The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A Song About a Yogi" (Pesnya pro yoga) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Well, let's say - Shiva - multi-armed, fanged...

We also know the artist - Raj Kapoor

And the caste of yogis - a strange caste

They say that before, a yogi


Not eat a damn thing for a whole


And now they hold the record

Eating everything for a whole


And what about us? We're no worse than many -

We can also drink a lot, -

And numerous yogis roam -

Although, it's very difficult to recognize them

A yogi can do a lot

This one recently lay down

Suddenly -

It's been three days already -

Shame! -

But the yogi lies to himself


I know they have many secrets -

To talk to a yogi one-on-one -

After all, even poison doesn't work on yogis:

He's immune to poisons

Doesn't breathe underwater for an hour -


Not offended by words -


If he senses that an old man

Suddenly -

Will say "stop!", and at that very moment -


I asked a tipsy yogi

(He ate razor blades and nails like sausage):

"Listen, friend, open up to me - for God's sake

I'll take the secret to the grave with me!"

The answer to my question was


But we had a falling out with him

Completely, -

I could have revealed the answer

That one

But the yogi told me to keep the secret

That's it...

Чем славится индийская культура?

Ну, скажем, – Шива – многорук, клыкаст...

Еще артиста знаем – Радж Капюра

И касту йогов – странную из каст

Говорят, что раньше йог


Ни черта не брамши в рот –


А теперь они рекорд

Всё едят и целый год


А что же мы? И мы не хуже многих –

Мы тоже можем много выпивать, –

И бродят многочисленные йоги –

Их, правда, очень трудно распознать

Очень много может йог

Вот один недавно лег

Вдруг –

Третий день уже летит, –

Стыд! –

Ну а йог себе лежит


Я знаю, что у них секретов много, –

Поговорить бы с йогом тет-на-тет, –

Ведь даже яд не действует на йога:

На яды у него иммунитет

Под водой не дышит час –


Не обидчив на слова –


Если чует, что старик

Вдруг –

Скажет "стоп!", и в тот же миг –


Я попросил подвыпимшего йога

(Он бритвы, гвозди ел как колбасу):

"Послушай, друг, откройся мне – ей-бога

С собой в могилу тайну унесу!"

Был ответ на мой вопрос


Но поссорились мы с ним

В дым, –

Я бы мог открыть ответ


Но йог велел хранить секрет


In his song "The Song about the Yogi," Vladimir Vysotsky, with his characteristic irony and satire, mocks the stereotypes about yogis and compares them to the realities of Soviet life.

Debunking Myths:

Vysotsky begins by listing well-known stereotypes about Indian culture: the many-armed Shiva, the actor Raj Kapoor, and, of course, the yogis. He immediately questions the asceticism of yogis, saying that in the past they could go without food for years, and now they "break records" in eating and drinking.

Comparison with Soviet Reality:

The poet then draws a parallel with Soviet citizens who, according to him, "can also drink a lot." He introduces the image of "wandering yogis" who are "difficult to recognize." This image is a metaphor for those who enjoy drinking and may not appear home for several days after a feast.

Vysotsky ironically plays with the notions of yogis' superpowers. He exaggerates them to the point of absurdity: the yogi "lies-flies" for three days, he is immune to poisons, does not breathe underwater, ignores insults. The culmination is the yogi's ability to stop his heart at will.

The Illusion of Secret Knowledge:

In the final part of the song, the lyrical hero tries to extract the secret of his abilities from a "tipsy yogi." The yogi, who eats razor blades and nails, embodies a charlatan exploiting the image of a mystical Eastern sage. The denouement is comical: either there is no secret, or it is so banal that it leads to a quarrel.

The Essence of the Song:

Thus, "The Song about the Yogi" is not just a humorous work. Vysotsky uses the image of a yogi to ridicule the human tendency towards mystification, admiration for imaginary authorities, and the search for easy ways to achieve success. At the same time, he ironizes some realities of Soviet society, where drunkenness was a widespread problem.

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