The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Farewell to the Mountains" (Proschanie s gorami) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Into the city's rush, into the flow of cars,

We return - there's simply nowhere else to go!

And we descend from the conquered peaks, afar,

Leaving our hearts behind, in the mountains, you know.

So leave the needless arguments be!

I've proven all I need to myself -

Better than mountains can only be mountains, you see,

Those which I haven't yet climbed on the shelf.

Who would want to face troubles alone?

Who would leave, ignoring the heart's ardent plea?

But we descend from the summits we've known -

What else to do? Even gods came down, you see.

So leave the needless arguments be!

I've proven all I need to myself -

Better than mountains can only be mountains, you see,

Those which I haven't yet climbed on the shelf.

How many words and hopes, how many songs and themes,

Mountains awaken in us, urging us to remain.

But we descend - some for years, some for fleeting dreams,

Because always, always, we must return again.

So leave the needless arguments be!

I've proven all I need to myself -

Better than mountains can only be mountains, you see,

Those which no one has yet climbed on the shelf.

В суету городов и в потоки машин

Возвращаемся мы - просто некуда деться!

И спускаемся вниз с покоренных вершин,

Оставляя в горах, оставляя в горах свое сердце.

Так оставьте ненужные споры!

Я себе уже все доказал -

Лучше гор могут быть только горы,

На которых еще не бывал.

Кто захочет в беде оставаться один?

Кто захочет уйти, зову сердца не внемля?

Но спускаемся мы с покоренных вершин -

Что же делать, и боги спускались на землю.

Так оставьте ненужные споры!

Я себе уже все доказал -

Лучше гор могут быть только горы,

На которых еще не бывал.

Сколько слов и надежд, сколько песен и тем

Горы будят у нас и зовут нас остаться.

Но спускаемся мы - кто на год, кто совсем,

Потому что всегда, потому что всегда мы должны возвращаться.

Так оставьте ненужные споры!

Я себе уже все доказал -

Лучше гор могут быть только горы,

На которых никто не бывал.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Farewell to the Mountains" carries a profound philosophical meaning, expressing the conflicting feelings of love for the mountains and the inevitability of returning to everyday life.

The main theme is the contrast between the freedom and beauty of mountain nature and the hustle and bustle of city life. The lyrical hero, having conquered the peaks, felt the fullness of being, unity with nature, but is forced to descend, to return to the "streams of cars".

The heart left in the mountains symbolizes the longing for freedom, the desire for the unknown, the thirst for new achievements. The phrase "only mountains can be better than mountains, which I have not yet visited" emphasizes the thirst for life, the desire for new discoveries, the knowledge of oneself through overcoming obstacles.

The inevitability of descent is a metaphor for returning to reality, accepting obligations that are impossible to escape. Even the gods, as the song says, descended to earth. Life is a series of ups and downs, and man is forced to exist in this cycle.

"Leave unnecessary arguments", the lyrical hero urges. He found his truth in the mountains, proved something important to himself. Now he is ready to return, but a part of his soul will forever remain among the peaks, nourishing the thirst for new ascents.

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