The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A soldier's song is sad." (Soldatskaya pesnya grustnaya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

On the bare parade ground, on parade

In the barracks, on guard duty - all days in a row

Unknown, not presented for an award

The soldier performs his military service

And whatever hurricane winds may blow

He is on patrol, on guard

From morning till morning

"Lie down! Get up!

Shoulder arms!

Double time - back to the barracks!"

And I sing:

One-two, one-two

We live as one

For hard as it is in training

It is easy in battle!

If the enemy breaks through - women shed tears,

Carry cannonballs to the cannons!

Before battle - I am quiet, in attack - I am fierce

But after the battle - I am gentle

They run me to the ground

Anyone can push a junior around

But still, they entrust the central gate

To a soldier to guard

No matter how much they try to bend him

He will straighten up again

A bayonet is a fool and bullets are stupid,

If a soldier is smart

"Fix bayonets! At ease!

Attention! Forward!

Crawl - back to the barracks!"

And I sing:

"Stab! Cut!"

To be or not to be,

For hard as it is in training

It is easy in battle!

If the enemy flees and fires a salute

Bring the green wine!

Before battle - I am quiet, in attack - I am fierce

But after the battle - I am gentle

На голом на плацу, на вахтпараде

В казарме, на часах - все дни подряд

Безвестный, не представленный к награде

Справляет службу ратную солдат

И какие бы ни дули

Ураганные ветра

Он - в дозоре, в карауле

От утра и до утра

"Напра!. Нале!.

В ружье! На пле!.

Бегом - в расположение!"

А я пою:

Ать-два, ать-два

Живем мы однова

А тяжело в учении

Легко в бою!

Если ломит враг - бабы слезы льют,

Ядра к пушечкам подтаскивай!

Я пред боем - тих, я в атаке - лют

Ну а после боя - ласковый

Меня гоняют до седьмого пота

Всяк может младшим чином помыкать,

Но все-таки центральные ворота

Солдату поручают охранять

Как бы в рог его ни гнули

Распрямится снова он

Штык - дурак и дуры - пули,

Ежели солдат умен

"В штыки! К но-ги!

Равняйсь! Беги!

Ползком - в расположение!"

А я пою:

"Коли! Руби!"

Ту би ор нот ту би,

Но тяжело в учении

Легко в бою!

Если враг бежит и гремит салют

Зелена вина подтаскивай!

Я пред боем - тих, я в атаке - лют

Ну а после боя - ласковый

Vladimir Vysotsky's "Sad Soldier's Song" is a poignant reflection on the life of an ordinary soldier, full of contradictions and bitter irony.

The main meaning of the song is to show the contrast between the routine of army service and the harsh reality of war. On the one hand, the soldier is restricted by drill, orders, and endless exercises "on the bare parade ground." His everyday life is monotonous, and the service seems meaningless ("Unknown, not presented for an award").

However, behind this grayness lies a willingness to perform feats and self-sacrifice. The soldier knows that "it is easy in battle" only after "hard training." He is ready to face the enemy, defending his land and his loved ones ("If the enemy breaks through - women shed tears,/Drag the cannonballs to the cannons!").

The song vividly expresses the duality of the soldier's image. He is both "quiet" before the battle and "fierce" in the attack. He can be ironic ("The bayonet is a fool, and bullets are fools,/If the soldier is smart"), but at the same time brave and responsible, because it is he who is "entrusted with guarding" the most important objects.

Vysotsky uses contrasting images and metaphors to emphasize the complexity of a soldier's lot. On the one hand - "hurricane winds" and "rain", symbolizing the hardships of service. On the other hand – "green wine" after the battle, as a symbol of fleeting joy and reward for victory.

"Sad Soldier's Song" is not just a description of army life, but a deep philosophical view of life and death, duty and love, war and peace. It leaves behind a poignant feeling of sadness and at the same time pride for the simple Russian soldier, ready for anything for the sake of his Motherland.

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