The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Not to write poems and novels." (Ne pisat stihov mne i romanov) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I won't write poems or novels for you

I won't read science fiction in the corner

I lie in the ward of drug addicts

I feel it - I'll get hooked myself

Someone healed battle wounds

Someone provided the rear like that

Eh, you "high" guys of mine

Get off the needle soon!

Doubts crept into my soul

Questions are drilling into my head

I lie in the ward where they swallowed

Sniffed, injected everything

Someone healed their soul like that

Someone was just left alone

Eh, you guys, drop the "morphine"

Switch to apomorphine!

Next to me is a familiar schizophrenic

The nurse is secretly in love with him

He says: "When I run out of money

I'll switch to Zimin's drops"

Someone here stabbed their conscience

Someone injected anasha into their heart

Eh, you guys, a story needs to be written about you

Only I don't write stories

Urgent changes are needed

Our most cheerful one has also wilted

For five days they've been looking for veins on someone

They won't find them, he himself has weaned off them

For five days they've been looking for veins on someone

They won't find them, he himself has weaned off them

Someone even sniffed cocaine

They say it's an instant high

Someone ate a kilogram of codeine

And wasted himself in a day

I love the wild ones, but not the drunk ones

I love desperate guys

I lie in the ward of drug addicts

How much I've heard here in it

Someone is injecting cubes into their arm

Someone even eats strong tungsten

Those who voluntarily accepted torment

This song is dedicated to you!

Those who voluntarily accepted torment

This song is dedicated to you!

Не писать стихов мне и романов

Не читать фантастику в углу

Я лежу в палате наркоманов

Чувствую - сам сяду на иглу

Кто-то раны лечил боевые

Кто-то так обеспечил тылы

Эх, вы парни мои "шировые"

Поскорее сходите с иглы!

В душу мне сомнения запали

Голову вопросы мне сверлят

Я лежу в палате, где глотали

Нюхали, кололи всё подряд

Кто-то так залечил свою душу

Кто-то просто остался один

Эх, вы парни, бросайте "морфушу"

Перейдите на апоморфин!

Рядом мне знакомый шизофреник

В него тайно няня влюблена

Говорит: "Когда не хватит денег

Перейду на капли Зимина"

Кто-то здесь проколол свою совесть

Кто-то в сердце вкурил анашу

Эх, вы парни, про вас нужно повесть

Только повестей я не пишу

Требуются срочно перемены

Самый наш веселый тоже сник

Пятый день кому-то ищут вены

Не найдут, он сам от них отвык

Пятый день кому-то ищут вены

Не найдут, он сам от них отвык

Кто-то даже нюхнул кокаина

Говорят, что мгновенный приход

Кто-то съел килограмм кодеина

И пустил себя за день в расход

Я люблю загульных, но не пьяных

Я люблю отчаянных парней

Я лежу в палате наркоманов

Сколько я наслушался здесь в ней

Кто-то гонит кубы себе в руку

Кто-то ест даже крепкий вольфрам

Добровольно принявшие муку

Эта песня написана вам!

Добровольно принявшие муку

Эта песня написана вам!

In his song "I won't be writing poems or novels," Vladimir Vysotsky tackles the theme of drug addiction and its devastating consequences. The lyrical hero finds himself in a hospital ward with drug addicts, observing their fates and listening to their stories.

The meaning of the text lies in the following:

Depicting the tragedy of drug addiction: Vysotsky frankly portrays the reality of drug addicts, their physical and mental destruction. The patients in the ward are those who "cured their souls" with drugs, who "punctured their conscience", who "used themselves up in a day".

Social aspect: The song draws attention to the fact that drug addiction is not a problem of individuals but a problem of society. Among the patients in the ward are people with different destinies, from different social strata, but they are all united by addiction.

Anti-drug message: Despite the fact that there are no direct calls to give up drugs in the text, the entire song is permeated with pain and compassion for addicts. Vysotsky does not judge them, but shows the tragedy of their situation and calls for reflection on the consequences.

Philosophical implication: Through the stories of the ward's patients, Vysotsky reflects on life and death, on choosing one's path, on the strength of spirit and weakness. Drug addiction in the song appears as a metaphor for a false path, an escape from reality that leads to the destruction of the individual.

Imagery and symbolism:

Drug ward: a symbol of a closed world where pain, fear, and hopelessness reign.

Needle: a symbol of addiction, slavery, slow death.

Drugs: a metaphor for false values, illusory happiness that turns into suffering.

The song "I won't be writing poems or novels" is a piercing cry from the soul, a call for awareness and responsibility for one's life. Vysotsky shows that drug addiction is a dead end, from which it is very difficult to find a way out.

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