The meaning of the lyrics of the song "On Wednesday" (V sredu) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

So, the trembling in my hands is gone, now upwards.

So, fear has fallen into the abyss, forever, forever.

There is no reason to stop, I'm gliding on.

And there are no such peaks in the world that cannot be taken.

Among the untrodden paths, let one be mine.

Among the unconquered frontiers, one is behind me.

And the names of those who lie here are hidden by the snows.

Among the untrodden roads, one is mine.

Here the whole slope is covered with the blue glow of ice.

And the granite keeps the secret of someone's tracks.

And I look at my dream over the heads.

And I sacredly believe in the purity of snow and words.

And even though a lot of time will pass, I will not forget

How I was able to kill doubts in myself here.

That day the water whispered to me: good luck always.

And what day was that day?

Ah, yes, Wednesday.

Ну вот, исчезла дрожь в руках, теперь наверх.

Ну вот, сорвался в пропасть страх, навек, навек.

Для остановки нет причин, иду скользя.

И в мире нет таких вершин, что взять нельзя.

Среди нехоженых путей один пусть мой.

Среди невзятых рубежей один за мной.

А имена тех, кто здесь лег, снега таят.

Среди нехоженых дорог одна моя.

Здесь голубым сиянием льдов весь склон облит.

И тайну чьих-нибудь следов гранит хранит.

И я гляжу в свою мечту поверх голов.

И свято верю в чистоту снегов и слов.

И пусть пройдет немалый срок, мне не забыть

Как здесь сомнения я смог в себе убить.

В тот день шептала мне вода: удач всегда.

А день, какой был день тогда?

Ах, да, среда.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "On Wednesday", the protagonist, a climber, is facing a challenging stage of his ascent. The lines "The trembling in my hands is gone, now upward I climb. The fear has fallen into the abyss, for all time" convey the moment of overcoming fear and uncertainty. The hero is determined to reach the summit, he has found inner strength and confidence in his abilities.

The following lines "No reason to stop, I'm gliding along. There are no peaks in the world that cannot be conquered" emphasize the unwavering nature of his intention. He feels capable of achieving any goal; there are no obstacles for him. The image of "gliding" emphasizes the ease with which he moves towards his goal, despite the difficulties of the path.

Further, the hero emphasizes his exclusivity, his mission as a pioneer: "Among the untrodden paths, let mine be the one. Among the unconquered frontiers, let one be mine." He is aware of the danger and difficulty of the chosen path, he remembers those who could not reach the summit: "And the names of those who lie here, the snows conceal. Among the untrodden roads, mine is the one." However, this does not stop him, but only strengthens his desire to conquer the summit.

"Here the whole slope is bathed in the blue glow of ice. And the granite holds the secret of someone's tracks" - these lines create a majestic image of the mountain, preserving the memory of its conquerors.

The hero believes in his dream: "And I look at my dream over the heads of others. And I sacredly believe in the purity of snow and words." He rises above the ordinary, above doubts, above fear. In this ascent, he finds not only physical but also spiritual purification: "And let a considerable time pass, I will not forget How here I managed to kill the doubts within myself."

The final lines: "That day the water whispered to me: good luck always. And what day was it then? Ah, yes, Wednesday" - introduce a note of mysticism. Water, as a symbol of beginning, purity, and wisdom, predicts success for the hero. The choice of Wednesday is not accidental. Wednesday is the middle of the week, a turning point, symbolizing the overcoming of difficulties and the beginning of the path to victory.

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