The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Song of German Soldiers" (Pesnya nemeckih soldat) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

A soldier's always healthy,

A soldier's always ready,

And like dust from carpets,

We beat it out of the roads.

And not to stop,

And not to change feet,-

Our faces are shining,

Our boots are gleaming!

Across the scorched plain -

Meter by meter -

Soldiers of the "Center" group

Are marching across Ukraine.

Count off by "one-two"!


One, step forward! - and into heaven.


And every second one is also a hero,

He'll go to heaven after you.




And everything blooms before us,

Everything burns behind us.

No need to think - with us is the one,

Who will decide everything for us.

Cheerful - not gloomy -

We will return to our homes,-

Blonde brides

Will be our reward!

Everything lies ahead, but now -

Meter by meter -

Soldiers of the "Center" group

Are marching across Ukraine.

Count off by "one-two"!


One, step forward! - and into heaven.


And every second one is also a hero,

He'll go to heaven after you.




Солдат всегда здоров,

Солдат на все готов,-

И пыль, как из ковров,

Мы выбиваем из дорог.

И не остановиться,

И не сменить ноги,-

Сияют наши лица,

Сверкают сапоги!

По выжженной равнине -

За метром метр -

Идут по Украине

Солдаты группы "Центр".

На "первый-второй" рассчитайсь!


Первый, шаг вперед! - и в рай.


А каждый второй - тоже герой,-

В рай попадет вслед за тобой.




А перед нами все цветет,

За нами все горит.

Не надо думать - с нами тот,

Кто все за нас решит.

Веселые - не хмурые -

Вернемся по домам,-

Невесты белокурые

Наградой будут нам!

Все впереди, а ныне -

За метром метр -

Идут по Украине

Солдаты группы "Центр".

На "первый-второй" рассчитайсь!


Первый, шаг вперед! - и в рай.


А каждый второй - тоже герой,-

В рай попадет вслед за тобой.




Vladimir Vysotsky's "Song of the German Soldiers" paints a bitterly ironic portrait of the Wehrmacht soldiers who invaded the Soviet Union. The lyrics juxtapose a cheerful, even triumphant tone with the horrifying reality of war, exposing the monstrous nature of the events.

Blind Faith and Mindless Obedience: The soldiers are depicted as a faceless mass, blindly following orders ("No need to think - the one who decides everything for us is with us"). Their belief in a swift victory and homecoming ("Cheerful - not gloomy - We will return home") is naive and detached from the reality where "Everything behind us burns." The counting "one-two" symbolizes the mechanical nature of their actions, the absence of individuality and free will. The "paradise" promised to every soldier takes on a sinister connotation, hinting at death rather than a happy future.

Contrast Between Form and Content: The outward bravado ("A soldier is always healthy," "Our boots are shining!") is contrasted with the horrors of war, which are only indirectly reflected in the lyrics ("Across the scorched plain," "Everything behind us burns"). Vysotsky uses the technique of omission, forcing the listener to imagine the picture of destruction and death accompanying the "victorious march" of the German army.

Condemnation of War: The song does not contain direct accusations, but the very atmosphere of mindless violence created by the author is a powerful anti-war statement. Vysotsky shows how propaganda and blind faith in ideals turn people into instruments of destruction, depriving them of their own voice and responsibility for their actions.

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