The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The most accurate translation of "Песня автомобилиста" would be "The Motorist's Song". However, without knowing the specific song you're referring to, it's impossible to translate the lyrics. Please provide" (Pesnya avtomobilista) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Throwing away my wooden staff,

Falling onto the snow and lying face down,

I rose – and got into “death on wheels,”

Scornful of moving on foot.

I did not intend to play with fate,

I did not plan to pour spirit onto the fire, -

I merely, by this swift ride,

Intended to prolong my life.

In the soles of my athletic “sneakers”

I used to trample trails and floors –

And I was invulnerable to mockery,

And was unreachable by slander.

But I moved into other circles –

They won’t accept me into their quadrille, -

I drive, I catch sidelong glances

Both at me, and at my automobile.

Severing communion and handshakes,

My milieu turned away from me, -

But the deaf rejection ended –

And open hostility began.

I entered a world, alien to us in spirit,

Breaking all the rules of the road, -

Traffic cops timidly shook my hand,

Handing me two tickets for fines.

I joined the feud gradually,

In the morning I would behold the fruits of nighttime attacks:

The antenna tied in a reef knot…

That was a hint: this will happen to you!

Sneaking through gardens and fields,

They thrust awls into the tires, like daggers, -

And I fought back all day long with rubles –

And I did not give up, and was valiant in battle.

On moonless nights I often

Lay in wait for the enemy in ambush, -

But he has intelligence –

And he never fell into my ambush.

And then – like a “prisoner of war” – they silently removed

The front axle and carried it off into the darkness.

The front axle! It would seem – just parts,

But without it, the rear is useless.

I obtained steering wheels, axles, tires, -

Not for beautiful eyes – for a bribe.

But I realized: I cannot overcome the colossus, -

Back – while the car is still running!

Back, to my eternal pedestrians!

Let me back in, oh, open up, sesame!

Back to the metro, to the underground pedestrians!

Acceleration, steering wheel to the left, and – brakes!

…I will rise from the ashes, ordinary again,

And smile, spitting out dust:

Now the people do not hate me

For the fact that I have a car!

Отбросив прочь свой деревянный посох,

Упав на снег и полежав ничком,

Я встал - и сел в "погибель на колесах",

Презрев передвижение пешком.

Я не предполагал играть с судьбою,

Не собирался спирт в огонь подлить, -

Я просто этой быстрою ездою

Намеревался жизнь себе продлить.

Подошвами своих спортивных "чешек"

Топтал я прежде тропы и полы -

И был неуязвим я для насмешек,

И был недосягаем для хулы.

Но я в другие перешел разряды -

Меня не примут в общую кадриль, -

Я еду, я ловлю косые взгляды

И на меня, и на автомобиль.

Прервав общенье и рукопожатья,

Отворотилась прочь моя среда, -

Но кончилось глухое неприятье -

И началась открытая вражда.

Я в мир вкатился, чуждый нам по духу,

Все правила движения поправ, -

ОРУДовцы мне робко жали руку,

Вручая две квитанции на штраф.

Я во вражду включился постепенно,

Я утром зрел плоды ночных атак:

Морским узлом завязана антенна...

То был намек: с тобою будет так!

Прокравшись огородами, полями,

Вонзали шила в шины, как кинжал, -

Я ж отбивался целый день рублями -

И не сдавался, и в боях мужал.

Безлунными ночами я нередко

Противника в засаде поджидал, -

Но у него поставлена разведка -

И он в засаду мне не попадал.

И вот - как "языка" - бесшумно сняли

Передний мост и унесли во тьму.

Передний мост!. Казалось бы - детали,

Но без него и задний ни к чему.

Я доставал рули, мосты, колеса, -

Не за глаза красивые - за мзду.

Но понял я: не одолеть колосса, -

Назад - пока машина на ходу!

Назад, к моим нетленным пешеходам!

Пусти назад, о, отворись, сезам!

Назад в метро, к подземным пешеходам!

Разгон, руль влево и - по тормозам!

...Восстану я из праха, вновь обыден,

И улыбнусь, выплевывая пыль:

Теперь народом я не ненавидим

За то, что у меня автомобиль!

In the song "Song of the Motorist," Vladimir Vysotsky uses the image of a car as a metaphor for a person's alienation from society. The lyrical hero, switching from walking to driving, crosses a certain line that separates him from his former life and his usual social circle.

At first, this manifests itself in sidelong glances and rejection, then develops into open hostility. The car, a symbol of individuality and freedom in the eyes of the hero, becomes an object of envy and aggression for those around him. He is faced with petty sabotage, theft, and confrontation from other car owners.

However, despite all the difficulties, the hero is not immediately ready to return to his former way of life. Only when he loses the opportunity to use the car does he realize the futility of his confrontation and decides to return "to my timeless pedestrians." The final lines of the song sound with irony and bitterness: the hero hopes that by getting rid of the car, he will again earn the approval of the society that rejected him.

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