The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A soldier is always healthy." (Soldat vsegda zdorov) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

A soldier is always healthy

A soldier is ready for anything

And dust, like from carpets

We beat out of the roads

And not to stop

And not to change your legs

Our faces are shining

Boots are sparkling!

Across the scorched plain

Meter by meter

Soldiers of the "Center" group are marching in Ukraine

Count off on "one-two"!


One, step forward! – and into heaven


And every second one is also a hero

He'll go to heaven after you




And everything blooms in front of us

Everything is burning behind us

No need to think – with us is the one

Who will decide everything for us

Cheerful – not gloomy

We'll come back home

Blond brides

Will be our reward!

Everything is ahead, but now

Meter by meter

Soldiers of the "Center" group are marching in Ukraine

Count off on "one-two"!


One, step forward! – and into heaven


And every second one is also a hero

He'll go to heaven after you




Солдат всегда здоров

Солдат на все готов

И пыль, как из ковров

Мы выбиваем из дорог

И не остановиться

И не сменить ноги

Сияют наши лица

Сверкают сапоги!

По выжженной равнине

За метром метр

Идут по Украине

Солдаты группы "Центр"

На "первый-второй" рассчитайсь!


Первый, шаг вперед! – и в рай


А каждый второй – тоже герой

В рай попадет вслед за тобой




А перед нами все цветет

За нами все горит

Не надо думать – с нами тот

Кто все за нас решит

Веселые – не хмурые

Вернемся по домам

Невесты белокурые

Наградой будут нам!

Всё впереди, а ныне

За метром метр

Идут по Украине

Солдаты группы "Центр"

На "первый-второй" рассчитайсь!


Первый, шаг вперед! – и в рай


А каждый второй – тоже герой

В рай попадет вслед за тобой




Vladimir Vysotsky's song "A Soldier Is Always Healthy" seems at first glance to glorify the heroic image of a soldier ready for any challenge. The marching rhythm, the cheerful exclamations of "First-second!", the comparison of dust to "carpets" being beaten out of roads, create a sense of daring and courage. The soldiers' faces "shine," and their boots "sparkle" – we are presented with brave lads, confident in themselves and their righteousness.

However, behind this ostentatious bravado lies another side of the coin. The phrase "no need to think – with us is the one who will decide everything for us" removes responsibility from the soldiers for what is happening. They are likened to soulless cogs in a military machine, unquestioningly following orders. The image of a scorched plain and the ominous "everything burns behind us" hint at the destructive power of war. Even "paradise," which the soldiers attain, takes on a sinister connotation – after all, it is achieved at the cost of life ("and every second one is also a hero, he will go to paradise after you").

Thus, Vysotsky's song is not just a glorification of heroism, but also a bitter reflection on the fate of the common man in war, forced to submit to someone else's will and sacrifice himself for goals that are not always clear to him.

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