The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Gerashchenko's Song" (Pesnya Geraschenko) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Nat Pinkerton, he's been my idol since childhood

No one can compare to him now

But he had such a criminal world

That I sleep badly, and envy gnaws at me

The device and the well-trained eye

And the work is going efficiently

Only I know so much about you

That sometimes it makes me sick

You can't hide, because I have no secrets

My method is simple: to suspect everyone

Every criminal leaves a trace

And returns to the crime scene

The device and the well-trained eye

And the work is going efficiently

Only I know so much about you

That sometimes it makes me sick

Detectives have a gloomy look and a gloomy disposition

Our character is worthy of reproach

We are dealing with the violation of rights

And only with the dark side of our lives

The device and the well-trained eye

And the work is going efficiently

Only I know so much about you

That sometimes it makes me sick

Other people drink to all sorrows

Walking freely in November and May

I don't sit at the festive table

I walk around and watch through the windows

The device and the well-trained eye

And the work is going efficiently

Only I know so much about you

That sometimes it makes me sick

"The world is a stage" - that's what Shakespeare said

I only see typical roles

That one is a scoundrel, that one is a rogue, that one is a vampire

And that's all, as Pushkin said: "what more is there?"

The device and the well-trained eye

And the work is going efficiently

Only I know so much about you

That sometimes it makes me sick

But there is a name - I repeat it like a password

Don't believe that detectives are invulnerable

She plays a blue role

I need a blue role

The device and the well-trained eye

And the work is going efficiently

Only I know so much about you

That sometimes it makes me sick

Нат Пинкертон - вот с детства мой кумир

Сравниться с ним теперь никто не может

Но он имел такой преступный мир

Что плохо спится мне, и зависть гложет

Аппарат и наметанный глаз

И работа идет эффективно

Только я столько знаю про вас

Что подчас мне бывает противно

Не скрыться вам, ведь от меня секретов нет

Мой метод прост: брать всех под подозренье

Любой преступник оставляет след

И возвращается на место преступленья

Аппарат и наметанный глаз

И работа идет эффективно

Только я столько знаю про вас

Что подчас мне бывает противно

У детективов хмурый вид и мрачный нрав

Характер наш достоин укоризны

Имеем дело с попираньем прав

И только с темной стороною нашей жизни

Аппарат и наметанный глаз

И работа идет эффективно

Только я столько знаю про вас

Что подчас мне бывает противно

Другие люди пьют всем горестям назло

Гуляют всласть по Ноябрю и Маю

Я ж не сижу за праздничным столом

Хожу кругом и в окна наблюдаю

Аппарат и наметанный глаз

И работа идет эффективно

Только я столько знаю про вас

Что подчас мне бывает противно

"Мир - как театр" - так говорил Шекспир

Я вижу лишь характерные роли

Тот - негодяй, тот - жулик, тот - вампир

И все, - как Пушкин говорил: "чего же боле?"

Аппарат и наметанный глаз

И работа идет эффективно

Только я столько знаю про вас

Что подчас мне бывает противно

Но имя есть - я повторяю как пароль

Не верь, что детективы нелюдимы

Она играет голубую роль

Мне голубая роль - необходима

Аппарат и наметанный глаз

И работа идет эффективно

Только я столько знаю про вас

Что подчас мне бывает противно

In the song "Gershchenko's Song," Vladimir Vysotsky uses the image of a detective to explore the theme of moral duality and the price of knowledge.

The lyrical hero, Gershchenko, is a professional in his field, inspired by the example of the legendary detective, Nathan Pinkerton. He brilliantly solves crimes, possesses "apparatus and a keen eye." However, as he delves into the "criminal world," he encounters the dark side of human nature. This knowledge poisons his soul, making him cynical and alienated from ordinary life: holidays, joys - all this passes him by.

"Other people drink to spite all sorrows, they walk freely in November and May. But I don't sit at the festive table, I walk around and watch through windows."

The world for him turns into a stage where everyone plays their part: "That one's a scoundrel, that one's a crook, that one's a vampire." This hopelessness is emphasized by the quote from Pushkin: "And all, as Pushkin said: 'what more is there?'"

However, the ending of the song introduces an unexpected twist. It turns out that Gershchenko has a secret, a "blue role" that he plays. What this role is remains a mystery. Perhaps he is embedded in the criminal world or hiding his true nature.

Thus, Vysotsky's song is not just a song about a detective. It is a reflection on the price of knowledge, on how proximity to darkness can cripple the soul, on how a secret can be hidden behind the mask of professionalism.

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