And with our knees we push the Earth -

Away from us, away from us.

No one here will be found, even if they wanted to,

With their hands raised high.

There is tangible benefit to all living things from bodies:

We use the fallen as cover.

Will this stupid lead find everyone at once,

Where will it catch them - point-blank or from behind?

Someone up ahead has fallen on a bunker -

And the Earth stood still for a moment.

I left my feet behind,

Mourning the dead in passing,

I spin the globe with my elbows -

Away from us, away from us.

Someone stood up to his full height and, with a bow,

Took a bullet on the inhale,

But to the West, to the West the battalion crawls,

So that the sun will rise in the East.

On our bellies - through the mud, breathing the stench of the swamps,

But we close our eyes to the smell.

Now the sun moves normally across the sky,

Because we are pushing West!

Hands, feet - whether they are there or not -

Like at a wedding, sipping the dew,

We pull the Earth by the stems with our teeth -

Towards us, towards us!

От границы мы Землю вертели назад -

Было дело, сначала.

Но обратно ее закрутил наш комбат,

Оттолкнувшись ногой от Урала.

Наконец-то нам дали приказ наступать,

Отбирать наши пяди и крохи,

Но мы помним, как солнце отправилось вспять

И едва не зашло на Востоке.

Мы не меряем Землю шагами,

Понапрасну цветы теребя,

Мы толкаем ее сапогами -

От себя, от себя.

И от ветра с Востока пригнулись стога,

Жмется к скалам отара.

Ось земную мы сдвинули без рычага,

Изменив направленье удара.

Не пугайтесь, когда не на месте закат.

Судный день - это сказки для старших.

Просто Землю вращают, куда захотят,

Наши сменные роты на марше.

Мы ползем, бугорки обнимаем,

Кочки тискаем зло, не любя,

И коленями Землю толкаем -

От себя, от себя.

Здесь никто не найдет, даже если б хотел,

Руки кверху поднявших.

Всем живым - ощутимая польза от тел:

Как прикрытье используем павших.

Этот глупый свинец всех ли сразу найдет,

Где настигнет - в упор или с тыла?

Кто-то там впереди навалился на дот -

И Земля на мгновенье застыла.

Я ступни свои сзади оставил,

Мимоходом по мертвым скорбя,

Шар земной я вращаю локтями -

От себя, от себя.

Кто-то встал в полный рост и, отвесив поклон,

Принял пулю на вдохе,

Но на Запад, на Запад ползет батальон,

Чтобы солнце взошло на Востоке.

Животом - по грязи, дышим смрадом болот,

Но глаза закрываем на запах.

Нынче по небу солнце нормально идет,

Потому что мы рвемся на Запад!

Руки, ноги - на месте ли, нет ли, -

Как на свадьбе, росу пригубя,

Землю тянем зубами за стебли -

На себя, на себя!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "We Spin the Earth" portrays war as a colossal, all-consuming event, even capable of influencing the movement of celestial bodies. The hyperbole employed by the author emphasizes the power and tragedy of what is happening.

The lyrical heroes are soldiers who feel like cogs in a huge war machine. Their actions - the offensive, the reconquest of "inches and crumbs" of land - are presented as titanic efforts that literally shift the Earth's axis.

The text is filled with contrasts. The soldiers "crawl," "embrace hillocks," but at the same time "spin the Earth." They fight for their lives, using the fallen as cover, and at the same time see death only as a fleeting pause in the planet's movement.

Despite the horrors of war, the song expresses a belief in victory. The soldiers "tear towards the West" so that "the sun rises in the East," symbolizing the desire for peace and a return to normal life.

The final lines, where the soldiers "pull the Earth by the stalks with their teeth - towards themselves, towards themselves!", sound like an oath to persevere and win, to return the world to its natural order.

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