The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A Song About Two Beautiful Cars" (Pesnya o dvuh krasivyih avtomobilyah) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Without bans or a trace,

Burning rubber on the asphalt,

Cars are tearing out of the nightmare of cities,

And bulky, like tanks,

"Fords," "Lincolns," "Sevilles,"

Elegant "Mustangs,"

"Mercedes," "Citroens."

As if they know - the game is worth the candle,

It will be like a blood feud against the cities!

Hurry, just don't burn the candles,

Carburetor, and whatever else they have there.

And the canvas is not visible,

Limousines, limousines...

Among them, like two spots,

Two beautiful cars,

As if tied with a thread,

(And where it's thin, it breaks).

Accelerators, suction pumps,

Have nothing else to do.

As if they know - the game is worth the candle,

If only they could break free - they'll pay all their debts.

Well, maybe he'll give her a speech

On the horn, and whatever else they have there.

This gathering of cars

Holds a grudge against you.

Light gray limousine!

Don't lose sight of it!

Ahead - look - a fork in the road!

More risk, more faith!

You'll be late! That's it!...

You hesitated, light gray!

They knew the game was worth the candle,

And now - why honk at the billboards?

Well, maybe a mountain will fall off his shoulders

Or from the hood, and whatever else they have there.

No, the fork in the road is like trouble,

Arrows apart - and you're not here.

Can it be that never

Do forks in the road bring us together?

This one goes down, alone,

And, engaging seventh gear,

The light gray limousine

Forgot to hit the brakes.

What, to converge, empty dreams?

Or is this a blood feud against the cities?

Wheels rolled, bridges

And hearts, or whatever else they have there.

Без запретов и следов,

Об асфальт сжигая шины,

Из кошмара городов

Рвутся за город машины,

И громоздкие, как танки,

"Форды", "линкольны", "cелены",

Элегантные "мустанги",

"Мерседесы", "cитроены".

Будто знают - игра стоит свеч,

Это будет как кровная месть городам!

Поскорей, только б свечи не сжечь,

Карбюратор, и что у них есть еще там.

И не видно полотна,

Лимузины, лимузины...

Среди них, как два пятна,

Две красивые машины,

Будто связанные тросом,

(А где тонко - там и рвется).

Акселераторам, подсосам

Больше дела не найдется.

Будто знают - игра стоит свеч,

Только б вырваться - выплатят все по счетам.

Ну, а может, он скажет ей речь

На клаксоне, и что у них есть еще там.

Это скопище машин

На тебя таит обиду.

Светло-серый лимузин!

Не теряй ее из виду!

Впереди - гляди - разъезд!

Больше риска, больше веры!

Опоздаешь! Так и есть!...

Ты промедлил, светло-серый!

Они знали - игра стоит свеч,

А теперь - что ж сигналить рекламным щитам?

Ну, а может гора ему с плеч

Иль с капота, и что у них есть еще там.

Нет, развилка как беда,

Стрелки врозь - и вот не здесь ты.

Неужели никогда

Не сближают нас разъезды?

Этот сходится, один,

И, врубив седьмую скорость,

Светло-серый лимузин

Позабыл нажать на тормоз.

Что ж, съезжаться, пустые мечты?

Или это есть кровная месть городам?

Покатились колеса, мосты

И сердца, или что у них есть еще там.

In his song "About Two Beautiful Cars," Vysotsky uses the imagery of cars to talk about freedom, love, and the tragedy of fate. The cars escaping the city symbolize the desire to break free from routine and limitations, the pursuit of freedom and self-expression.

The two beautiful cars that stand out from the faceless mass are a metaphor for lovers. They are connected by an invisible "cable," drawn to each other. The race, the risk, the excitement - all of this reflects the intensity of their passion and the desire to be together, no matter what.

The light gray limousine, missing its chance at the fork in the road, embodies a fatal mistake, a missed opportunity. The ending of the song is tragic: an accident, the collapse of hope, perhaps even death.

Vysotsky masterfully uses the technique of personification, endowing cars with human qualities and feelings. The phrase "what else they have there" adds irony and makes you wonder: are cars really that different from people in their aspirations and weaknesses?

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