The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Space Scoundrels' Song" (Pesnya kosmicheskih negodyaev) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

You won't believe me, you simply won't understand -

Space is scarier than even Dante's Inferno!

Through space-time, we race on a starship,

Like sliding down a hill on our own behinds,

From Earth to Beta - eight days,

And to the planet Epsilon,

We don't even count, to avoid losing our minds.

Eternity and longing - oh, we're in a fine mess!

We recite Kipling by heart,

And all around, cosmic darkness.

On Earth, we read in science fiction novels

About the possibility of encountering an alien being.

We left behind on Earth ten tattered commandments,

All encounters with our fellow man mean nothing to us!

From Earth to Beta - eight days,

And to the planet Epsilon,

We don't even count, to avoid losing our minds.

Eternity and longing - oh, we're in a fine mess!

We recite Kipling by heart,

And all around, cosmic darkness.

We're vaccinated against cheap tears and dreams,

Against foul diseases and rabid beasts.

From space, we couldn't care less about the explosions of all the supernovas -

Things used to be more fun on Earth!

From Earth to Beta - eight days,

And to the planet Epsilon,

We don't even count, to avoid losing our minds.

Eternity and longing - are our playthings!

We recite Pushkin by heart,

And all around, cosmic darkness.

We won't see the former, earthly sky again,

If we believe the tales of those eccentric scientists.

For when we return, according to all their laws,

Seven hundred centuries will have passed on Earth.

Now that's something to laugh about -

Nothing to fear on Earth anymore!

No more prisons or palaces on Earth!

We placed our hopes in God, poor fellow,

But now we've learned - He doesn't exist

Now, forever and ever, world without end!

Вы мне не поверите и просто не поймете -

В космосе страшней, чем даже в Дантовском аду!

По пространству-времени мы прем на звездолете,

Как с горы на собственном заду,

От Земли до Беты - восемь ден,

Ну, а до планеты Эпсилон,

Не считаем мы, чтоб не сойти с ума.

Вечность и тоска - ох, влипли как!

Наизусть читаем Киплинга,

А кругом космическая тьма.

На Земле читали в фантастических романах

Про возможность встречи с иноземным существом.

Мы на Земле забыли десять заповедей рваных,

Нам все встречи с ближним нипочем!

От Земли до Беты - восемь ден,

Ну, а до планеты Эпсилон,

Не считаем мы, чтоб не сойти с ума.

Вечность и тоска - ох, влипли как!

Наизусть читаем Киплинга,

А кругом космическая тьма.

Нам прививки сделаны от слез и грез дешевых,

От дурных болезней и от бешеных зверей.

Нам плевать из космоса на взрывы всех сверхновых -

На Земле бывало веселей!

От Земли до Беты - восемь ден,

Ну, а до планеты Эпсилон,

Не считаем мы, чтоб не сойти с ума.

Вечность и тоска - игрушки нам!

Наизусть читаем Пушкина,

А кругом космическая тьма.

Прежнего, земного не увидим небосклона,

Если верить россказням ученых чудаков.

Ведь когда вернемся мы, по всем по их законам

На Земле пройдет семьсот веков.

То-то есть смеяться отчего -

На Земле бояться нечего!

На Земле нет больше тюрем и дворцов!

На Бога уповали, бедного,

Но теперь узнали - нет его

Ныне, присно и вовек веков!

In his song "Space Scoundrels' Song," Vladimir Vysotsky explores the theme of humanity's existential loneliness in the vast expanse of space. The lyrical hero, a space traveler, describes the hardships of his situation with bitter irony.

On the one hand, we are presented with seasoned astronauts who are almost cynical about the difficulties and dangers they face: "We don't give a damn from space about the explosions of all the supernovas." They are jaded and disillusioned, even a potential encounter with extraterrestrial intelligence fails to impress them.

However, behind the bravado lies a deep longing for Earth, for the familiar world, for simple human joys. The infinity of space and the temporal detachment from Earth generate a feeling of fear and hopelessness. The travelers try to fight these feelings by reading classics, but this brings only temporary relief.

The ending of the song is particularly poignant. Upon returning to Earth after hundreds of years, the astronauts will find themselves in a world alien to them, deprived of everything that was dear to them. Moreover, they are confronted with the absence of faith, with the realization that "They relied on God, the poor fellow, but now they know - He is not there."

Thus, "Space Scoundrels' Song" is not just a song about space, but a philosophical reflection on the place of man in the universe, on the price of progress and on eternal values.

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