The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A friend of mine has returned." (Vozvratilsya drug u menya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

He returned to me, my friend,

Unexpectedly so,-

Traded his granny for me instead,

Now, who'd have thought it'd be so!

My friend reappeared,

When no one was near,

I'd grown used to that, you see -

But for the first time, he

Understood instantly,

And responded to me.

Perhaps it's absurd, perhaps it's not, -

But one thing I know:

I should turn off this red-light spot...

Yet, I let it glow.

He turned out to be -

Like armor for me,

While around - I'd grown used to this -

There's no soul, not a bliss,

Write or search as you wish, -

But he responded to this.

Truth be told, this friend, if he's not near,

Is worth nothing, you see,

But he's been with me for many a year -

Since my early infancy.

He stands before me,

Like a leaf before a tree,

While around - I'd grown used to this -

No sacred soul, I confess,

Not even a trace of bliss, -

But he responded to this.

Возвратился друг у меня

Неожиданно, -

Бабу на меня променял -

Где же это видано!

Появился друг,

Когда нет вокруг

Никого, - с этим свыкнулся, -

Ну а он в первый раз

Враз все понял без фраз -

И откликнулся.

Может, это бред, может - нет, -

Только знаю я:

Погасить бы мне красный свет...

И все же зажигаю я.

Оказался он -

Как брони заслон,

А кругом - с этим свыкнулся -

Нет как нет ни души, -

Хоть пиши, хоть вороши, -

А он откликнулся.

Правда, этот друг если нет

Ну ни грамма вам,

А у меня уже много лет -

С детства самого.

Он передо мной -

Как лист перед травой,

А кругом - с этим свыкнулся -

Ни души святой

Даже нету той, -

А он откликнулся.

The song "My friend returned to me" by Vladimir Vysotsky is about the devotion and loyalty of a true friend who is always there, even when everyone else turns away. The lyrical hero of the song faces betrayal ("traded his girl for me"), loneliness ("When there's no one around"), but finds solace in the presence of a friend who understands him without words ("He understood everything at once without phrases - And responded").

The image of a friend in the song is metaphorical. He is not just a person, but a support and support in difficult times ("Like a shield of armor"), a source of light in the dark ("I would like to turn off the red light... And yet I turn it on"). A friend is always there, even when there is "not a soul" around, he is the one who responds to the call of the soul, to the inner need for understanding and support.

In the last verses of the song, the hero admits that this friend is something more than just a person. He is a part of himself, his soul ("The truth is, if this friend doesn't exist, it's not a gram to you, but I've had it for many years - Since childhood"). This image symbolizes inner strength, faith in oneself, which helps the hero not to break down under the burden of life's difficulties.

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