The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Alice's Song" (Pesnya Alisyi) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I'm terribly bored, I'm simply powerless.

And thoughts come - tempting, disturbing -

That someone would invite me somewhere

And there I would see something!

But what exactly - I really don't know.

Everyone advises in turn:

"Read," - I sit down and read,

"Play," - well, I play with the cat, -

I'm still terribly bored!

Sir! Take Alice with you!

I would like so much, I would like

Someday, somehow to leave the house -

And suddenly find myself above, in the depths,

Inside and outside - where everything is different!

But what exactly - I really don't know.

Everyone advises in turn:

"Read," - I sit down and read,

"Play," - well, I play with the cat, -

I'm still terribly bored!

Sir! Take Alice with you!

Let there be an uproar at home,

And let punishment threaten - I agree, -

I close my eyes, count to three ...

What will happen, what will happen! I'm terribly worried!

But what exactly - I really don't know.

Everything is mixed up in the midday heat:

Read? - I sit down and play,

Play? - Well, I read with the cat, -

I'm still terrified of being bored!

Sir! Take Alice with you!

Я страшно скучаю, я просто без сил.

И мысли приходят - маня, беспокоя, -

Чтоб кто-то куда-то меня пригласил

И там я увидела что-то такое!.

Но что именно - право, не знаю.

Все советуют наперебой:

"Почитай", - я сажусь и читаю,

"Поиграй", - ну, я с кошкой играю, -

Все равно я ужасно скучаю!

Сэр! Возьмите Алису с собой!

Мне так бы хотелось, хотелось бы мне

Когда-нибудь, как-нибудь выйти из дому -

И вдруг оказаться вверху, в глубине,

Внутри и снаружи, - где все по-другому!.

Но что именно - право, не знаю.

Все советуют наперебой:

"Почитай", - я сажусь и читаю,

"Поиграй", - ну, я с кошкой играю, -

Все равно я ужасно скучаю!

Сэр! Возьмите Алису с собой!

Пусть дома поднимется переполох,

И пусть наказанье грозит - я согласна, -

Глаза закрываю, считаю до трех...

Что будет, что будет! Волнуюсь ужасно!

Но что именно - право, не знаю.

Все смешалось в полуденный зной:

Почитать? - Я сажусь и играю,

Поиграть? - Ну, я с кошкой читаю, -

Все равно я скучать ужасаю!

Сэр! Возьмите Алису с собой!

In Vladimir Vysotsky's "Alice's Song," the protagonist, a little girl named Alice, expresses a deep, existential feeling of boredom and longing for something unknown, for adventure.

Her boredom is not simply a child's desire to be entertained; it is a yearning for something more than what ordinary life can offer. Alice longs to step outside the familiar, routine world ("to leave the house / And suddenly find myself above, in the depths, / Inside and outside – where everything is different!"). She cannot articulate her desires concretely ("But what exactly – I really don't know"), but she feels that something is missing.

The advice of adults ("Read", "Play") seems trivial to her and unable to quench her thirst for new experiences. Even playing with the cat does not bring true satisfaction. Alice dreams of a real adventure, of something extraordinary that will turn her world upside down.

The appeal to "Sir" ("Sir! Take Alice with you!") is a cry from the heart, addressed to an imaginary hero who can pull her out of the rut and carry her away to a world of fantasy and adventure. Alice is even ready to be punished, just to escape the shackles of boredom.

In the final verse of the song, the feeling of anxious anticipation reaches its peak. Alice is ready for any surprises, even if they lead to chaos ("Let there be an uproar at home"). The confusion of actions ("Read? - I sit down and play, / Play? - Well, I read with the cat") emphasizes her confusion and desperation in trying to find a way out of the rut.

"Alice's Song" is not just a children's song; it is a metaphor for the human striving for the unknown, for the search for the meaning of life, for going beyond the ordinary.

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