The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sail" (Parus) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

A dolphin's belly is cut by a screw,

No one expects a shot in the back.

There are no shells left on the battery,

We need to make a turn faster.

Sail! They tore the sail!

I repent, I repent, I repent.

Even on patrol, you may not meet the enemy,

It's not a grief if your leg hurts.

Door hinges creak for many - they sing for many.

Who are you? You are not welcome here!

Sail! They tore the sail!

I repent, I repent, I repent.

Many years to all who sing in their sleep,

All parts of the world can lie at the bottom.

All continents can burn in fire,

But all this is not for me!

Sail! They tore the sail!

I repent, I repent, I repent.

А у дельфина взрезано брюхо винтом,

Выстрела в спину не ожидает никто.

На батарее нету снарядов уже,

Надо быстрее на вираже.

Парус! Порвали парус!

Каюсь, каюсь, каюсь.

Даже в дозоре можно не встретить врага,

Это не горе, если болит нога.

Петли дверные многим - скрипят, многим - поют.

Кто вы такие? Вас здесь не ждут!

Парус! Порвали парус!

Каюсь, каюсь, каюсь.

Многие лета всем, кто поет во сне,

Все части света могут лежать на дне.

Все континенты могут гореть в огне,

Только все это не по мне!

Парус! Порвали парус!

Каюсь, каюсь, каюсь.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Sail" carries a deep philosophical meaning expressed through a series of metaphors and images.

First verse:

"And the dolphin's belly is cut open by a screw..." - A tragic accident, a symbol of undeserved cruelty and the suddenness of fate. The dolphin, associated with freedom and beauty, becomes a victim of blind force.

"No one expects a shot in the back..." - The theme of betrayal, backstabbing, unexpected danger that awaits a person at any moment.

"There are no more shells on the battery..." - A sense of helplessness in the face of danger, exhaustion of resources.

"We need to go faster on the bend..." - The need to make decisions quickly, to act decisively in a critical situation.


"Sail! They've torn the sail!" - The destruction of hope, the loss of direction in life, the collapse of plans. The sail, a symbol of moving towards a goal, is torn apart.

"I repent, I repent, I repent..." - Admittance of one's own guilt, perhaps for not being able to save one's "sail," for not coping with difficulties.

Second verse:

"Even on patrol, you may not meet the enemy..." - Danger can lurk where you least expect it.

"It's not a grief if your leg hurts..." - Downplaying physical pain against the backdrop of mental suffering.

"Door hinges creak for some, sing for others..." - The life path of each person is individual, for some it seems difficult and unpleasant ("creak"), and for some - joyful and easy ("sing").

"Who are you? You are not welcome here!" - Rejection of someone else's opinion, a desire to isolate oneself from the outside world.

Third verse:

"Many years to all who sing in their sleep..." - Irony addressed to those who live in illusions, not noticing real life.

"All parts of the world can lie at the bottom..." - Readiness for global change, even if it brings destruction.

"All continents can burn in fire..." - Indifference to global problems, egocentrism.

"But all this is not for me!" - The desire to isolate oneself from the whole world, to live only in one's own interests.

In general, the song "The Sail" is a reflection on the fragility of human life, the suddenness of fate, the loss of hope and the need to find the strength to move on, even if the "sail is torn." It intertwines motifs of loneliness, struggle, disappointment, and the search for one's place in the world. The song leaves behind a sense of anxiety and uncertainty, but at the same time makes one think about the meaning of life and the value of one's own path.

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