The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Summit" (Verschina) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Here's no plain, the climate's different here,

Avalanches descend one after another.

And here a rockfall follows a rockfall,

And you can turn, go around the cliff,

But we choose the hard way,

Dangerous as a wartime path.

Whoever hasn't been here, whoever hasn't taken a risk,

Hasn't tested themselves.

Even if they caught stars from the sky down below,

Down there you won't find, no matter how hard you try,

In your whole happy life,

A tenth of such beauty and wonder.

There are no scarlet roses and mourning ribbons,

And it doesn't look like a monument,

That stone that gave you peace.

Like an eternal flame, it sparkles by day,

The summit with emerald ice,

Which you never conquered.

And let them say, yes, let them say,

But no, no one dies in vain.

It's better than from vodka and from a cold.

Others will come, exchanging comfort

For risk and immeasurable labor,

They will pass the route you haven't passed.

Sheer walls, hey, don't yawn,

Don't rely on luck here.

In the mountains, neither stone, nor ice, nor rock is reliable.

We rely only on the strength of our hands,

On the hands of a friend and a hammered hook,

And we pray that the safety rope won't fail.

We carve steps, not a step back!

And our knees tremble from the strain,

And our hearts are ready to run out of our chests to the summit.

The whole world is in your palm! You are happy in it,

And only slightly envy those

Others, whose summit is still ahead.

Здесь вам не равнина, здесь климат иной

Идут лавины одна за одной

И здесь за камнепадом идет камнепад

И можно свернуть, обрыв обогнуть

Но мы выбираем трудный путь

Опасный как военная тропа

Кто здесь не бывал, кто не рисковал

Тот сам себя не испытал

Пусть даже внизу он звезды хватал с небес

Внизу не встретишь, как не тянись

За всю свою счастливую жизнь

Десятой доли таких красот и чудес

Нет алых роз и траурных лент

И не похож на монумент

Тот камень, что покой тебе подарил

Как вечным огнем, сверкает днем

Вершина изумрудным льдом

Которую ты так и не покорил

И пусть говорят, да, пусть говорят

Но нет, никто не гибнет зря

Так лучше - чем от водки и от простуд

Другие придут, сменив уют

На риск и непомерный труд,

Пройдут тобой не пройденный маршрут

Отвесные стены, а ну, не зевай

Ты здесь на везение не уповай

В горах ненадежны ни камень, ни лед, ни скала

Надеемся только на крепость рук

На руки друга и вбитый крюк

И молимся, чтобы страховка не подвела

Мы рубим ступени, ни шагу назад!

И от напряженья колени дрожат

И сердце готово к вершине бежать из груди

Весь мир на ладони! Ты счастлив в нем

И только немного завидуешь тем

Другим, у которых вершина еще впереди

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Summit" utilizes the metaphor of climbing a mountain to illustrate a life journey fraught with challenges, perils, and breathtaking beauty.

The first verse immediately immerses us in the harsh world of mountains, where the severe climate, avalanches, and rockfalls are commonplace. It's easy to surrender here, to bypass obstacles, but the lyrical hero chooses "the hard way", akin to a military trail. This speaks volumes about his determination, his thirst for challenges, and his unwillingness to take the easy route.

The second verse further develops the theme of choice and self-testing. He who hasn't risked, hasn't challenged himself, hasn't experienced the true taste of life, even if he achieved some success ("plucked stars from the sky"). True beauty and happiness lie beyond the comfort zone; they must be earned by overcoming difficulties.

The third verse dispels the romantic halo surrounding risk and danger. There's no place for pathos, heroic monuments, and mourning ribbons here. Death is a real danger, but it doesn't devalue a life lived in pursuit of a dream. The reward is the unconquered summit, shimmering with emerald ice.

The fourth verse sounds like an anthem to all who choose the hard way. Death on this path is not in vain; it inspires others to fight and seek. New people will come, ready to trade comfort for risk and toil, continuing the work of their predecessors.

The fifth verse is a reminder of the price one has to pay for the right to reach the summit. One cannot rely on chance here; one needs strength, endurance, reliable comrades, and special equipment. Every step is taken with tremendous effort, but the goal is near.

The finale is filled with triumph and pride. The world lies at the hero's feet, he is happy, but at the same time feels a slight envy for those who have yet to climb their own summit. This suggests that life is a constant movement, a search, a striving for new heights.

In its entirety, the song "The Summit" is a philosophical reflection on the meaning of life, on the idea that true happiness is impossible without struggle, risk, and overcoming oneself.

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