The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Tightrope Walker's Song" (Pesnya kanatohodca) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

He wasn't distinguished by rank or height.

Not for glory, not for pay -

In his own, unusual way

He walked through life above the stage -

On a tightrope, on a tightrope,

Stretched taut like a nerve.

Look - there he goes

Walking without a safety net.

A slight tilt to the right -

He'll fall, he'll be lost!

A slight tilt to the left -

He's still beyond saving...

But he must really need to walk

These four quarters of the way.

And the rays threw him off balance,

And pierced him, like laurels.

The trumpet blared - as if there were two.

Cries of "Bravo!" deafened him,

And the laurels, the laurels -

Like a blow to the head!

Look - there he goes

Walking without a safety net.

A slight tilt to the right -

He'll fall, he'll be lost!

A slight tilt to the left -

He's still beyond saving...

But now he has less to go -

Already three quarters of the way.

"Oh, how terrifying, how daring, how sweet!

A fight with death - three minutes long!" -

With mouths agape in anticipation,

From the stalls they gazed up gloomily,

The Lilliputians, the Lilliputians -

It seemed to him from above.

Look - there he goes

Walking without a safety net.

A slight tilt to the right -

He'll fall, he'll be lost!

A slight tilt to the left -

He's still beyond saving...

But be calm - he only has to walk

Two quarters of the way now!

He laughed at fleeting fame,

But he wanted only to be first -

Try and break someone like that!

Not on a wire above the arena -

He walked on his nerves - on our nerves -

To the beat of a drum!

Look - there he goes

Walking without a safety net.

A slight tilt to the right -

He'll fall, he'll be lost!

A slight tilt to the left -

He's still beyond saving...

But be silent - he only has to walk

No more than a quarter of the way!

The trainer shouted - and the beasts

Placed their paws on the stretchers...

But the verdict is simple and harsh:

Whether he was lost or confident -

Into the sawdust, into the sawdust

He spilled his frustration and blood!

And today another

Walks without a safety net.

A thin cord beneath his feet -

He'll fall, he'll be lost!

A tilt to the right, to the left -

And he can't be saved...

But for some reason he too must walk

His four quarters of the way!

Он не вышел ни званьем, ни ростом.

Нe за славу, нe за плату -

На свой, необычный манер

Он по жизни шагал над помостом -

По канату, по канату,

Натянутому, как нерв.

Посмотрите - вот он

без страховки идет.

Чуть правее наклон -

упадет, пропадет!

Чуть левее наклон -

все равно не спасти...

Но должно быть, ему очень нужно пройти

четыре четверти пути.

И лучи его с шага сбивали,

И кололи, словно лавры.

Труба надрывалась - как две.

Крики "Браво!" его оглушали,

А литавры, а литавры -

Как обухом по голове!

Посмотрите - вот он

без страховки идет.

Чуть правее наклон -

упадет, пропадет!

Чуть левее наклон -

все равно не спасти...

Но теперь ему меньше осталось пройти -

уже три четверти пути.

"Ах как жутко, как смело, как мило!

Бой со смертью - три минуты!" -

Раскрыв в ожидании рты,

Из партера глядели уныло

Лилипуты, лилипуты -

Казалось ему с высоты.

Посмотрите - вот он

без страховки идет.

Чуть правее наклон -

упадет, пропадет!

Чуть левее наклон -

все равно не спасти...

Но спокойно, - ему остается пройти

всего две четверти пути!

Он смеялся над славою бренной,

Но хотел быть только первым -

Такого попробуй угробь!

Не по проволоке над ареной, -

Он по нервам - нам по нервам -

Шел под барабанную дробь!

Посмотрите - вот он

без страховки идет.

Чуть правее наклон -

упадет, пропадет!

Чуть левее наклон -

все равно не спасти...

Но замрите, - ему остается пройти

не больше четверти пути!

Закричал дрессировщик - и звери

Клали лапы на носилки...

Но прост приговор и суров:

Был растерян он или уверен -

Но в опилки, но в опилки

Он пролил досаду и кровь!

И сегодня другой

без страховки идет.

Тонкий шнур под ногой -

упадет, пропадет!

Вправо, влево наклон -

и его не спасти...

Но зачем-то ему тоже нужно пройти

четыре четверти пути!

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Tightrope Walker," life is metaphorically presented as a dangerous and fragile journey. The lyrical hero, a tightrope walker, seeks neither fame nor reward; he walks the tightrope, "stretched taut as a nerve," by his own choice.

Each step is a risk, the slightest mistake could cost him his life. The spectators below, "Lilliputians" from his elevated position, watch with bated breath, feeling the intensity of the moment.

However, the tightrope walker ignores the danger. He moves forward, overcoming fear and doubt, striving to complete his journey.

The ending of the song is tragic: the hero falls, "spilling his frustration and blood." But despite the defeat, the song does not leave a sense of hopelessness.

The main idea lies in the very choice of path. The tightrope walker is an image of a person who is not afraid to take risks, to follow his own path, even if it is dangerous and does not guarantee success. He challenges fate, asserts himself through overcoming himself and circumstances.

It is important to note that the image of the tightrope walker has a broader meaning. It symbolizes all creative people, artists, poets, musicians, who are forced to balance on the edge, to take risks and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their art.

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