The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Song about plans" (Pesnya o planah) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

To avoid the trap,

Not to get lost in the dark,

To never lose your way,

To land or splash down in the right place,

Draw a plan on the map.

And walk and sing carelessly,


The meeting is secured, everything is marked on the plan,

Accurately, flawlessly, and with a dashed line,

Tiri-tiri-tam-tam-tiram, with a bold dashed line,

Tiri-tiri-tam-tam-tiram, with a bold dashed line.

Even if you have the talent,

In order not to break, not to upset,

In order not to destroy, but to build,

In order to increase, double, and triple,

You need a very precise plan.

We will tear up the inaccurate plan, and

It crawls along the seams, tam-tiram.

My dears, the plans are feasible,

Next to you, imaginary ones - with a dashed line,

Tiri-tiri-tam-tam-tiram, with a thin dashed line,

Tiri-tiri-tam-tam-tiram, with a thin dashed line.

Plans won't forgive deceit.

If they are not allowed to be realized,

These plans may get angry,

So that tomorrow the chrysalis will become a caterpillar,

If you don't follow the plan.

Confusion follows the gaper

Every step of the way, tam-tiram,

The blue caterpillar will be called a goose.

Bend your line with a dashed line,

Don't lose, tam-tam-tiram, the dashed line,

Don't lose, tam-tam-tiram, the dashed line.

Чтобы не попасть в капкан,

Чтобы в темноте не заблудиться,

Чтобы никогда с пути не сбиться

Чтобы в нужном месте приземлиться, приводниться,

Начерти на карте план.

И шагай и пой беспечно,


Встреча обеспечена, в плане все отмечено,

Точно, безупречно и пунктиром,

Тири-тири-там-там-тирам, жирненьким пунктиром,

Тири-тири-там-там-тирам, жирненьким пунктиром.

Если даже есть талант,

Чтобы не нарушить, не расстроить,

Чтобы не разрушить, а построить,

Чтобы увеличиться, удвоить и утроить,

Нужен очень точный план.

Мы неточный план порвем, и

Он ползет по швам, там-тирам.

Дорогие вы мои, планы выполнимые,

Рядом с вами, мнимые - пунктиром,

Тири-тири-там-там-тирам, тоненьким пунктиром,

Тири-тири-там-там-тирам, тоненьким пунктиром.

Планы не простят обман.

Если им не дать осуществиться,

Могут эти планы разозлиться,

Так, что завтра куколка станет гусеницей,

Если не нарушить план.

Путаница за разиней

Ходит по пятам-тамтирам,

Гусеницу синюю назовут гусынею.

Гните свою линию пунктиром,

Не теряйте, там-там-тирам, линию пунктира,

Не теряйте, там-там-тирам, линию пунктира.

The meaning of Vladimir Vysotsky's "Song about Plans" lies in the ironic reflection on the human dependence on plans.

The song begins with the author highlighting the importance of planning as a way to avoid life's traps and achieve one's desires. He uses metaphors of "traps," "darkness," "landing," and "splashdown" to emphasize the importance of a clear course in life. The rhythmic "Tiri-tiri-tam-tam-tiram" creates a sense of ease and confidence, characteristic of a person who relies on their plan.

However, as the song progresses, the intonation changes. Irony emerges in the lines about the "fat dotted line" and "feasible plans" next to "imaginary" ones. It becomes clear that blindly following a plan, even a "very precise" one, can lead to destruction rather than creation.

In the final verses, Vysotsky warns against deceit in relation to plans. Neglecting them can lead to unexpected and unpleasant consequences, symbolized by the transformation of a "chrysalis" into a "caterpillar." The final lines urge to "bend your line" without losing sight of your own path ("the dotted line"), which can be interpreted as a call for flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances without abandoning your goals.

Thus, the "Song about Plans" is not a hymn to planning, but rather a reflection on its dual nature. On the one hand, a plan is a necessary tool for achieving goals, but on the other hand, it should not become a shackle that fetters initiative and prevents one from seeing new opportunities.

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